“Come here, please sit…the seats I have prepared are full! This is a very happy thing…”

When Harry, Hermione, and Ron appeared at the door, Slughorn suddenly smirked with a smile. He looked at the table and looked at the right side of the table. He seemed to think that he could gather such guests. It was really a bumper harvest.

Speaking of this, since Slughorn returned to Hogwarts, this kind of private gathering in the school has also become rich and colorful.

Yes, under the leadership of this bald old man, the students fell in love with this small gathering – even if they couldn’t get permission from Professor McGonagall to borrow the room, they could do it in the common room. There is nothing wrong with the small activities of your own house.

Of course, as the leader of the private party, Slughorn is definitely the one that is the most expensive.

Just today, even Marx didn’t expect that the old man actually invited Sarah Hornheim, the little girl, and had to say that his hands and feet were fast enough.


What Marx was trying to say, but it wasn’t the last time Hermione was the latest. The last one was actually Lavender Brown, who was entangled in the last semester and Ron.

“Oh… Dear Professor Slughorn,” Lavender whispered with her slightly pretentious tone. “I think I seem to be a little late – in order to express my apologies, please be sure to accept this bottle.” Ellis red wine ordered from Three Broomsticks Inn 。.”

“Miss Brown, you are too bothered…” Slughorn waved again and again. “You are not late, just not right? Come, please come in!”

As he spoke, he took over the bottle that Lavender handed him.

“This is really the red wine produced from the village of Ellis, although the price is not expensive, but for the really like the wine of the wizard, it is very collectible! Thank you very much, a moving heart! ”

At the same time, Slughorn waved wand and added a chair to the table. Although his movements seem very casual, everyone can immediately guess it – this Lavender is mostly unsolicited.

Even so, Slughorn, who likes to make friends and is very easy-going, naturally won’t leave the door to the future, and the other party is very “sensible” to bring a gift.

Instead, let the unexpected guest, Shun Shun, be mixed in.

“So, Professor Slughorn–” Marx didn’t care about these little things, and when Lavender and Slughorn were also seated, he sat with everyone on the round table with beautiful tablecloths, shrugged said with a slight smile, “as today The host of this party, are you ready for the next opening speech?”

During his speech, Lavender showed a smile on Hermione first, and then the eyes swept through Ron’s face intentionally or unintentionally.

Hermione and Lavender are also considered roommates for so many years. Seeing each other’s greetings, of course, they are not indifferent, although she does not really like this female child at all – the relationship between the little girls can be complicated too!

When I heard Marx quite a bit of a joke, the old man touched his round belly, and the smile on his face became more intense.

“Oh, got it! Today I am not a dance party or a dinner party, not a formal statement…” He said, “I can guarantee that this will be the purest dessert tasting! Let those sweets Before the rich flavor filled our belly, I would not let the nonsense take up most of the time -“

“Oh, this sounds great!”

Marx laughed at Hehe and, like Slughorn, used applause to express his approval of this good idea. There are a few people who can be there, I don’t know, every time I count this fat old man, I have the most nonsense.

However, most people will not refuse the dessert. Even Hermione, who didn’t want to come over, couldn’t help but look forward to it. I have to say that this old man may not be very reliable in other aspects, but I have always paid special attention to the details of eating and drinking.

“If you can like it, then I am even happier!”

Slughorn said, he really took out the wand and pulled a circle from left to right. Suddenly, a cup of black tea immediately appeared in front of everyone.

And then, when he finally pointed to the middle of the round table, a brightly colored cake appeared on the scene.

“Mr. Ladies and gentlemen, the first dessert tonight is this,” the old man put down the wand and clap his hands, posing with a satisfied expression. “I think probably I should know, the owner of Honeydukes, Ambrosius Froom. It was my former student, and at this dessert tasting session tonight, most of the desserts were new ideas that I asked for him! Really, I can’t find them anywhere!”

