He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(194)

He laughed and touched the bridge of the demon horse's nose, remembering that his toolbox was still spread out: Then shall I go back first? I have to pack my things.

Okay, Falce said, it's so dark, so be careful where you step.

When it said this, those eyes were clustered in the shadows on the ground, staring at him blankly. Yu Mengzhou waved his hand disapprovingly: With the light, I can see the road clearly!

He gradually ran away, Falke stared at his back, and countless proliferated and crowded eyeballs followed him until the young man walked into the fortress and could no longer be seen.

Dead Star walked out of the darkness silently, probed and asked, I'm in trouble, aren't I?

Falce didn't look at it: Almost.

Just as it was about to retract, Falce whispered: Before you speak next time, remember to take a look at the eyes of your brothers, do you understand?

After thinking for a while, the dead star whispered back: I can only see that they want to kick me to death.

You deserve it, Falce said.

The author has something to say:

Demon War Horse: *Gather together to discuss secrets that cannot be heard* We will do this and that, and then that...

Yu Mengzhou: *very curious* What's wrong, what are you talking about?

Dead Star: *Stand up, super loud* We're going to do this and that and that and that!

Still a dead star: *Kicked to death*

Chapter 86 Dark Sky Reserve (21)

The dead star was silent for a while in confusion, and chose to put aside this question that it couldn't figure out. It said in a deep voice: Including me, eight compatriots have already escaped the shackles of Angra. The power of death is no longer divided between me. The Blood Butcher and I alone can completely conquer the royal capital of Angra, what do you think?

Falce pondered: Death and war? It sounds like the time has indeed come for revenge.

Let's start heading towards our destination, said the leader of the herd. We'll leave early tomorrow morning.

On the other side, Yu Mengzhou took off his apron and put the tools inside back into the box one by one. Since arriving here, his toolbox has gone through many hardships with him and has seen the world.

I can't live without you, man. He murmured to himself, buckled the latch with care, and was about to stand up when a light next to him flickered a few times and suddenly went out.

The thick darkness suddenly swallowed up the space once illuminated by it, and in his peripheral vision, he seemed to catch sight of something passing by.

Mom! Yu Mengzhou couldn't help but trembled, What happened?

What's wrong? Hearing his voice, Gao Er immediately stretched out his head and the copper rings on his ears jingled, What happened?

Yu Mengzhou stood up with the toolbox in hand, took two steps in its direction, and looked uncertainly at the dark wilderness, It's just... there seemed to be something just now...

Things? Gao Er became alert. It walked in front of Yu Mengzhou. Everywhere it glanced, the darkness seemed to be given life, turning into physical tumbling waves, undulating noisily at night.

It is a demon horse born in the shadow of the center of the earth. The demon realm where night falls is equivalent to its land. However, Gao Erzai looked around carefully and found nothing wrong.

There's nothing special. It rubbed the human's arm. Now, the horses have mastered the correct strength when getting along with humans. Maybe it's just a night wanderer, and you misjudged it...

Night wandering ghost? Yu Mengzhou raised his voice unconsciously.

Ah, there are no nocturnal ghosts, no, no! Gao Er quickly patched up, The plain is very clean, there is nothing!

Yu Mengzhou was puzzled and relieved.

Maybe I didn't get enough rest during the day, he rubbed his eyes. When people are sleepy, they tend to have hallucinations...

Gao Er pushed him gently: Then go to bed quickly. I know that humans need a good sleep.

Yu Mengzhou walked into the fortress sleepily. Gao Er was not in a hurry to follow, but trampled the lamp that suddenly went out with his hoof.

Bad lights.

That night, Yu Mengzhou was half asleep. He sat up in a daze. His mouth felt dry and he was ready to drink some water before lying down.

He touched Falce's warm fur, supported the carol's neck, stood upright crookedly, and began to move over the mountains and ridges towards the water bottle.

However, one thing is strange. In the past, Falch would have raised his head as soon as he opened his eyes and asked him what he needed. But tonight, the horses were silent, as if they were asleep...

Yu Mengzhou also specially observed them. They were breathing evenly, their eyelids were soft, and their abdomens were rising and falling regularly... They looked like they were fast asleep.

When he got up in the middle of the night, his mind was still not very clear, so he did not pursue this issue that was not particularly abnormal. The young man walked to the table and picked up the water glass first——

A wisp of cool night wind blew through the hot air and reached his ears.

Yu Mengzhou froze.

This is a building that has long been abandoned by its owner and residents. Basically one-third of its components have collapsed in the endless wind of the wilderness. Only the huge hall is still intact. With the door closed, it is just a windy room. A haven that cannot be blown in or rained in.

He could feel the wind, which meant the gates of the fortress were open.

This gust of wind woke up his hazy brain. Yu Mengzhou calmly put down the water glass, reached down, and tightly grasped the handle of the tool box.

It was stolen from the house, but no horse was awake. He remembered that the demon horse that was vigiling tonight was Ether. What kind of ability could make even the war machine at the top of hell fall into a deep sleep?

He could sense that there was something standing at the open front door right now!

...Falce, he called the name of the leader of the horses, but like a stone falling into a deep well, no echo could be heard, Falce!

Yu Mengzhou held the tool box tightly and retreated step by step toward the lying horses.

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