A colorful magic fire show, the brilliance flashed out, and the youthful energy and youth bloomed in the Gryffindor common room. And when the last bunch of glamours like a dragon rushes out of the door, many portraits, including those in the corridors on the eighth floor, are firmly engraved in that heart.

In fact, at the end of the last school year, many students were wondering why Fred and George, who were always on the go, were honestly going to the last moment after the exam.

Now they know that the pair of Weasley twin brothers who are the initiators, even if they have successfully graduated from Hogwarts, still can still leave their last glory and anger.

Of course, Fred and George have already graduated, and even if Dumbledore is resurrected, they will not be able to go there. However, the two naughty ghosts are not rectified, but there is Ron, the trouble opener?

Right now, Neville has returned to the bedroom, but he looks at the empty room, and his face is still a little confused.

In this bedroom, Ron, Harry, Dean, and Seamus were all caught up and questioned by the professor. The turmoil that was so complete and unprepared would probably bring them an impressive punishment.

Coincidentally, Neville Longbottom didn’t have anything at all. It was all because the portrait of the opposite lady was just a word for him. He didn’t even enter the door of the common room.

Neville, who has been mired in the accident tonight, stood in the bedroom where he was alone, scratching his head.

Fortunately, a sincere person like him who is relatively simple in thinking, will not think too much. Since you haven’t been taught by a professor, it’s a good thing, at least it’s free from punishment. As for Harry and Ron, they are…and he is not very worried. After all, Hogwarts now has no serious punishment.

However, a person is always a bit deserted in the bedroom. Normally, the Gryffindor’s bedroom is often very lively. Now, once it is quiet, even Neville, which has always been ignorant, is somewhat unsuitable.

After rushing through the parchment and pen and ink used to make the homework, he looked around the room for a week, but the ghosts let go of the bag and ran to open the window.

“Hey… I suddenly ran to open the window to do something?” Neville himself was a bit puzzled, but he seemed to think he should do this. “Well, forget it, take care of him!”

While feeling the breeze outside the window, he released the handle on the window, then ran back to pick up the bag, ready to go to the common room to complete the homework.

I don’t know how tonight, he feels that his state is abnormally good. Is it estimated that the homework can be completed smoothly?

But as he passed Ron’s bed and walked to the door, the corner of his eye caught the package on the desk. He remembers that Ron seems to have said that it is probably filled with sweets from Lavender. If anyone wants to eat it, he can take it himself.

Yes, Neville loves to eat sweet things from an early age. It’s just that the family conditions are not allowed, plus a very strict grandmother, he always has a mouthful but rarely eats enough.

“Well… if it’s something like candy…” He couldn’t help but look at the parcel and muttered to himself, “It looks like a lot… just one…no, two! just take two !”

In the bedroom, snacks are mostly shared by everyone, which is not surprising. Especially the small local tyrant Harry, although he is not too diligent to buy, but every year he will bring a lot of snacks to everyone to eat. Although Ron and Neville are not wealthy at home, they occasionally use their own copper Knut to contribute to this shared friendship.

After making up his mind to take only two, Neville turned around with his bag and walked over to the desk next to him.

I dropped the bag to my feet and then rang with a burst of hua la la, which suddenly revealed a heart-shaped chocolate tin box. The meaning of this red heart-shaped iron box is too obvious, even if it is relatively neat, Neville quickly understands the meaning.

“Is it chocolate?” he said. “Or… still not very good?”

Neville glanced at the parchment for the parcel. The name “Lavender Brown” was a bit confusing in the unlit bedroom, which was recognizable by the moonlight outside the window.

“No, it’s just chocolate…” He thought about it with a look of embarrassment, then shook his head. “Well, it’s all right, Harry seems to have fruit jelly.”

From the two chocolates to one, the awkwardness of Neville’s heart was reduced by half, and it was much more comfortable. He didn’t think much about it this time. He raised his hand and opened the lid of the box of chocolate, but at that moment, he felt inexplicably.

