Hearing Professor Lupin say this, Professor Snape’s entire face could only be described as “ugly”.

But just saying this, Lupin knew that he could not solve the crisis of the two students in front of him, of course, Zheng Fan did not need him to solve the crisis, which is another matter.

Zheng Fan looked at Professor Lupin and greeted him with a smile.

“Professor, are you patrolling today?”

“I just heard a noise here so I came over and took a look.”

Professor Lupin said with a sigh.

Then he looked at Snape, who gave them a roll of his eyes, and then looked at Zheng Fan, as if he wanted to call Zheng Fan to his office.

“Although it is just an ordinary map, maybe they will have some mechanism in it in order to play a prank, after all, you know, this is my specialty.”

Professor Lupin said, grabbing Zheng Fan and winking at Ron.

Zheng Fan’s personality, Professor Lupin knows, this little setback will not affect him at all, but Ron is different.

On the surface, Professor Lupin is doing Zheng Fan a favor, but in fact the person he helps is Ron.

Seeing Professor Lupin call him that, Ron almost didn’t cry and quickly followed Professor Lupin.

Compared to Professor Snape, Professor Lupin in Defense Against the Dark Arts class was supposed to be the kind that knew a lot of dark magic, giving people fear.

But any student was telling each other that if they really had to choose, they would choose Professor Lupin instead of Snape.

After all, Snape gave the students the impression that it was like the Dark Arts itself.

“Professor, what’s wrong with your face?”

Zheng Fan looked at Lupin and asked.

Originally, it was not very obvious, but when learning the Patronus Spell before, Zheng Fan noticed that there were three obvious scars on Lupin’s face.

But now I don’t know if it’s because it’s too close to him, and these three scars are extra obvious.

“This one… You don’t have to care. ”

Professor Lupin said with a smile and then took the two of them into his office.

“How? Try-out, at night? ”

Professor Lupin asked.

“Yes, just look at the coward Ron…”

“Maybe Ron is a coward, but you didn’t come out to test the guts or something, I noticed that the paper you gave to Professor Snape was not the paper you put in in the first place.”

Mom, this person might be scarier than Dumbledore.

Zheng Fan looked at Professor Lupin, he thought that although Professor Lupin was a great wizard, he would never come to this point.

“Maybe so, but is it really okay to show this scar on your face?” I saw similar paw prints inside the screaming shack, and it felt terrifying. ”

Hearing Zheng Fan talk about the screaming shack, Lupin’s expression changed instantly.

He glanced at Ron, sent Ron back, and then looked like Zheng Fan was the initiator who wanted to educate well, and left Zheng Fan behind.

Ron saw that he was sent back, of course, and hurriedly left the place.

Although he cares about things like the screaming shack, Ron doesn’t have any good memories of the screaming shack, not to mention, Ron hasn’t gotten to this point yet.

After Ron left, Professor Lupin looked at Zheng Fan with an incredulous look.

“You went to the screaming shack?”

When Professor Lupin asked, Zheng Fan laughed instead.

“Of course it’s in, but the door of the screaming shed is a decoration, the only thing that is not a decoration is the window, although some kind of protective magic is added, but it can still be opened with a little time.”

Hearing Zheng Fan say that he had opened the window of the screaming shack, Professor Lupin immediately showed a surprised look.

That was Dumbledore’s magic.

Although it is said to be magic decades ago, compared to the third-grade student in front of him now, it should theoretically be more powerful than any third-year student.

It is impossible to unravel it so easily.

“It seems that your potential is quite good…”

“Speaking of which, Professor you’re a werewolf, right?”

Zheng Fan looked at Lupin and directly gave this conclusion out.

“The scars on your face are like werewolf paw prints, and whether it’s helping you with a class or the content of the conversation just now, I always feel like Professor Snape is hinting at something.”

“So I guessed, could you be a werewolf?”

When Zheng Fan said this, Professor Lupin laughed instead.

“How come, if I were a werewolf…”

“Parents of students will not allow their students to come to Holewards because their teachers are werewolves.”

Zheng Fan said.

“But that explains why your office is so far from where we met Professor Snape, and you can still hear the movement here.”

“The werewolf itself changes all of a person, so even if he does not change into the form of a werewolf, it is normal for that person to get some physical strength, right?”

Hearing Zheng Fan say this, Professor Lupin was instantly speechless.

Being able to get the truth simply from the bits and pieces of life, this boy may be the smartest one in the whole academy.

Of course, he would not have thought that Zheng Fan had spoilers.

“But don’t worry, Professor, I won’t tell anyone else, because if you don’t come to our Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson, the other professors might not be as interesting as you, right?”

Zheng Fan said with a smile.

“Moreover, professor, I don’t really believe in one or two promises, I know your secret, you can help me keep my secret, I just have something I want to tell you.”

Zheng Fan looked at Professor Lupin, and a smile appeared on his face.

Professor Lupin frowned and looked at Zheng Fan, not expecting that a boy with such a sweet-looking smile would actually think about such a realistic thing.

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