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Indeed, there are living objects, especially magical creatures such as basilisks, who can judge for themselves who their “master” is, and this snake language reproduction and spell are completely different.

But Zheng Fan still planned to do this.

Since the snake will obey the person who uses the snake language, then the basilisk can too, even if he has determined that the owner is Tom, Zheng Fan also plans to try.


Suddenly, in Zheng Fan’s mind, a very strange voice came.

It was a very majestic male voice, accompanied by a “hissing” snake language sound.

This is……


When he heard the language of the basilisk before, Zheng Fan did not have any concept of the “human language” of the basilisk, but naturally translated it into a language that he could understand.

But this time is different.

The basilisk’s voice seemed to have directly entered Zheng Fan’s mind, so that Zheng Fan had to hear its words, its words as if it was talking to itself.


“If you can avoid being killed by me—”

“Then it seems like a good thing to follow your command this time.”

The basilisk’s voice made Zheng Fanlang pause.


Zheng Fan wanted to use snake language to go back to the past, but was stopped by the basilisk’s words.

“Shut up.”

“I’m coming out now, get ready.”

Being yelled at by the basilisk “shut up” made Zheng Fan a little unhappy, but he really didn’t think about it just now.

After all, judging from Tom’s expression, these words can only be heard by himself.

And if he asked directly, Tom would definitely notice that something was wrong, this telepathic ability, Zheng Fan forgot to use it for a while…

However, if you use it, you need props and spells, he is always a human being, and he cannot be compared with magical creatures, so the basilisk stopped him just now.

“Hmph, you wait.”

Tom looked at Zheng Fan with a smile.

Zheng Fan could already hear the friction sound of the basilisk as it moved inside the statue.

Speaking too late, Zheng Fan directly took a sip, poured the blind potion into his mouth, and then immediately felt nothing, he could feel that his world was dark.

“What did you eat!”

Tom didn’t know what Zheng Fan had done, and he looked nervous.

“Spatial awareness!”

Zheng Fan used the magic he originally planned to use, and immediately Zheng Fan could feel that he had a more detached feeling about the surrounding situation.

No…… Not only that.

As if to confirm the magic of “spatial perception”, Zheng Fan can also detect the empty vibrations around him.

After a while, a blood-red picture appeared in his mind.

He was still in this secret room, and in front of him appeared a huge snake, and the snake’s eyes were yellow as Myrtle said.


Since he could take a closer look, Zheng Fan couldn’t help but look into the eyes of the basilisk.

Then I couldn’t help but be emotional.

The eyes and appearance of cold-blooded animals basically have a certain pattern, even the eyes of snakes are no different from lizards and the like.

Zheng Fan is not unseen.


This time was different, after Zheng Fan saw the eyes of the basilisk, Zheng Fan only had one feeling.

“It’s really… It’s so beautiful…”

Zheng Fan looked up at the basilisk as if he was really looking at it with his own eyes.

Hearing Zheng Fan say this, not to mention Tom, the basilisk himself trembled, as if he knew what Zheng Fan was saying.

“What? Why are you all right?! ”

Tom looked at Zheng Fan who was not injured because of the basilisk’s eyes, or even without any obstacles, but was a little surprised.


The basilisk recovered from his shock and looked at Tom. Just like the words he said in Zheng Fan’s mind before, he would stand on Zheng Fan’s side and protect Zheng Fan.

“What did you do to him? He should only listen to me! ”

Seeing the basilisk like this, Tom suddenly became anxious.

“Nothing, just did something that was taken for granted.”

Zheng Fan followed the basilisk and turned in the direction where Tom was.

This way of seeing the world from the touch of his whole body and the perception of space, Zheng Fan is still a little unaccustomed. But he didn’t show it. After all, if the other party finds out, it will be bad.

After all, who knows if the basilisk is talking about solving this matter by itself, or if it is simply able to do it.

At this time, one more enemy is not as good as one less enemy, as long as you can make the basilisk on your side, it is better for Zheng Fan not to take risks.

“Nothing has been done, my respected sir.”

I don’t know if it’s because the basilisk was based on Tom’s words before, so he instinctively used honorifics for Tom’s basilisk.

“I just hope you know, sir, that feng shui turns this phrase. It is clear that in front of this man, I am willing to choose this man. ”

Although Zheng Fan is not yet an adult, most people treat him as a child.

But the fact that the basilisk said that he was a man made Zheng Fan very happy. At least one person… Oh, it’s not a snake that can admit its maturity and treat itself as a normal adult.

“Magical creatures, especially highly intelligent ones, choose their masters, Tom.”

Zheng Fan looked at Tom and laughed.

“Now the owner of this basilisk is me, I didn’t expect it. I don’t know how you managed to see that the basilisk’s eyes didn’t petrify or die, but it didn’t seem to make sense anymore. ”

Zheng Fan looked at Tom, Tom frowned, he really did not think of this possibility.

The things that appeared on Zheng Fan’s body really surprised him. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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