Head Over Heels in Love

Chapter 384: Extra nine

Although she never hoped that Gu Nanci would fall in love with herself, every time she saw Gu Nanci showing her love for Linxi, she would still involuntarily panic acid.

People, once you fall in love with someone, you will start to become greedy.

He greedily wants to occupy everything he has, hoping that there is only himself in his world.

Therefore, she must control the greed in her heart, and sometimes it is a kind of happiness to watch from a distance.

When she was in a good mood, she swept the broken photo frame into the trash can. As for the photo, when she wanted to pick it up, Yuanyuan accidentally overturned the water cup next to her, and the tea was poured on the photo instantly. Xin Lei sighed at the dark brown water stains on it.

It seems that this photo is completely ruined.

Despite this, she still wiped the photos carefully, although the tea stains on it could not be wiped clean, but she helped to dry them and put them on his desk.

Because she is very clear about Lin Xi's position in Gu Nan's Ci.

That is something no one can replace.

The only advantage of staying at Gu Nanci is that she no longer has to eat simple meals in the small restaurant outside.

Because of Gu Nan's picky words, the best chefs here prepare delicious and nutritious meals every day.

When Xin Lei took the child to eat at noon, the chef was full of worry on his face, asking her from time to time whether the dishes suit her taste.

Xin Lei was a little helpless, and could only explain that she was just a former subordinate of Gu Nanci, because there was a problem with the house she rented, so she stayed here for a few days temporarily.

But her words, no matter the chef or the housekeeper, didn't take it seriously.

Because in their eyes, if Xin Lei and the child were not important to him, he would not let them live in his own home.

Even in their subconsciousness, Xin Lei has been crowned the title of future hostess.

Of course, Xin Lei didn't know all this.

After dinner in the evening, Xin Lei pushed Yuanyuan for a walk in the back garden.

Looking at the spacious back garden, Xin Lei couldn't help feeling in her heart, as expected, Gu Nanci could give her children the best living conditions.

If it were her, she would not be able to let her children live in such a good place for a lifetime.

After sighing, just when she was about to push the child back to the room, Gu Nan Ci suddenly stopped in front of her: "Xin Lei, what do you mean?"

She was asked inexplicably, what does it mean?

After thinking about it carefully, I remembered the photo frame she accidentally smashed today, as well as the dirty photos. Is this because of this?

"Is it because of the photo, me"

Gu Nan's words didn't give her a chance to explain at all, and directly interrupted her.

"Xin Lei, I didn't expect you to be indistinguishable from other women. I thought you were innocent before. Now it seems that you are approaching me only in the name of innocence! Otherwise, how could you keep this so hard? Child? Don’t you just want me to accept you in the face of a child?"

After Gu Nanci went home, he was immediately furious when he saw the soiled photos and missing picture frames in the study.

At this moment, he couldn't listen to any explanation at all.

"I won't accept you at all! Xin Lei, if Lin Xi hadn't told me not to hurt you at the time, you wouldn't have survived now!"

There was a cold air on Gu Nanci's face. What he said was like a cold wind for three or nine days, and Xin Lei Se was trembling.

It's cold.

Xin Lei only felt a chill suddenly burst from the soles of her feet. She pressed her lips tightly, silently listening to Gu Nan's words scribbling her mind.

"Is the child just a bargaining chip in your eyes? Sure enough, you are no different from those people."

Gu Nanci looked at her unexplaining, which obviously became her acquiescence to all this.

Finally, Gu Nan's words touched her bottom line.

In her eyes, the child has never been a bargaining chip.

"I don't know what the child is in your eyes, but she is everything to me. Mr. Gu, you are indeed biased when you say that."

No matter how good her temper, she couldn't help but refute.

"I never thought of bringing the child to show up in front of you, because I know that this child was never what you expected. However, she is everything to me and my only relative."

"Mr. Gu, if you are really worried about what I exchange for my child, I can write the agreement and go to the notarization. I will definitely not let the child get anything from you."

She is indeed unable to give her children a rich life, but she has been working hard.

She always believes that as long as she works hard, everything can be changed.

She even thought that after the online store was developed and everything was on track, she would start other side businesses.

Even now, it is not difficult for her to let her children lead the life of an ordinary family.

Why did Gu Nan say that she wants to use her child to get everything?

It was clear that everything was his initiative, but the person who finally bore all the charges became her.

"Mr. Gu, when you said these things, did you really not think about it?"

Xin Lei's counterattack made Gu Nanci sneer.

This woman is really getting more and more witty.

"No matter what you say, I won't believe it. From now on, I don't want you to appear next to the child again!"

Gu Nan's voice was full of coldness, no matter how quibble Xin Lei was, he would not believe every word she said.

"You don't have the right to do this! Gu Nanci, the child is born by me alone, and I have been brought up by myself. You can't do this."

Xin Lei was finally aroused a trace of anger.

The logic of this man is ridiculous.

She called Gu Nanci's name directly for the first time, and even Gu Nanci finally discovered that this woman had a temper.

She just kept hiding her temper.

"Right? Xin Lei, do you think you have a way to stop me?"

Gu Nanci sneered and said to the butler who was watching: "Kick this woman out of me! From now on, she is not allowed to appear here!"

The butler's expression was a bit embarrassing. He always felt that Gu Nan's words were something special to Xin Lei.

At least he has worked here for so many years and has never seen Gu Nanci bring a woman here.

He even made such a big fire on this woman.

"Mr. Gu, fight by the bed"

Just when he was trying to persuade, Gu Nanci looked at him coldly, he shivered, and swallowed the next words abruptly.

Sure enough, it's better not to persuade such a thing.

He could only walk to Xin Lei's side angrily: "Miss Xin, don't make me embarrassed."

Xin Lei's face was a little pale, she really shouldn't have quarreled with Gu Nanci.

The man said that he would always do it.

She was so upset that even her Yuanyuan could not be seen.

"Mr. Gu, I'm sorry, I apologize for my previous words and deeds. Please don't let me leave Yuanyuan, she is my daughter"

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