In the past, the so-called “Defense Against the Dark Arts” can be directly linked to Dumbledore, because it is him who, at the last moment, defeated the Dark Lord Grindelwald’s ambitions by himself.

And now, when others mention the dark magic, more will immediately think of Marx. Two generations of Dark Lord fell almost simultaneously in the vestibule of Hogwarts Castle, which is a fact that surprised the entire World.

I have to say that it is enough to make Marx temporarily responsible for the additional issue of the Defense Against the Dark Arts practice exam, even if it is passed to Hogwarts.

Of course, no matter what kind of discussion will be caused in the future, everyone will still focus their attention on the stressful test.

Throughout the afternoon, Marx not only made a guest appearance of more than a dozen temporary examiners in the OWLs exam, but even after the NEWTs exam, he also had several chances to appear.

However, to be honest, Marx’s additional questions are indeed very difficult. He did not release water because he knew each other well. Until all the candidates completed the exam, there were only five students who received additional scores in him. Among them, Seventh Year students were only Cuffles, the only handsome guy of Hufflepuff house.

In Marx’s own words, “I’m not a ruler when I’m a temporary examiner. If I don’t add any difficulty, will the International Wizard Federation not directly withdraw my professor position?”

However, there are two graduates with additional questions, but it is worth to put it to the end. Because they not only unexpectedly proposed the combination challenge of doubling the difficulty, but they were almost passed by them.

That’s right, they are the famous rascals of Hogwarts, twin brother Fred De Weasley and George Weasley.

What they used in the exam was Marx’s simultaneous spelling skills taught in RA training.

Although they eventually missed the opportunity to score because they were too smug, Marx was secretly nodded for them afterwards. The effect of twin’s tacit understanding was really amazing, because they didn’t even make mistakes once. Over.

It’s a pity that if it didn’t pass, it didn’t pass, even if it’s only a little bit, it’s impossible to change its facts.

Since that day, without Marx’s accident as an examiner, the exam has been carried out again and again. On Friday, Luna and Hermione, who took the Study of Ancient Runes, took the exam together, and Harry and Ron, who didn’t choose this course, got a valuable day off.

Because there is still a whole weekend to review, so most of the non-referenced Fifth Year students put down textbooks and materials, lazy to spend the whole day.

Graduates naturally have no possibility of relaxation. Even if someone tells them that they should put down their pens and enjoy the breeze and sunshine, the combination of work and rest may be more conducive to the later exams, and they will not have that mood.

In the afternoon, when Harry and Ron were looking at the edge of Forbidden Forest by the window, you guessed that the animal was getting another animal from Hagrid, who was in the lower grades. Hermione came in through the portrait hole.

The two of them turned back and found that Hermione was in a good mood at this time!

“Is it an ‘O (excellent)’?” Ron asked as he stretched out.

“I don’t think it’s okay!” Hermione danced gracefully. “Like the morning written test, the title is incredibly simple. I was thinking… anyone who has listened to the class will definitely get a high score!”

“Oh, this sounds great…” Harry sighed. “If I knew it, I should also take the magic class, not the divine Divination! It doesn’t matter how the review is done, and the failure can only Look at luck!”

As Harry said, during the following weekend, he and Ron were both reviewing the contents of potion and A History of Magic, and the things of divination were not touched at all.

In fact, this is not because they do not want to test divination, but because even Hermione does not understand, just look at the tea slag at the bottom of the cup and the fog in the crystal ball is even the divination of the class content, what should be used in the end? The review is correct.

In short, in the less enjoyable textbook pile, this weekend is almost a blink of an eye.

On the second week of the week, the exam was conducted by potion.

Although this class has changed the professor, the two teachers have the level of potions grandmaster. Even if the teaching style is completely different, the teaching quality of the two can be said to be top-notch.

Snape is good at advanced teaching. Although there are always some questions in the classroom, both the theory of potion preparation and the preparation steps are clear and clear. Slughorn is good at guiding teaching, and the good classroom atmosphere and fine preparation demonstrations can make students Always maintain a high concentration of attention.

