The night is getting deeper.

The night of Hogwarts Castle is dim, and except for the light from the patrolling Filch’s lanterns, most of the rest are in the dark.

As it should be by rights, the underground Hufflepuff bedroom passage is also dark. Coupled with the intricacies of the head here, even the old students who have lived here for several years will not walk around unfamiliar routes after turning off the lights.

But at this moment, Ens is all the way to touch the black, involuntarily deep into it.

He didn’t know why he was doing this. He only knew that the wonderful feeling was still guiding him and asking him to follow the hunch step by step. He knows that if you follow this feeling, you will end up with some unexpected benefits.

It’s like I used to know that I shouldn’t keep up with Filch in the hallway outside the common room, but I ended up surprisingly getting a chance to bringing troubles to others.

“…said, just if you were looking for a scapegoat for Slytherin, it would be fine to wait for Filch to report things to the headmaster.” Enns walked and wondered. “Take him away with tapestry, at best. Can be regarded as a temporary escape, but once he finds himself cheated… Even if I can’t find my head for a while, tomorrow headmaster finds the house elf and can understand it…”

Yes, if no one mentions, house elf will not voluntarily report it. Since the place where Filch is being played is at the door of the Hufflepuff common room, if this matter is found up, it will naturally be checked from the most likely place, and it is a matter of time.

At that time, the time was urgent, and Ens certainly couldn’t think too much. The use of tapestry to lead Filch was already a blessing for Fuling. If the effect of the Fleming agent is exceptionally good, then the inspiration is to lead him to throw things into the head of Slytherin. His quick witted in an emergency is completely in vain.

Now, when Ens felt the strange premonition again at the door of the bedroom, he naturally chose to go with the slightest hesitation.

To be honest, just because this feeling is particularly strong, he has to take a good look at what is “lucky” waiting for him.

This underground passage is still so dim. The deeper you go, the more you look at Ens’s eyes, and even later you can say that you can’t reach your fingers.

However, the effectiveness of the Fuling agent is still maintaining his intuition, so that he did not miss it. Even though the heads and bends are hidden in the darkness, he will surely turn around at the corner, seemingly walking in these passages without rules.

“……is it here?”

Suddenly, he murmured and immediately stopped. And his right hand, almost at the same time to the side of the side to explore, grabbed a palm-sized, smooth and round hard object.

“click -“

This is the sound that is made when the bolt is twisted. It seems that the thing he is holding is a door handle.

Ens was nodded on his own, confirmed the guide in his heart, then turned around and steadily stepped out.


When his hand left the handle with a hint of coolness, the door leaf that he couldn’t even see clearly could be closed.


This is the spell that First Year will teach the students, and the second practical charm after the Levitation charm. In fact, even if you don’t eat chocolate, Enns can still use it smoothly, but at this time his tips filled with the rays of light is obviously much brighter than usual.

And just in the next second of the wand glow curse, a room with a lot of dust was immediately displayed in front of Ens.

It can be seen that this should have been a residential room for quite some ages, with beds, tables, chairs, lampstands and other daily necessities. Perhaps it is because there is no one to live for too long, it has already become an alternative storage room, and even the period of turning it into a storage room is afraid for some years.

Ens stood in the doorway with the wand, and looked up and down, and found that the debris piled up here was full of pots and pans, and some even had been scattered.

“This room is a short distance from the current bedroom area,” he thought casually. “It seems that at some point in the past, the number of students in Hufflepuff house may be much more than it is now… ”

Of course, it was only Ens, by the way, he quickly threw the idea aside and planned to go somewhere in the room according to his heart. However, this time he only took a step and suddenly stopped suddenly.

I saw that the wand in his hand hangs down, and the ray of light immediately reveals the ground near him, and a series of his own footprints are revealed.

“Who has been here?”

Because this room is full of dust accumulated over the years, if someone walks but does not clean up the footprints, it can be found at a glance. At the moment on the ground, there are a few fairly obvious footprints, which can be seen at a glance.

But to be honest, there are a few footprints here that are not a big deal. There is no prohibition for students to enter and exit here. He can come to Ens Taun, can someone else come?

It’s just that Enns obviously doesn’t think so.

But he saw him slammed down, stretched out his left index finger and gently wiped it on the footprint, then put it under the light and glanced a little.

As mentioned before, this is actually a very deep channel. It may have been used here a long time ago, but it has been in a semi-discarded state in recent years. If it weren’t for Hogwarts Castle that had a magic structure in its entirety, the light would be in disrepair, and the underground passage would have to collapse by more than half.

If there is no purpose, who will be okay to run here to sway?

“Whether it’s a good thing, I have to pay attention to it later… maybe someone else knows…” Ens thought carefully and secretly added a reminder to himself.

It is always good to be careful. He is such a person.

“However, as far as this ‘dust is also dusty’, the man has mostly left for a while. And it is very strange, from the door to the center of the room, and then back to the door from the middle, there are so many footprints. …what is the guy coming here?”

Because the role of Lucky Chocolate is time-limited, Ens just took a moment to consider it, and soon buried this concern in the bottom of my heart.

This night’s embarrassment, he came to benefit!

After that, Ens didn’t think much more, but went straight to the corner on the right side of the room.

Because there were a lot of messy debris in the middle, and he had to maintain the wand radiant spell to dispel the darkness, he had to push the ankles to sweep all the things together, but the original black and yellow hem. The robe is black and white, and it looks somewhat battered and exhausted.

However, after all this is worthwhile, when he collapsed a half-timbered wooden shelf, a cupboard that was also damaged a lot was revealed.

Just like the crunchy wood products, this cupboard is directly built on the wall with stone bricks. The door is broken, but it can be formed. On the polished stone brick board, a silver dish that is faintly visible in the fine lines is still placed on top of it.

However, the objects that used to hold food are now only full of dust… If the craftsmen who made them were still alive, I am afraid I can cry to you on the spot.

However, Enns is of course not interested in feeling this, he only cares if he can get something of value. Just glanced at him, he straightened his hand to one of the silver plates and pinched the edge of the bottom plate.

Sure enough, he just dialed it and knew that the silver plate was fixed on it. Then, he squeezed the edge and forced it. With the “ka-cha” mechanism drive, the cupboard that seemed to be directly built on the wall opened like a door.

“Sure enough, it’s the castle of the wizard. It’s like the ones in the storybooks. There are secret passages hidden in such a hidden secret…”

Ens is certainly amazed, but he doesn’t know that it is a real new thing to find such a “muggle-style” mechanism in Hogwarts Castle.

In general, if the wizard builds the Chamber of Secrets, it usually uses a variety of magic. The more powerful the wizard, the more complex and sophisticated spells will be used to hide the secretly thoughts, and which ones can be designed with this muggle pure physical structure?

It is precisely the way that most of the wizards wouldn’t think of it, but sometimes they can fool the outstanding teachers and students in Hogwarts, right?

Of course, the current Enns is just a young wizard that only touches the magic circle. Even if the mind is deep and flexible, the visible knowledge is limited. Perhaps one day in the future, he will make another very different sigh for this strange design, but at this time there will be no such idea.

So, he was only with a full of curiosity and anticipation, while holding the wand and taking a step, went in to the exposed dark passage.

This is a secret passage that slopes down, the slope is not steep but it is very long, and it seems to be a spiral down channel. On the outer stone wall of the spiral channel, a handrail groove was also ingeniously cut out, but now the inside is filled with dust and stains, and the support is helpless.

However, because of the excitement in his heart, Enns did not feel tired, and walked down quite briskly.

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