Just like the Gryffindors who always like to make friends by feeling, in Slytherin house, students are more concerned with their own interests.


Hey, you know, even the young lions will quarrel with the Cold War from time to time. Then, in the end, how the savvy little snakes get along with each other is simply self-evident.

Right now, in the common room of the Snake House with the “Slytherin Dungeon”, the atmosphere has tightened to the point where the ear screams “the hum of the rope as it is about to be torn off.”

In fact, what caused this tension was undoubtedly Malfoy who was standing sneering at the door. And not far from him, an embarrassed student is struggling desperately, trying to get out of the two students holding his upper body, and then…

Look at his blue-and-white violent appearance, fearing that he would like to give a punch directly to Malfoy’s face.

“Calm, calm down… Urquh…”

Obviously, in this common room of the Slytherin house, tonight is such a rude and “rude” scene that is so rare that the boy named Urquh is obviously already exploding.

It should be said that in the past, these Slytherins mostly adhered to their hypocrisy and the principle of restraint. Even if they often complained about an object, they always kept the annoyance in their hearts.

Because they basically have their own pride, for which they also attach great importance to the so-called “face problem.” Even if you want to vent your dissatisfaction, you will never like to put things on the surface like Gryffindor.

In other words, as long as things are placed in the dark… then the way to vent is much more.

But at this moment tonight, the usual fake greeted that only floats on the surface seems to have been broken by something.

“Don’t be like this, Urquh… Isn’t it a Parkinson?”

The two students who held Urquh kept whispering in his ear and tried to calm him down. After mentioning the surname “Parkinson”, the strength of Urquhart seems to be greater – this is undoubtedly counterproductive.

However, Malfoy, who stood in front of Urquhart, still kept the sneer on his face, and his eyes were unscrupulously revealing a strong contempt.

“As a glory of Slytherin, I made this kind of action that only the stupid and savage Gryffindor would do.” He sneered, “Ukter… I want to see, you still go. Ask Professor McGonagall to apply for transfer, I think you will definitely become a special ‘excellent’ Gryffindor!”

In Slytherin house, the word “Gryffindor” is used to swear, and Malfoy’s words are accompanied by a strong irony.

“Shut up!” Opett, who was opposite him, snorted with his hoarse voice. “Malfoy! I want you to apologize immediately to Miss Parkinson! Like the kind of rude treatment of the lady just now, it is really for Slytherin. Not toothy!”

But Malfoy just sneered at it.

“Rough treatment?”

After repeating the word, he turned his head and looked towards the left side. There, a girl was sitting on the floor and her lips became a pale line.

“Pansy, you talk… I have ‘roughly treated’ you?”

Malfoy’s words were exported, but Urquette suddenly calmed down. He no longer tried to break free from the student’s block, but instead cast his gaze on the female child on the floor.

It’s just different from Malfoy’s eyes. At this time, Urquhart’s eyes are filled with some complicated emotions. There was some love and some expectations… He was waiting, waiting for the other person to accuse Malfoy.

Yes, Urquhart likes Pansy, but he doesn’t expect the other person to like him now. He just hopes that at this time, Pansy can stand on the same line as his Urquhart, even for her own sake.

Unfortunately, in some cases, reality always goes in the opposite direction to people’s expectations.

“No… Draco just touched my arm, I didn’t stand up and fell…”

Even when he was talking at this time, Pansy’s lips still had the white marks that had just been picked up. And the words that flowed out of her mouth were almost as pale as her lips.

“have you understood?”

Malfoy’s mouth evoked a cold smile, and he took a step forward and put his handsome but sullen face in front of Urquhart. There was almost one finger left between them. distance.

“If you want to play the game played by the hero, go to the Gryffindor Tower. Don’t be a shame in the Slytherin dungeon!”

The voice did not fall, Urquh’s face burst out with a lot more anger than just now, and the two students who had been holding him to avoid the troubles didn’t react, and suddenly he broke free of a right arm. .

