He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(512)

The demon's smile immediately faded away, and he couldn't help but spit on him harshly, then turned and left.

After he finished speaking, he vented his joy of victory. At this time, all he had to do was to complete his plan. As for the deity trapped here, when all the dust settles, who else can tell the difference between the inner demon and not?

Sooner or later he will become a part of me, completely assimilated and absorbed by me.

The inner demon left, the light dissipated, and the world returned to its original appearance. In the darkness, the golden halo of the dragon-binding rope surrounded Yan Huan's blinking eyes, like nine trembling blood flames.


All the medicine is finished.

Liu Fuguang put the jade bowl aside and pondered.

Yan Huan spent more time on this trip than the previous two times. The true fire of the sun has become more prosperous, which shows that he has put in a lot of effort. Just a few months after he left, Liu Fuguang woke up once for no reason at night. He was sitting on the edge of the bed. He couldn't tell what he felt, but his heart was pounding.

For a moment, he felt a long-lost strength.

It was not the power of spiritual energy, nor the power of cultivation, but a broader and more magnificent power. It was as if a gap suddenly appeared in the crowded world, and he jumped forward to fill the gap.

Yan Huan is dead?

This incredible thought was fleeting and was overturned by Liu Fuguang, because this feeling only appeared for a short moment. After a moment, things continued as usual, as if everything was just his illusion.

Now, he has drank all the medicine left by Yan Huan, and the sun has just begun to shine. It is not as difficult as before for Liu Fuguang to mobilize his spiritual power and get out of bed. It can be said that he has the ability to protect himself. Strength.

It’s time to get my Yuan Shen Dao heart back, Liu Fuguang thought, in this world, the weak are invincible. If I lose my cultivation, I can only be at the mercy of others. If I have another conflict with the evil in the future, how can I protect my family? country?

He thought like this, but unexpectedly three days later, as if he knew what he was thinking, Yan Huan had already hurried back, with messy scorch marks all over his body, standing helplessly in the hall as usual, and calling out in a low voice. The sound is support the light.

Liu Fuguang turned around and saw clearly what the other party looked like at this moment through Zhishan's eyes. After lighting the sun for the third time, Yan Huan's injuries became more serious. All nine eyes were basically blind and sluggish. Yu Yimu can still tremble and rotate occasionally. The Dragon God's broken horns and remaining body, like achievements and medals that urgently needed to be displayed, were completely and unobstructedly exposed in front of Liu Fuguang.

The inner demon gritted his teeth and tried his best to maintain his current expression and movements.

Out of a kind of malice and some twisted taste, he was determined to perfectly disguise himself in front of the Supreme Good. It would be best to deceive the other party's trust and make him believe firmly. However, since he walked into this In the palace, he walked up to Liu Fuguang and even said his first words to him...

This is definitely not an easy job, the inner demon thought through gritted teeth, absolutely not.

First of all, before he saw Liu Fuguang, he had already smelled the smell, the smell was everywhere and pervasive. It was the taste of perfection, bright, sweet, warm, soft... pressed finely on all his senses, it was like, like...

Words were too poor, and the inner demon could not describe this kind of breath in detail. He only knew that he was full at once. He instantly felt an unprecedented sense of peace and contentment. Pleasure splashed in his heart like a heavy rain that refracted the sun. He fell into a meaningless trap. In strange, crazy and ridiculous emotions. This was no longer a state of mind or emotional problem, it was a physical problem. He found that he longed for this breath so much, just like all living beings long for food, air and water.

He wanted so much to let out a rumbling groan from his chest and then purr. The smell of Liu Fuguang could actually directly awaken his instinct as a dragon.

Because I was still using my body, the inner demon suppressed the sudden panic, and he quickly found a reasonable excuse, because this was still my body! When I replace Yan Huan, the interference of the breath will naturally not be a problem!

So, he continued to move forward, enduring the look that was about to lose his composure and the trembling chest, and walked to the center of the palace, where he could see Liu Fuguang clearly.

For a long time - that was almost from the time he was born to this moment - he looked at Liu Fuguang, either through unreal dreams, or through occasional glances through Yan Huan's eyes, like opaque crystals across a thick layer of ice. . Now, the inner demon finally saw the other party's appearance with his own eyes.

...The word beauty was simply created for him.

He thought dully, everything was so perfect, his bright eyes, jade-like skin, soft pale pink lips, and the small mole on his lip... It was too perfect to be true, he seemed to be crazy With a faint brilliance, people's eyes suddenly lit up, and from now on, there was no one more radiant than him...

no no! The inner demon suddenly woke up, and he bit off his tongue violently. The severe pain lasted only a moment, and the tear healed as before.

This is the body of Yan Huan, so these thoughts, delusions, and wild thoughts are all his! My original heart will not be so low and narrow, and I will lose my mind for the sake of trivial beauty, like a stupid insect!

It's a pity that when Liu Fuguang slowly raised his head and turned his eyes to him, the inner demon bit off a thousand or ten thousand tongues, but it was of no avail.

That gaze was like a magnet, and his body and mind were like crushed, limp iron filings, and his indestructible muscles and bones collapsed into a pile of mud. He could only follow the gaze and follow the waves, letting the other person look wherever he wanted. He was trembling all over.

How can one resist such a powerful attraction? Even God cannot escape its clutches and its control.

It can't go on like this... it can't go on like this! The inner demon tightly closed his lips and couldn't speak, because he imitated the original image and just said Fu Guang, I'm back, and his two lips became tangled and curled uncontrollably, trying to spontaneously spit out more The affectionate words will make a disgusting purring sound, do this, do that... they will drive him crazy!

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