He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(254)

The young, proud son of heaven happened to be born into an ethnic group that suffered from discrimination. In order to improve the situation of his home planet and the living environment of his people, when he was heading towards the power hub of the empire, he met the crown prince, a man named Sissel.

Later, because he discovered the dirty inside story about Dionysus, he blindly believed in his position in the heart of the crown prince and told him everything. In the end, he was betrayed and misunderstood by his own people. When he fled, he was an exile wanted by the empire and despised by his homeland...

Tianyuan asked: How do your people evaluate you?

Gu Xingqiao fell to the ground and didn't answer for a long time.

Tell me, Tian Yuan said, I've said so much, not to mention these few sentences.

Gu Xingqiao murmured: ...a villain who covets wealth and a traitor who betrays the country; I never thought you were such a thing, but no matter how well you disguised yourself, your secret was revealed once; I knew you were not well-intentioned, He claims to be a savior, but he is full of shamelessness and despicability...and so on, there are people who are a hundred times more vicious than this, what else do you want to hear?

Tianyuan tilted his head and stared at him quietly. Through the young man's empty eyes, blood-stained hands, face and lips as pale as porcelain... he saw a soul, beautiful and fragile, bright and dying.

In human terms, you have jumped into the trap. Tian Yuan said, This is the path you have chosen. Freedom, equality and stability are also the goals you strive for. It is only mixed with the future of the ethnic group that makes you They are unable to distinguish clearly, and even put the priority of the group above themselves.

So, once your tribe rejects you and misunderstands you, you will feel despair and deeply feel the pain of betrayal——

Tianyuan said lightly: You are too sincere, and you are such a sincere person that you cannot tolerate a grain of sand in your eyes. Sissel must know you very well, so he can easily use this weakness to destroy you.

Gu Xingqiao looked up at him with confusion in his eyes.

He quickly vented his anger and unwilling resentment, spitting all the black water onto Tianyuan. At this moment, his whole body was empty, except for his complete drunkenness, which slowly submerged him in dizzy, false happiness.

Tianyuan stretched out a hand and lifted him up.

You can go to sleep. He said, When you wake up, there is more than 90% chance that you will become a completely different person from before.

Without waiting for Gu Xingqiao to respond, Tian Yuan tucked his body under his arm and held it with one hand. The eight exoskeletons lightly touched the ground and floated towards the room he chose.

What a waste of natural resources, Tian Yuan thought indifferently.

Is this soul so beautiful because of the imperfections caused by its brokenness? Or is it a thousand times more radiant when it is intact?

No matter what the possibility was, Tianyuan could not understand what the human male named Sissel did.

The power of the empire is insignificant, and the power to overthrow the world is within easy reach. However, a life like Gu Xingqiao is a rare and precious existence among billions. Like tinder, like fuse.

His size and mass are indeed insignificant compared to behemoths like planets and empires. However, without individuals like Gu Xingqiao, humans would have no way to talk about evolution, and the world would have no way to move forward. What is often needed to ignite the fire of an entire era is the first shining spark.

Tianyuan deeply understands this truth. Fortunately, the error correction efficiency of intelligent AI is the highest, and his turn is not too late.

Now, this fire belongs to me, he thought happily, thanks to the gift of the human empire, mechanical life will repay kindness, one for one. If I want to carry out orbital bombing against you in the future, I will definitely choose a more crisp firepower beam, so as not to let you suffer in the pain of burning for too long.

Putting Gu Xingqiao on the bed, he turned on the light, turned around and silently emerged from the door, disappearing under a bright light of satisfaction.


Gu Xingqiao's head hurt.

very painful.

He won't vomit. The best wine like Golden Jade is beneficial to the human body without any harm. But the effects of alcohol on the brain were still there, and he was deeply feeling the aftereffects of a hangover.

Gu Xingqiao pressed his temples. The bags under his eyes that he had developed in the past few days were almost hanging down to his chest. He stared ahead sadly, not knowing what to think.

The physique of a Dionysian is not such that he will forget what he did or said when he was drunk.

Therefore, he clearly remembered how when he was drunk, he grabbed the artificially retarded man by his collar, yelled at him hysterically, cried and made trouble...

Thinking of this, he sat up on the bed, his head hurting even more.

At this time, the room he slept in was no longer the small, hive-like compartment he slept in yesterday. Tianyuan threw him into a brighter and more spacious suite. Plain tan tables and chairs, raindrop-shaped pendant lights hanging from the ceiling, silver-white frosted walls decorated with simple and clear streamlined patterns, coupled with exaggeratedly transparent floor-to-ceiling windows...

The ruthless order of steel, the perfect fusion of space architectural style and minimalist art, this is simply a place where only battleship commander-level figures are qualified to stay.

You're awake. The floor-to-ceiling window flashed, projecting a holographic image of Tian Yuan. His snow-colored silver hair and light purple eyes, reflected by the light, gave off a sense of fantasy beauty that was too cold to resemble a real person.

Gu Xingqiao pressed his forehead, not bothering to look at him.

If you allow me, I will talk to you face to face, Tianyuan said politely, Of course, your refusal is meaningless.

As soon as he finished speaking, the door opened.

Gu Xingqiao didn't know how heavy Tian Yuan's body was, but just from the faint sound of the exoskeleton hitting the ground, he felt that his body should be lighter than a feather.

Hello, collaborator. Tianyuan said, It seems that you slept well.

It looks like you're blind. Gu Xingqiao said.

The data flow in Tianyuan's eyes jumped slightly: The vitality is even greater than before. My judgment was not wrong. I am very happy.

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