He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(433)

I'm not a genius, he is the god in charge of geniuses. Just think about the difference. In short, I collapsed immediately. After I went back, I cried for a long time... At this point, Xie Ning fell silent. After a while, he continued, I don't think I can win. Even if it takes me a hundred or two hundred years, I'm afraid I won't be able to compete with the god of art. In the third round, I gave up on myself and just drew a random picture and handed it over. At that time, I What I'm thinking about is, at worst, if he turns into a dandelion and looks at you across a river, so what?

Echidna's arms holding him tightened tightly. He wanted to say something, but he was afraid that he would let go of his temper and shout out some crazy words that had no sense. After shouting, he would rush to the Olympics again. He severely wounded Phoebus Apollo. Therefore, he still pursed his lips and said no words.

Xie Ning sighed: I ran away without looking at Apollo's paintings in the third level. I ran out of the temple of Olympus. Aphrodite chased me out. She probably saw that I was too pitiful. She also I couldn't help it anymore and told me all the inside story. Oh, I was so angry at that time. I was so angry that I couldn't see clearly. All I could do was run back and tear up my fishing painting to pieces. I asked for a repaint. , and asked Zeus to give me painting tools and paints that will never be damaged or used up, because I said, I want to paint works that are 'unprecedented and unprecedented' and to compete with Apollo.

Haha, maybe they were too complacent. They actually agreed to my request and swore that no living thing could disturb me until I finished the painting. So, you really can't be too complacent...

Echidna asked nervously: What happened next, Doros? How did you defeat a god and ask them to give you a god's throne?

When he thought that when Doros was suffering, he was still sleeping in the abyss because of a trick, Echidna felt depressed and sad.

Later, I found Gaia. Xie Ning said, Thanks to the immortality that strengthened my memory, I already remembered that in the prophecy of Prometheus, Zeus and the ocean goddess Thetis combined and gave birth to a child. Will overthrow his throne. I was thinking, how can I fulfill this prophecy? Later, I came up with a bold idea: Because I am a modern person and I have witnessed the era when the gods disappeared, so I want to borrow Gaia eyes, thus depicting all the gods, including the union of Zeus and Thetis.”

Echidna opened her eyes wide and was shocked.

That's why they call you 'Doros the Narrator and Witness'... He murmured, Ah, you have replaced the goddess of fate, but you are even more proud than the three sisters, because In your painting, they will also be included! Dolos, you... you paid such a high price to save me!

At this time, the dull sadness had turned into severe pain. Echidna trembled and said: Did I hurt you, Doros? If I weren't so unintelligent, you wouldn't have to suffer all this. A lonely and miserable life...

The devil wept sadly for his suffering lover. Xie Ning hurriedly turned her head, held his face, and kissed him on the lips many times.

Where did you think you were? He said, half comforting, half reproaching, This is not something you caused! If you put it this way, then I can also say that if I resist the temptation and don't go out to drink with others, If you go to the banquet, you don’t have to be locked up in the abyss to suffer. As for the sins you suffer later, are they all my own fault?”

He pretended to be sad and said: Wow, then my sin is so big, I'm going to jump into the river now!

Xie Ning said, and immediately planned to roll off Echidna. The snake demon was so frightened that he hurriedly grabbed him and put him firmly back on his chest.

Don't go, don't go! Echidna shouted repeatedly, Don't go, I will never say that again...

At this moment, he was holding Doros, as if his whole body was soaked in hot butter, and the seams in his bones were soaked with satisfying happiness. At this time, even if they are separated for just a moment, there will be a trembling cold air blowing insidiously along the tip of the heart.

After being comforted successfully, Xie Ningan settled down and lay back on his chest, then asked: Guang is busy talking about me, what about you? How are you in Tartarus? Are you injured? Aren't there other gods imprisoned there? Did he give you any trouble?

Echidna shook his head honestly: No, I was just sleeping there. Tartarus is an abyss that swallows all things. All gods who get there know that they cannot act arbitrarily. The more you struggle, the faster it will devour you. The faster. Except for Typhon, he is the biological son of Abyss and Gaia after all, so he always has some privileges in front of his biological father.

Then you're not afraid? Xie Ning felt distressed, Isn't this the same as absorbing your life force?

Not afraid, Echidna said frankly, I can feel you. Every time you touch my soul, you inject new courage and happiness into me... How can I be afraid of the prison of the abyss? I just Afraid that you are alone in the world, and the gods are unwilling to carry out their oaths well, and still make you suffer from bitter torture; or that you are bullied by them, but no one is willing to take care of you and protect you... …”

When he said this, his voice became hoarse, and he could only rely on the delicate kisses on Xie Ning's lips and cheeks to relieve his intractable heartache.

In any case, after twenty years of separation, they finally reunited. The original roof was gone. They couldn't sleep with the skylight open like this, so Xie Ning covered the roof with vines. This closed space is like a small cave, housing a pair of hibernating lovers.

For a period of time, apart from whispering intimately or doing nothing but cuddling together quietly, they would open their eyes and roll back and forth on the bed. Echidna's snake tail entangled him in every possible way, circling him in circles, not knowing how to get closer and closer. He wished he could open his mouth wide and swallow Xie Ning into his stomach bit by bit.

After rolling like this for a month, even though Xie Ning has become a god, the bones in her body still feel like they have been completely disassembled and reorganized several times.

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