He first showed off his students as usual, which was introduced: “This, called ‘red velvet cake’, I listened to Ambrosius and told me that this cake seems to be very famous in muggle world… but I want to say The muggles will not have thought that this red velvet cake was originally popular only among the American Vampires!”

As Slughorn said, the wizard from the muggle is familiar with the cake. Of course, even Marx is not very clear about its origins. Hearing that Slughorn said it was from the Vampire community, he was a little bit stunned.

The white cream and the flaming embryo body contrasted sharply, which made people feel that even if they were told that it was dripping into the blood, they would not feel half-divided.

“Of course, Vampire’s desserts we wizard can’t eat!” Old man continued. “So, this time Ambrosius and I spent a lot of effort, replacing the real blood with bloody tentacles. Believe me, The taste is sour and sweet, once you eat it, it is absolutely unforgettable!”

“I think…” Marx laughed. “It will also make us more sensitive to all the good feelings, so you will choose to make it the first dessert tonight?”

“Oh, you said this little surprise that I hid!” Slughorn helpless Authentic, “Yes, it is true – the formula of love potion has bloody tentacles, about the characteristics of this material, Some of my NEWTs courses can be remembered!”

After that, he gave everyone a cake and tasted it.

I have to say that this red velvet cake with some new patterns is really delicious.

With a large amount of blood tentacles, Scarlet Red’s cake is placed in the mouth with a smooth cream, and the sweetness with a bit of sourness in the sweetness quickly becomes clearer. Adding the right temperature of black tea is so rushing, the fragrance is full of aftertaste.

But after all, everyone has eaten dinner, even if there seems to be a tempting saying that “the dessert is in the second stomach”, excessive eating is always bad. Therefore, everyone is only divided into a small piece.

However, this excellent taste has once again evoked the appetite of everyone, and soon everyone began to look forward to the second dessert tonight.

So after that, as Slughorn changed the desserts of various patterns again and again, and again and again, everyone in the room swept away, and the satisfaction of the people continued to rise.

After the past half of the party, at the suggestion of Lavender, the particularly happy Slughorn opened the bottle of red wine she had sent.

Of course, except for him, no one wants to share it with him. Because Ellis red wine is actually very famous – people who like it can talk about barrels to buy, but people who don’t like it, it is never a second drink after drinking a bite.

I don’t know this Lavender, I know Slughorn, the little-known little hobby.

This dessert tasting event lasted for a few minutes before the lights went out. In the second half of the time, everyone enjoyed the delicious food while chatting casually, but most of them were quite comfortable – at least the first few meetings held by the old man.

Well, except that Lavender turned to look at Ron a little bit more, everything is fine.

At the end of the day, Slughorn, who was drinking some red cheeks, stood up and laughed and announced that the dessert tasting would end. The big guys also left the seats one by one, and the students rushed back to their bedrooms to go to sleep.

“Fortunately, tomorrow is a day off, otherwise I am afraid I have to catch up with the homework and go to the early morning…” In the corridor at the door, Ron whispered as he walked.

“Yeah!” Harry couldn’t help but agree. “After Sixth Year, the difficulty of homework has become significantly more difficult and more time spent…”

Marx followed them and was laughed freely.

“Even if you take a break tomorrow, you’d better speed up some speed,” he reminded. “Tonight is Snape’s night, and he also knows that Slughorn wants to hold a private party – don’t need me to talk more? Hurry up. If you are caught by him, don’t blame me for not notifying you in advance!”

“Oh, Merlin’s stinky boots!”

After Ron’s whispered, the students who heard the words, no matter which house they were in, immediately ran away. Marx looked at them and everyone disappeared at the corner of the front, and could not help but shook his head slightly.

“I have a good night’s sleep today! I have to go to the greenhouse tomorrow morning to change the pots for those babies. I can’t always bother with Professor Sprout…”

When he thought about it, he quickly stepped up and walked to another corridor in a short time. Only this time, nobody noticed that there seems to be another person who has not left with everyone.

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