Hearing Zheng Fan say this, Ron was stunned.

He looked at Hermione.

It’s no secret that Ron’s rat has been with himself for twelve years.

To be precise, it is quite possible that the entire population of Holewards knew about this.

After all, a child like Ron always likes to show off something, such as beautiful clothes, such as this little mouse who has been with him for a long time.

Twelve years.

Everyone present knew that Ron’s rat had been with him for twelve years, but when Zheng Fan said it so seriously, the others noticed what an incredible time twelve years was.

“So what!”

For Zheng Fan’s words, Ron still wanted to argue, but others already knew what Zheng Fan meant.

Twelve years, for a mouse, has exceeded the limit of what they can survive for a long time.

Not to mention that their lifespan was only two or three years, even if the domestic rats reached five or six years, it was a miracle. The lifespan of the spotted spot is already somewhat amazing.

No…… It’s not as simple as surprise, it’s just abnormal.

“Twelve years of rats, are you really raising them, and you are not afraid of becoming refined?”

Zheng Fan smiled and squatted down to look at Ron and said.

Of course, Ron’s confused eyes told Zheng Fan that there is no such thing as “becoming refined” in the UK, and this time is too Chinese.

“And your rat, one less finger isn’t it?”

Zheng Fan said to Ron with a smile.

One less finger, that’s a big deal!

Ron was a close friend of Harry Potter, and of course he knew that Pete Pettigrew was left with only one finger left when he was thought to be “dead”.

It’s likely to be this finger – provided of course that Scabber is Pete Pettigrew.

Sirius Black is Animast, and maybe Peter Pettigrew is too.

After all, people with the same talent are more likely to be friends.

Ron looked at the spot in his arms in a bit of panic.

That is, because of Ron’s panic, the spots in his arms took this opportunity to directly rush out of Ron’s hand.

At this time, Pete Pettigrew should also know that even if he relies on his “master”, there is no way to ensure his safety.

After deeply knowing this, Pete Pettigrew tried to escape from his “master”.

Of course, he also escaped, after all, his owner is Ron, a child whose pet has no way to catch if he escapes with all his might.

In the moment when Scabber escaped from Ron’s hands.

Zheng Fan waved his wand and nodded at the spot.

Ban Ban was immediately caught by Zheng Fan’s magic, hanging in mid-air and waving his little claws, as if he wanted to escape.

But its plan didn’t work.

There was no way to escape from Zheng Fan, and he could only use his little paws to struggle needlessly in the air.

The only result of this struggle was that Professor Lupin waved his freshly picked up wand at the little thing.

Because the original book has never said what kind of magic they use.

Zheng Fan was also not very clear whether the magic of the original manifestation would work for Babble.

After all, this magic is generally used for inanimate objects.

So Zheng Fan gave this opportunity to Lupin and Sirius again.

The way Sirius waved his wand in his hand was as funny as a mad hatter casually waving a symphony baton.

But it is this kind of funny that makes Sirius’s personality show, but it makes Zheng Fan like it very much.

After that, Scabber is struck by Sirius and Lupin’s magic, and slowly changes from the appearance of a mouse back to his appearance as Pete Pettigrew.

And Zheng Fan’s magic still suspended this little fat man in the air.

Pete Pettigrew, who did not react at all, turned his eyes and looked around at this time.

In the movie, Zheng Fan still remembers that in order to highlight the setting of Pete Pettigrew transformed into a mouse, the actor he found was also a bit mouse-headed.

Not to mention his teeth, which are especially like the incisors of mice.

But now after really seeing Pete Pettigrew, Zheng Fan found that this is not the case.

Indeed, Pete Pettigrew is a very short fat man, only as tall as Zheng Fan’s chin, and if it is in front of Lupin, it is only to Lupin’s chest.

But he is not the kind of rat-headed rat-brain feeling, although he looks like a thief, but his appearance is not as exaggerated as described in the original work.

On the contrary, it is very ordinary.

I feel that this person, if it is not because he is very fat, will definitely be buried in the crowd as normal.

Zheng Fan looked at this little Peter Pettigrew and asked seriously.

“You’re Pete Pettigrew?”

Although it turns out that this guy is Pete Pettigrew, the person who really caused the death of Harry Potter’s parents, the one who has always pretended to be Ron’s mouse.

That is, the object of Harry Potter’s real resentment.

But Pete Pettigrew did not answer Zheng Fan’s question, but struggled to escape from Zheng Fan’s simple magic control.

After all, Pete Pettigrew is Animagus, and he has a different talent from ordinary people, and there is nothing special about escaping from simple levitation magic.

Pete Pettigrew ignored Zheng Fan and pounced towards Harry Potter.

It seems that in this nearby lineup, Pete Pettigrew was the first to find the person who was the easiest to forgive himself.

“I really want to see you!”

Pete Pettigrew grabbed Harry Potter and said with an excited face.

“You look like your father is almost carved out of a mold, it’s so similar, I’m your father’s friend, best friend you know?”

Looking at Little Star Pete’s excited look, Zheng Fan stretched out his hand to him.

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