It was an uncomfortable uneasiness, as if something was wrong, and Neville immediately stopped the action at hand. In the next second, he turned around with full of doubts, so he habitually took a step…

No, in fact, he only took a half step, and he was stunned by the schoolbag he had left at his feet.

One cockroach, Neville swayed his hands in a row, trying to re-adjust the center of gravity. Then, he finally pulled out the foot that was blocked by the bag, and forced himself to stand still again. Then he suddenly found out that the heart-shaped chocolate tin box crossed a beautiful arc in midair and perfectly flew out the window.

Neville looked at the open window and looked down at his hands. It was a stupid moment. There is a major event that has aroused the professors tonight. At this time, he can’t go without that courage.


Let’s move the time a little, just as Neville just walked into the bedroom, Hagrid’s hunting wood house was happening… Well, it wasn’t too big.

“…Hagrid… Professor Hagrid, people brought it.”

It was Filch who spoke, and listening to his tone, apparently not very willing to call Hagrid “professor” until now. Because in his heart, a student like Hagrid who was expelled from that year should be as good as his squib janitor.

“Know it, you can go back.”

For Filch, the guy who always treats students rudely, Hagrid also sees that he is not pleasing to the eye. After swinging his hands at random, he picked up the lantern in his hand and took a photo behind Filch.

“I got the news from Professor McGonagall, but… just one?”

At the time of Hagrid’s questioning question, the light from the lanterns also extended to the point behind Filch, where only one person stood, the Ron of bad luck.

“Oh…yes,” Ron said helplessly. “Hagrid, good evening… As you can see, just one.”

“Harry, are they? Are they not punished?” Hagrid then asked.

“Harry them -“

Ron shrugged, who was trying to explain Hagrid in detail, was interrupted by Filch, who hadn’t left yet.

“Ron Weasley,” Filch said loudly with his hoarse voice. “Professor McGonagall asked me to bring you over, but it wasn’t for you to chat – you should accept punishment!”

“Filch!” Hagrid gave him a sigh of relief. “How to punish and when to punish is my business. You should go back to the castle!”

Filch hearing this, looked at the huge body of Hagrid back of a tiger and waist of a bear, and the arms and legs thicker than his waist, which twisted his mouth and muttered back. Soon, Ron’s voice rang from the back and seemed to explain Hagrid some of the things he experienced in the headmaster room.

“The devils who are never at all safe, and the stupid big ones who cover them!”

Filch whispered indignantly, and the swaying lanterns illuminate his shadow for a long time, swinging on the grass in the vestibule.

However, just as he plans to patrol the castle, try one’s luck to see if he can catch a few students who are lucky enough to slip out of the night. A black shadow suddenly falls from the sky and slams down. On the lawn under the Gryffindor Tower.

The tranquility of the night makes this landing sound very clear, even if Gryffindor Tower is still some distance away from Filch, it is still clear to him.

“What the hell?”

Filch first looked in the direction of the sound, waiting for the cat named “Mrs. Norris” to jump from his shoulder, and the man immediately ran over there.

The moonlight tonight was pretty bright, and Mrs. Norris gave him guidance, and soon he found something on the ground.

It seemed to be a tin box that had been dismantled, apparently falling off the tower, and the things inside were scattered all over the place. Filch picked up one of them and looked at it in the moonlight. He smelled it in front of his nose, and a faint aroma immediately got into his nostrils.

It was undoubtedly a fascinating scent that made Filch without the slightest hesitation chewed into the mouth, even without any hesitation.

“Hey…is it chocolate?” Filch chewed with his jagged yellow teeth, revealing a look of incomparable enjoyment. “Which little bastard threw it down? Hey… throwing things out the window… …tasty……”

So long after, a sly silhouette was picked up by the moon in the moonlight, and after they were all gathered into their pockets, they slowly patrolled the castle with the broken heart-shaped iron box. It is.

This evening, the mouth of the goalkeeper Filch was full of the richness of the chocolate.

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