He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(427)

——The creator of mankind, Prometheus who stole fire from heaven.

Hello, Dolos. Prometheus smiled and nodded to him, as if they were close friends who had known each other for many years, I heard that you want to accommodate all the news of the gods on one canvas. So, would you welcome a willing model?”

Xie Ning hesitated.

I have no ill feelings towards you, on the contrary, I admire you very much. He said slowly, Your so-called crime of stealing fire from heaven has led to you being chained in the Caucasus Mountains and having your liver eaten by vultures. This is what you have done for mankind. It’s hard to bear. So… sit down and you can be my model.”

Prometheus leaned against a rock, placed his staff beside him, and looked up at him.

Is this okay?

Xie Ning nodded: Okay.

Xie Ning typed a draft with a charcoal pen and said absently: I guess you didn't come here for no reason, right?

You're right. Someone advised me to be a lobbyist. Prometheus bent his eyes. His eyes were full of mysterious smiles, but they didn't make people feel pretentious. They were more like an interesting elder. Come on. Convince you to become a god.”

Xie Ning's charcoal drawing stopped and he looked at the ancient Titan God.

Become a god, he repeated these two words, this is a new trick.

Don't be sarcastic, Doros, Prometheus said gently. You want Echidena to be freed from the constraints of the abyss. This proposal is very important. Becoming a god symbolizes your ability as a human being. When life ends, how come Echidna cannot come out of Tartarus?

That is to say, Xie Ning said, Zeus still refuses to let him out directly.

Prometheus smiled.

Believe me, Doros, the Titan God said, If Zeus could do it, he would have done it long ago. The only reason for him to beat around the bush and get around the loopholes in his oath is that he really can't break his promise. Oaths. No matter how severe the punishment for breaking an oath or how firmly you swear, they are all used as a moral disguise, but their essence has a deeper meaning: when a god is powerful enough, he can resurrect the dead and reverse the positions of the sea, land and sky. Is there anything else in the world that can stop Him? Therefore, He must keep his promise and completely fulfill every word that comes out of His mouth. Otherwise, even Himself can be vetoed, so what else does He have to exist in the world? What does it mean?

Xie Ning didn't expect this, and he said simply: That's fine, as long as I can achieve the goal, there's nothing I can't agree to. However, I have to say ugly words ahead. Even if I become a god, I will not stop writing. .”

I know, Prometheus smiled, Therefore, the second purpose of my coming is to ask you to draw slower.

Xie Ning stopped writing, looked at the other party, and asked directly: Is this some kind of delaying strategy to delay the war?

Of course not! Prometheus laughed. From the moment I saw you, I never doubted your determination to make your fate come to an end. Only a fool will try every means to prove that he is smart and to achieve the same goal. Goal, if you have to talk about it, it means there must be something false about the goal.”

But, he slowed down and looked at Xie Ning more sincerely, Dolos, please don't forget that this is not the era you are familiar with. Here, the gods still control the sun, moon and stars, and control the rise and fall of the tides. The movement of the heavenly bodies, you have destroyed the loom of fate, but please do not accelerate everything so fast! When Helios goes away, Apollo no longer drives the golden chariot, then there will no longer be sunrises and sunsets in the world. In this situation, there are no gods to rotate the changes of the seasons, the grains will wither, and the weather and weather will be in chaos. You know, I am the god of foresight. I have ancient prophetic wisdom long before the birth of the new gods. I know that the rule of Zeus will not Continuing until eternity, I also know that the gods will eventually retire, but all living creatures living on the earth and in the ocean are innocent and should not be implicated in this great change.

Seeing Xie Ning's silence, Prometheus continued: Doros, I know that you have kindness in your heart. Please think carefully about whether there were people from Eleusis when you first arrived. They all surround you, loving you from the bottom of their hearts and praising your talents? Have the maids in the palace repaired your belt with laughter, have the children on the street played and sang your name? The old man caressed the hem of your clothes. , bringing you freshly baked bread and warm goat's milk, because they don't want to see you so thin and delicate as an olive branch.

Once you draw all the gods on the cloth and follow the instructions of fate, Zeus will inevitably marry the goddess Thetis. When their children are born, the earth will no longer be stable. Killing the father The fire of usurping the throne will burn through every desolate corner until this new main god establishes his political power. Then, in order to stabilize the political power, he will also destroy this generation of mankind, just like Zeus used the great flood to destroy his own. Just like Father’s bronze humans.”

Prometheus whispered: So, I want to ask you to draw slower and don't let the destruction come so fast. Even if this generation of humans can only live a trivial and stable life for one more day, I don't want the end of the world. Come early.”

Xie Ning did not speak.

After hearing Prometheus's advice, his heart, which had been filled with pain and hatred for a long time, could not help but relax. From the perspective provided by the other party, he gradually broke away from his old grudge with the Olympus God and saw something different.

...Okay, Xie Ning said, I promise you.

Prometheus smiled happily, and for the first time, his dusty face showed the light belonging to the gods.

Under his leadership, Xie Ning signed an agreement with the gods on Mount Olympus.

——Xie Ning was given a unique priesthood. Because he controls fate and is transcendent of fate, he is called Dolos the Witness and Narrator and exists independently of the three goddesses of fate.

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