Have You Written Your Will Today?

Chapter 550: stand in court

   Soon, a huge group of people followed behind them. Go in the direction of Yamen. From time to time, Xue Wang cried sadly and complained a few times.

  She didn't like Xue Miaoyan in the first place.

  At the beginning, before seeing her nephew, Xue Miaoyan coaxed her into ecstasy, but Xue Miaoyan turned around and became someone's concubine.

   Only Xue Dan has a big heart, always thinking that this distant junior is so innocent.

   She made a joke at her natal family, and was excluded by her sister-in-law many times.

— "How can you be an aunt like you? You say you look up to a girl from a good family. How can a girl from a decent family follow her without a name? If she was really coerced, she would have died with a white silk. It’s good to be clean before death.”

  —"In my opinion, she's just a slut, she just hopes to climb high, maybe she can coax a man well, make her ex-wife die, and she can be a second wife. Hey, it's really beautiful."

  Thinking of the young boy from the Shen family coming to the door to take away the silk that she was reluctant to use at the bottom of the box and was going to keep it for her daughter as a dowry, she became furious.

   It was all caused by Xue Miaoyan!

   You must know that every gift from the Shen family is a rare treasure, but now it is good, all of them have been returned, not to mention, the man is no longer the master of the academy.

  The livelihood of the family is cut off!

  The more she hated, the harder she cried.

   Xue Dan's mood will only be heavier than hers. He raised the hammer and hit it hard.

   Again and again.

  'Boom! '

  'Boom, boom! "

  People were arrested and quickly taken to court.

  Three shifts of yamen servants stand on hatchback. County Magistrate Liu sat on the high hall, with a door plaque with four characters of "Mirror Hanging High" hanging above his head. In the light, it shines brightly.

  The three-foot koan is separated by the four treasures of the study, a gavel, and a red and green signature. The red sign is a punishment sign, and it is an order to execute the sentence. The green-headed lottery is the arresting lottery, which is ordered to arrest people.


  Onlookers crowd to watch. After hearing this sentence, everyone fell silent.

  The Xue family and his wife knelt down.

   County magistrate Liu asked as always: "Who is in the hall and why is this magistrate sued?"

   "My lord, I am Xue Dan, and beside me is my wife, Xue Wang."

   "I have been wronged!"

   "The Xue family has a daughter named Xue Miaoyan. It is my distant cousin who was bullied and forced to take over by Shen Wei from the Shen Family Embroidery Workshop."

   "I haven't heard any news for a long time now, I'm afraid life and death are unknown."

  This sentence shocked everyone.

   No wonder! Xue Wangshi cried like this, but she didn't think it was such an inside story.


   Not right.

  Shen Wei is a model of Fengzhou city husband.

  He has been with his wife for ten years, and not long ago he went to the shop to buy rouge for his wife.

   "Don't slander Master Shen, after all, the Shen family has a big business, if you can make a fortune,..."

   "This is the master of the academy, Mr. Juren! It also involves a murder case, so it can be seen that I came here only to report."

   County magistrate Liu squinted his eyes. He took the papers presented, and soon, the people involved in the matter were passed on one by one.

  First of all, Xue's parents.

   Xue's parents were timid and fearful, and they were trembling all over. But no matter what.

   "How can there be such a thing, we Miao Yan are doing well, we married far away a few years ago, and she is a distant cousin, don't hurt her."

When Xue Wang heard this, he immediately scolded: "Hey, you are also worthy of being parents? Why do you marry far away? At any rate, I also have some snacks. Just go to the neighborhood and ask if there is any wedding in your family. Broken. You dare to lie in front of the county lord, who gave you the courage?"

   Xue's parents were visibly panicked.

   "This... the family is poor, and there is no banquet when they get married. Few people know about it."

   "Really, then we don't believe who she married and where she lives. Please ask your lord to invite someone here. Only when you see him can the women feel at ease."

   Xue's parents were visibly panicked.

  Farewell to County Magistrate Liu sitting there sternly, hesitating and speechless.

   "As far as I'm concerned, you are the same as Shen Wei, who killed your own daughter. Now, with the money, you bought a house, and you have servants to serve you, so you can become a rich man. It seems that you can sit back and relax?"

   "I'm not afraid that Xue Miaoyan's underworld will catch up and claim his life!"

   As she spoke, she rolled her eyes and slapped her thigh.

   "My poor Miao Yan, your life is miserable."

   County magistrate Liu asked coldly: "Aren't you telling the truth?"

  Mother Xue was so frightened that she fell to the ground, Liushenwuzhu only remembered to pluck herself clean, and forgot how much she supported Xue Miaoyan to be a child for others.

   "My lord, it's Miao Yan who has a stubborn temper. She is not forced by our husband and wife to be a concubine. There is really no way to stop her."

  She claims to be smart, and she doesn't even mention taking money.

   "She is so frivolous, we can't discipline her. So she has no right to have this daughter. These years, we haven't been in contact with each other."

  True and false are half mixed.

   No more contact, not broken relationship, it is clear that the Shen family did not let Xue Miaoyan show his face outside.

  Magistrate Liu slapped the table heavily. He took the evidence handed over by Xue Dan along with the pleadings and threw it over.

   "In the courtroom, how can you allow nonsense like a foolish woman!"

   "Every six months, your Xue family receives a large amount of banknotes, is it or not?"

  The property deed and land deed under the name can be known at a glance.

  If all the bank notes are kept at home, they will not stand up to searches.

   Even if it is placed in a bank, the yamen is also qualified to inspect it.

  The second room of the Shen family came here at this time.

  Shen Zhu's legs went limp, and he was almost paralyzed. Being held back by Shen Hewen, this is the only way to avoid losing your composure.

   She remembered what Shen Hewen said.

  —Ma'am, between you and me, one is prosperous and the other is damaged. You should be clear about what to say later.

  But yesterday she received a letter.

  Same handwriting as last time when she went back to the house to catch the rape.

It says.

  —The state judge's daughter, Heli, will not worry about remarrying, but if she stays in the Shen family, how do you know that Xue Miaoyan's today is not your tomorrow?

  She lowered her eyes, hiding her uneasy emotions.

   Xue Miaoyan is indeed dead.

  She watched the man die.

   So much so that these days, I have been having nightmares.

  She had never seen anyone so vicious.

  Thinking of that night, when Shen Wei came to the door, Shen Hewen, in order to appease his anger, sprayed white wine on one piece of mulberry paper and covered Xue Miaoyan's face.

  The seams are tight, the nose and mouth are blocked. The strong alcohol irritated her bruised face, and the pain was unbearable.

  The more she struggled, the more painful she became.

   She was soon out of breath. Tried to beg, tried to struggle, to let the two men who had whispered sweet words in his ear let her go.

   But not, one after another mulberry paper covered the past. In the end I couldn't breathe at all.

  Shen Wei seemed satisfied, he gently touched the thick mulberry paper on Xue Miaoyan's face.

   "This is the fate of betraying me. Second child, you can remember."

  Reading this, Shen Zhu couldn't stand a shiver.

   These two brothers are really more ruthless than the other.

  The two of them had just entered the courtroom when there was movement outside the door.

  This time, it was Chunyun, Shen Zhi, and Shen Wei who was dying of illness in a wheelchair.

  The appearance of several people created a small climax.

   "Master Shen, what's wrong?"

   "He was fine not long ago, why is he so sick."

   "What else can it be, in my opinion, it is that I have done all the bad things and suffered the retribution of God."

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