Therefore, in the face of moderately difficult exams, everyone’s play is not bad.

As for the Care of Magical Creatures coached by Hagrid, Marx helped him develop a teaching program that played a big role. Especially in the afternoon practice exams, most of them are popular magical creatures, and many of them are actually manipulated in class.

In addition, Hagrid’s experience in caring for animals is also very rich, and the knowledge he imparted to the students is not delayed, so that the candidates have successfully passed this day.

To say that the students are the most troublesome, it must be placed on the last day of the A History of Magic exam.

The boring classroom environment, coupled with more boring textbook knowledge, most students will fall asleep in class unconsciously – but Professor Binns never thought of waking everyone.

As a result, the students who must face the exams have suffered in the dark days of review. As for the final exam, how about… Hey, I don’t want to mention it.

On the evening of Thursday, when the moment when nearly two weeks of exams finally came to an end, the young wizards finally gathered on the grass outside the auditorium door and cheered.

Yes, maybe some of them will most likely cry after saying goodbye to each other. But at least, this exam, which is so nervous that it’s almost breathless, is finally over.

At that time, when the vestibule screamed, Marx, who was going upstairs to other grades, couldn’t help but stop and walked to the window and glanced down.

Obviously, even the most rigorous Professor McGonagall, today, it is rare for these graduates to indulge in a little bit, and they are not immediately taken back to the common room.

Marx leaned quietly on the window for a moment, then he turned back and waved gently.

“Give me a good seat, still in class!” After he called the students who were looking at the window and looked down to the seat, it was smiled clearly. “Do not worry! Today I will Go to class early, so that you have more time to accompany the Seniors…”

The voice did not fall, the classroom suddenly laughed, and the words of praise were endless. At almost the same time, the following cheers came to an abrupt end, and the vagueness changed to the harsh scream of Professor McGonagall.

“Stop me!” Marx quickly whispered. “If you were heard by Professor McGonagall, you are going to scrub the wall tiles in the bathroom!”


For graduates, the end of the exam means that their student days are coming to an end; for the Fifth Year students like Harry, this is just the beginning of another, more difficult learning life.

Oh fine! Well, they have a relaxing holiday that can be used to adjust themselves. Before the start of the NEWTs course, they can relax.

A few days later, on Thestral carriage to Hogsmeade station.

“…I will go find you to play. If you have something, you can write to me at any time,” Marx was talking to Harry. “Of course, if you are fine, you are welcome to send a letter!”

“You will always be at school? Are you planning to go anywhere?” Ron curiously said, “If I am as rich as you are, I will be a luxury global tour!”

“Oh, then you have to work hard to make money after you graduate,” Marx said with a smile. “Also… yes, at least for a while, I will stay in school for a while.”

Yes, he will not leave Hogwarts for the time being. Because in this summer’s Early Stage, he also needs to help Professor McGonagall do some interesting little work!

When the carriage slammed to the intersection in front of the station, Marx and Hagrid sent everyone to the train, waved with a smile, and watched the train smoke away with smoke. Both of them gave birth to a little bit of heart. Not quite the same feeling.

There have been too many things in this school year, both good and bad, but in any case, it finally left with the Hogwarts Express.

After that, is there only one piece of light left? Although there are all sorts of uncertainties around, Marx is naturally so hopeful.

“Hagrid, we should go back!”

Marx raised his hand and patted his arm, and suddenly found that he could only photograph Hagrid’s ass, and he has grown so high!

“Oh, yes—” Hagrid stuffed some of the wet handkerchiefs into his coat pocket and nodded. “Well, I should go to Three Broomsticks Inn for a while… Marx, are you going to be together? ?”

“Although I also want to go, I am sorry,” Marx said. “Professor McGonagall asked me to go through the school immediately after I finished sending the students. I think your words should be clear… there are several small jobs that make sense. !”

“Aha!” Hagrid was happy to say, “So, is this year you going?”

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