He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(424)

The three goddesses of destiny nodded, and they turned and left, then returned to the room where they weaved their fate.

The air was dead silent, except for the furious roar of Zeus, which seemed like hundreds of millions of people roaring in unison: What made you crazy?! In the powerful hands of the gods, you shouldn't talk nonsense like that!

The most repressed secret was revealed, and the Father of the Gods was extremely angry. He was unable to violate his oath and disturb human beings from painting. Therefore, holding the sacred thunder, he rushed into the dark and lightless underworld and rushed towards the three goddesses of fate.

He vowed to regain a statement and to seek verification from the goddess of fate. Such wild talk was completely nonsense and an unattainable delusion. But when he opened the door of fate and saw the three goddesses, he was stunned. .

——The loom of destiny is broken into pieces, rotting like dead wood, and covered with broken threads. The goddess of destiny sits among it, spreading her hands upward, their palms covered with dust, as if they have been sitting there for thousands of years.

At this moment, the God King's face suddenly turned gray, and his lips were murmuring in confusion, speechless.

Chapter 168 The Snake of the Pharisees (34)

Crosso, Lachesis, Atropos! Zeus cried in despair, calling the names of the three fates. Why do you sit here and let the loom be destroyed and the thread cut off?

The fate of the gods has been taken over by others, so we can let go of our hands and don't have to work. The old man said.

He answered his question and we satisfied our confusion. said the plump woman.

Why are you still looking for intact threads? Go and find the answer you want in the painting. Now, that is exactly how fate is interpreted. said the young girl.

Zeus had no choice but to return to the sky. The sky was already crowded with frightened gods. They poked their heads out from the clouds, stretched their necks, and watched the human paintings. The infinite canvas turned and changed in his hands, and he painted the most ancient gods before the world was opened, but his brushstrokes were so light and easy.

Pallas Athena was speechless. She thought of the not-so-distant past. Before everything happened, Echidena and the boy were a pair of lovers who attracted the attention of all living beings, living peacefully and contentedly in the dark underground palace. After that day, the gods were worried that the love of the ancient wild god would make him lose his mind and become determined to confront Olympus, so they intervened and imprisoned him in Tartarus once and for all.

At that time, she had a vague premonition: all the efforts and struggles people make in order to avoid the most unfortunate ending often pave the way to the most unfortunate ending.

Therefore, she decided to stand with her father, not to interfere in the process of the matter, and to let the gods make decisions. However, watching on the sidelines is also another kind of indulgence. She allowed the family to run towards its end without ever holding on to the reins of the obstacle.

I am still in the hands of fate, she thought bitterly, we are all in the hands of fate.

We can't let him continue painting like this! Hera shouted in fear. She incited the gods to take action and urged them to fight for their own future. He has usurped the authority of the three goddesses in this way. Don't you feel Angry? He is just a human being, how can he decide the fate of gods that are much greater than him?

Following the words of the Mother of the Gods, the gods descended to the plains of Arima. Because Zeus's oath bound all living creatures, they could not hinder Xie Ning's painting process, so they worked hard and racked their brains to take the lead in arranging various temptations. The good things about people tempted him to stop painting.

That child! Hera called, If you stop painting and stop doing anything that harms the gods, I promise to the River Styx that I can make you the king of kings and rule over everything. Countries on land and sea, your crown enjoys world-wide attention and prestige, your words, appearance, even a blink of an eye, are loved and sought after by hundreds of millions of people. You will sit on a golden sedan chair, From this continent to that continent, the land that can be seen is all subject to your judgment.

Xie Ning turned a deaf ear. He painted the chaotic hem of clothes, and at the same time poured paint mercilessly on the god who was harassing him with whispers, causing the god to fly away from the canvas in a rage.

If you can stop painting in your hand, in addition to the authority of the King of Kings, I am also willing to share all the wisdom of the world with you. You will become an enlightener and a guide. Until the death of mankind, the world will praise you. Legend. Athena whispered, Please think about it carefully, Dolos.

Xie Ning still acted as if she hadn't heard anything and was just immersed in painting, too lazy to drive away.

Even if you are indifferent to the rewards they offer, you will never refuse happiness, right? Dionysus stretched out his hand from the spreading vines, As long as you put down your paintbrush, in addition to becoming a king and a wise man, I can also make you the happiest person in the world. This happiness will never tire of you and has no end, Dolos. It can make you forget all your worries and walk on a muddy path as if you are walking on soft and misty clouds. Please think about how much inspiration it will bring to you!”

Xie Ning began to fill the bubbles with radiant colors. He dipped the tip of his pen into the horns one after another, and painted the similarities and differences of each bubble.

No power, no wisdom, no eternal bliss can move the heart of man. Finally, Apollo stood out from the many gods, and he had to ask humbly, hoping that the young man would calm down for his apology.

Dolos, please listen to me, the sun god said in a very humble manner, just put our competition aside! A person does not have to be so decisive. I will be happy to escort you to the tower. Artaros, no matter how much effort it takes or how long it takes, you and Echidna can definitely meet in the land of bliss. As for me, I can give you the most precious thing, the thing you need most, that is Talent, no matter how stunning the world is, cannot be compared with yours, you will be the genius among geniuses.

Apollo spoke such respectful words. After Xie Ning heard this, she finally stopped writing and turned to stare at the sun god.

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