The next moment, Urquhart’s fist full of anger riveted his strength and slammed out, falling into Malfoy’s white cheeks in the eyes of all the students present.

But at that moment, everyone only felt that a flower in front of him, Malfoy’s right palm appeared on the wrist of Urquh like a teleport, firmly holding the other’s arm.

Urquhart’s fist stopped at Malfoy’s face, and it seemed that only a trace of it could touch the skin on his face, but he could no longer move 1 point forward.

No matter how hard he tried, Malfoy’s hand clasped his right wrist like a hoop, but he couldn’t see any expression on Malfoy’s face.

“What are you doing…”

How can Malfoy answer the question of Urquhart? I saw that he gripped Urquh’s wrist and slammed it, and the latter was brought to the floor without any resistance. The hard stone floor smashed his elbow, filled with silk. Blood stains.

“As a noble wizard, I only use my fists… You are such a brutal act, is it just insulting Slytherin house? I want to say that you are not qualified to study at Hogwarts!”

Malfoy said this as if he had a voice, even though there were always some students who were dissatisfied with his behavior in the Slytherin common room, he had to admit that at least he said it was justified.

But they don’t even know that now in this Hogwarts, if they are most eager to one day be able to use their fists to swear, they will count the seemingly “noble” Draco Malfoy.

“Ma – Er – Fu!”

Urquette, who fell to the ground, rubbed his right wrist with his left hand. He looked to towards Malfoy’s eyes as if burning raging anger, and even the rest of the people could clearly feel it.

But Malfoy is still just like the beginning, his face is just a sneer.

“Ukter, you have to know that you are lucky -” He spread his hand slightly. “You have offended me for some ridiculous reason, but I can forgive you generously.” Don’t think that if I stay at the level, you can stand in front of me baring fangs and brandishing claws…you can’t be enough!”

Just then, Malfoy suddenly set his eyes and glanced through the entire common room with a cold, strong look. When the inexplicable tension was spread again, and when the little snakes were a little breathless, he spoke again…

“This is the end of the matter today. I don’t want it to be spread to other houses. Do you understand?”

When he finished, he lifted his leg and walked to the passage leading to the dormitory. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared at the door. Until his footsteps faded, the students in the common room were involuntarily relaxed.

“Just… what the hell is it… Malfoy used to be terrifying?”

A Slytherin graduate who had already reached Seventh Year this year asked dryly, but when he heard out, he was shocked. His voice was hoarse because of thirst, which made him unable to work hard. I swallowed.

“He didn’t look quite right before he was absent from school last time… oh… who knows?”

“I heard that the black devil… cough, you know, that person… that person seems to have lived in Malfoy for many days…”

For a time, the discussion in the Slytherin common room was one after another, but no one dared to speak too loudly. It’s like… It’s like I’m afraid that Malfoy, who just left, will suddenly appear again.

To say Voldemort’s incident, the most affected are undoubtedly the students of Slytherin house, because many of them have direct or indirect relationship with Death Eater.

Due to several strong victories from Marx and Dumbledore, the snakes became the most feel alarmed students in Hogwarts during the period when the battle between the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eater reached its peak.

Now, they have managed to settle down, and it is particularly sensitive to Malfoy’s anomaly.

When the surrounding students were whispering, Pansy Parkinson, who had fallen to the ground, had regained his seat. After all, the cause of this incident is that she wants to approach Malfoy who just returned, and then she is pushed impatiently by that’s all.

However, just falling down a bit, but it will lead to such a farce, even Pansy did not think of it.

What didn’t even make her think was that Malfoy would actually…

Pansy stood in the ground, her ears full of the voices of the students, but she didn’t even hear anything, and still groaned there.

At this moment, Urquht, who stood up for her, looked up at her on the side of the ground, and the fingerprint on her right wrist was clearly identifiable, but she did not even look at it.

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