He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(119)

During the day, Yunchi could often see Sakya sitting by the window, looking at the snow-capped mountains on the sea level. When hunting with Yunchi, he would also stare at the thickening ice for a long time. In his words, the power of midwinter is becoming more powerful, and his followers are no less generous. Whether they are the gods of ice and snow, the masters of cold, or the maids and slaves named death, withering, hunger, and laziness, the scope of their control is It has enveloped the entire Kaleva, and even the chaotic ice sea has not been immune to the impact.

“The seasons come and go, and each season has its advantages and disadvantages. Spring comes to life, and the earth and the sea seem to wake up from a deep sleep, although the gods who preside over it are full of surprises and dramas; summer The scorching heat is the favorite season of the Sun God. He always squanders his power unscrupulously. Therefore, although summer is as difficult as winter, it is the time when all things grow the fastest; in autumn, the harvest is luxuriant, and the fragrance of the fruits is even It can float from land to sea...

Saga slowed down. Together with Yunchi, he looked at the sea of ​​clouds and murmured.

What about winter? Yunchi couldn't help but ask.

Saga turned his head and continued on his way attentively.

Winter? He smiled, I am only worried that although the rise of the third generation of gods is not short, the position of the main god has not been finalized. If this continues, the God of Winter will replace the God of Poseidon. Become the master of this divine era and walk in the land of Kaleva.”

Yunchi asked: Will the situation be worse than now?

Sakya nodded: Yes. The God of Winter is aloof and self-centered. Winter Gods of all ages love the cool, silvery moon and hate the blazing sun. If he becomes the main god, then the world will gradually fall into eternal night, and the moon will gradually replace the sun. Position, there is no warmth, and there is no opportunity for all things to grow. And this situation will continue until the mother goddess Irma is alerted, but by then, I am afraid that the earth has already suffered for hundreds of thousands of years, and creatures have multiplied. Their descendants are also unable to adapt to the bright environment.

Yunchi scratched his head and frowned while sitting on the back of the sea otter.

To say that the conditions during his time here were difficult would be completely false information. On the island, you have no worries about food and clothing, the pace of life is relaxed and comfortable, and you are not lonely. Yunchi eats delicacies from the mountains and seas, and wears the same clothes as the main god. When he is bored, he rolls in the arms of the gods. Whether he is a human body or a sea otter, Sakya will always hug him happily and chat with him. Relieve boredom...

But there were some things that Yunchi could never find a chance to ask. It wasn't that he didn't dare to ask, but that he couldn't bear to ask.

Just like when Yunchi was asked to miss his parents now, he only wanted to think about the year before they went away; when asked to think about the old housekeeper who raised him, he also didn't want to think about the last few years of the old man's life. Time - at that time, the old housekeeper had long forgotten who Yunchi was and who he was. Yunchi held her old and skinny palm and cried silently all night long, with a hoarse voice. , singing Small Town Story to the old man over and over again. It was the lullaby that the old housekeeper used to sit by the bedside to coax Yunchi to sleep when he was a child.

Letting those you have lost recall their past is no different than re-opening their scars.

What about this generation of Poseidon? Isn’t it said that the position of main god is usually held by the god of the sea?

He was brainstorming in confusion, but Sakya seemed to have guessed his thoughts and said to himself: The third generation of Poseidon has died a long time ago.

Yunchi was stunned, What?

White Sea Otter moved his beard and said in a low voice to Yunchi: I killed the third-generation God of the Sea, so the position of the main god of this term is still vacant.

Yunchi was surprised and couldn't help but raise his voice: ...You, you killed him?

He rode on the back of the sea otter and felt the muscles under him stiffen unconsciously. Sea Otter tensed his body, looked straight ahead, and nodded imperceptibly.

Yunchi calmed down his mood first. After all, he was not a native of this world. No matter how famous the Lord God Poseidon was, it was still not as close as Saga and him. He asked as calmly as possible: Why, what happened at that time to cause you to do this?

They provoked hatred, so I was blinded by hatred and chose revenge. He said.

If possible, Yunchi could even describe Sakya's tone as extremely indifferent, almost an icy and empty universe, with nothing and yet all-encompassing. His voice sounded more like a god than ever.

So, Yunchi speculated, there are no spring, summer, and autumn seasons on Kaleva because...

——Because I killed them. Saga said.

Yunchi said nothing.

The long whale roared again in the distance, and the snow waves broke through. What came out now was not a single cloud whale, but a group of them one after another, like a magnificent cloud bridge, creating a vast beautiful scenery under the sky.

What kind of priesthood is Sakya?

He is the main god, the god of the sea, and the god who protects the family. Although Yunchi knows in his heart that a supreme god cannot only have these three priesthoods, Sakya's own words show that he only truly recognizes these three in his heart. indivual.

Now that I think about it, sea otters are social animals, but now there is only one lone Saga left. Family, where were his family?

Yunchi hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to break the silence: Did those gods... do anything to your family?

It was very rare that Sakya did not answer Yunchi's question immediately. He walked through the flowing clouds for a while before saying: They killed my tribe, and I turned around and killed them. It should have been fair. Exchange, but here's the problem, these are gods with priestly responsibilities. Because of my impulse at the time, I didn't leave any room for it. Now the consequences are slowly showing... My family is fragmented, and how much have I caused? Can the living family survive this long winter?”

This is my sin. Therefore, I stripped off all my priesthood and exiled myself to a desert island until you came.

In other words, his family and tribe all died at the hands of the New God, and then he chose revenge...

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