Head Over Heels in Love

Chapter 142: Her weakness

Early the next morning, when I woke up, Nan Sheng sat by my bed and peeled apples.

She sneered at the corner of her mouth, her eyes were cold when she looked at me.

It seems that what she is cutting in her hand is not an apple, but me.

At this moment, Nan Sheng looked a bit creepy.

But I believe that Nan Sheng will not hurt me here. She is not so stupid enough to leave anyone behind.

"Lin Xi, I said, you will never compare to me. You think that a little bit of gossip can defeat me, and you are too naive."

Nan Sheng looked at me with sarcasm in his eyes: "You said that after yesterday's press conference, my fans, will they start investigating who is slandering me behind?"

After speaking, she laughed, cut the apple in her hand into small pieces, put it in a saucer, and pushed it in front of me: "Now, the time is almost there, the good show should begin. Linxi, calculate my consequences, You have to bear it."

Then, she took out a tablet from her leather bag, pressed a few keys, and threw it in front of me.

I looked at the content on the page above, my eyes widened suddenly, above this, it is my information!

And my personal information was put on Nan Sheng's personal website.

"You made this information explode, right?"

I have no doubt that this is Nan Sheng's method.

Deliberately made another point at the press conference, implying that someone deliberately released a forged audio file to hurt her. Immediately afterwards, pretending to be fans and guiding them to conduct a human flesh search for the person who released the audio file.

It just so happened that someone found out that I did it, and all my personal information was posted up.

At this moment, my cell phone rang, it was an unfamiliar number.

I pressed the answer button, and an excited female voice came from inside: "You are such a vicious person, you will not end well!"

The man said something terrible, and I immediately hung up.

"These people are really fast."

Nan Sheng laughed, my phone rang again just after I hung up.

The ringtones of the phone came and went, and I could only turn off the phone.

"Did you see? This is the gap between me and you. The gap between us is not only about our origin, but also the resources in our hands. Lin Xi, if I were you, I would leave here immediately, otherwise , Those enthusiastic netizens, I cannot guarantee what will happen!"

Nan Sheng's voice was harsh, and I looked at her smiling face in front of me, and wanted to rush forward and tear her smile to pieces.

But I know, I can't do this.

Because once I do this, there will definitely be more trouble waiting for me.

"Nan Sheng."

I looked at her and suddenly laughed: "The reason you treat me like this is for Chu Xingzhi, isn't it?"

If it were not for Chu Xingzhi, she would never treat me like this.

"He is destined to be mine, and my things will never let anyone get involved."

She took out the tissue and wiped her hands: "Linxi, my patience is limited."

"But, are you willing to hurt Chu Xingzhi?"

I looked up at her, no longer the panic like before.

Chu Xingzhi is her weakness.

"Don't forget, I am Chu Xingzhi's secretary. If something really goes wrong with me, would you say that Chu Xingzhi will ignore me?"

I looked at her pretendingly and calmly, according to Chu Xingzhi's behavior, if something really happened to me, he would never leave it alone.

If it will involve him, Nan Sheng will definitely consider it again.

"Are you threatening me?"

Nan Sheng squinted his eyes and looked at me with a sharper look in his eyes.

"No. I'm just stating a fact."

"The reason you treat me this way is because you are afraid. You are afraid that Chu Xingzhi will choose me in the end. That's why you will do everything possible to force me to leave. But if I really go, you will not let me go. ,right?"

After listening to Wang Moshan about Nan Sheng, I became more sure that even if I left, Nan Sheng would push me into a desperate situation so that Chu Xingzhi would not leave any uneasy factors around him.

I am safe with Chu Xingzhi.

Because after all, Nan Sheng was scrupulous about Chu Xingzhi.

Therefore, even if she pushed me off on the cruise ship, she still had to pretend that she went into the water to save me. Only in this way can Chu Xingzhi not doubt her.

"Linxi, don't think you know me well!"

Nan Sheng's tone finally became a little more hasty.

She began to worry.

This indirectly proves that I am right.

"Of course I dare not say that I know you. Nan Sheng, in order to gain a foothold in the Gu family, Chu Xingzhi is your only bargaining chip, right? So, you can't bear this bargaining chip, perhaps because of your feelings for Chu Xingzhi, and Maybe it’s because I want Dong Gu to look at you more, or maybe it’s because of other things."

I spoke boldly about my guess that, with Nan Sheng's identity, it is almost impossible to find a right husband in the upper class.

Gu Boqian admired Chu Xingzhi very much, so Nan Sheng chose him. Regardless of appearance or talent, he is considered a good husband candidate.

Even though, Chu Xingzhi's background is a bit more ordinary.

"Lin Xi, at this time, you can still speak up here! Should I admire your courage, or should I laugh at your irresponsibility?"

Nan Sheng sneered, but her confidence was obviously not as good as before.

"Perhaps I was wrong, but Miss Nan, what are you doing so excited?"

I smiled and looked at Nan Sheng, with a certain degree of certainty in my heart.

"I almost forgot. I have a few days to go back to Beicheng to work with President Chu. I think, in front of President Chu, Miss Nan should wear this mask well, right?"

As long as I'm around Chu Xingzhi, I'm safe.

"Linxi, the show is yet to come! Hopefully, you are already prepared!"

After Nan Sheng pressed a word fiercely, he left the ward.

Seeing her leaving, my bad premonition grew stronger.

Please ask the people from Wang Moshan outside the ward to get a new calling card for me. I immediately replaced it with a new calling card, notified Qin Ge, and called my dad by the way.

I am worried that these people will affect my dad.

When I called, it was my mother who answered the phone.

When I heard that it was me, her tone was very bad: "What are you calling for? You haven't come to see your dad for so long. Remember to bill your dad's medical expenses and don't delay your dad's treatment."

Listening to my mother's words, my hanging heart is finally relieved.

Fortunately, it did not affect my dad.

I hung up the phone, and when I logged into Nan Sheng's personal website to check the page I had seen before, there was no trace.

I couldn't help but start thinking, did Nan Sheng really put my information on the website, or just asked someone to make a picture to bluff me?

If she really puts my information on the Internet, someone will find out that I am in Wanding, and maybe they will go to Wanding to make trouble. If this is the case, I am afraid that even Nan Sheng himself will be implicated.

(Happy Chinese Valentine's Day (* ̄3)(e ̄*))

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