Heart of Empire

Chapter 338: Stormhammer

The scattered battalions of standard air combat formations roared from above and below and surrounded the griffon cavalry from all directions. [No Popup Novel Network]

Their current formation is obviously very conducive to giving play to their quantitative advantage. According to the relative position between the two sides at the moment, almost every Griffon Cavalry will face multiple enemies in multiple directions at the moment of the fighting.

The captain of the battalion chuckled and smiled. He had seen it. The griffins on horseback in front of them were all novices in air combat. He now has a full grasp in his heart, and he can make these reckless Griffon Cavalry pay a huge price in the first meeting.

"Let me teach you a lesson!" He licked his lips and couldn't wait to taste the taste of Gryphon's blood.

Cyber ​​on the other side also realized his recklessness. When he realized the current position of the battalions, he thought of the next close combat, and he was expected to suffer.

This was a mistake. Cyber ​​came to his senses, and was a little annoyed. He felt that he did have some inexperience. In addition, he rushed to the top with his blood, and only rushed to fight. He even gave the air combat tactics previously learned from Dempsey Forget it.

Even so, he did not find it difficult. He trusted him and his Griffin. Those cowardly batsmen are by no means rivals to the mighty griffins, even if they are five times as many!

Of course, how to fight the next battle, we still need to pay attention to some strategies.

As the captain of the Griffin squad, Cyber ​​rushed to the first. He pulled the griffin's reins left to keep his body balanced, while letting go of the aerial rifle fixed to the saddle with his other hand, he lifted a short-handled warhammer hanging around his waist.

A bright white thunder burst from the high-pitched Warhammer!

This was a signal. After Cyber ​​did this, the remaining five cavalrymen who followed him also raised their warhammers. A thunder throbbing through the sky!

Cyber ​​shouted in excitement and took the lead in throwing the warhammer in his hand toward the bat cavalry who rushed forward. Immediately afterwards, the other five handles flashed a thunderbolt of warhammer, with a white tail of light, and a thundering thunder, also flying forward at the same time!

At this moment, the distance between the Gryphon Cavalry and the giant Battalion formation was very close. With a distance of less than a hundred meters, for the relatively high-speed flying cavalry, it takes only a few blinks to fight together.

At such a close distance, how can the Thunder Warhammer fly away?

The response of the Battalion's squadron leader has been very unpleasant, and his technique of controlling giant bats is not bad, but no matter how fast he reacts and how good his technique is, there is no effort left in the blink of an eye. The Stormhammer given to him still can't do anything.

He only had time to subconsciously tilt his head, but the warhammer from Cyber ​​was still hitting his head with accuracy and fierceness.

The moment before his eyes was dark, the impact of the roaring Warhammer, and the intense pain caused by the violent thunder force only lasted for a moment, and he felt nothing in the next moment.

The Captain of the Air Rider who was chanting to teach these reckless Griffins the moment before, at this moment his entire head was beaten into a mist of blood by the Thunder Hammer, and the headless body fell off the back of the giant bat. .

Five others suffered the same as their captain.

The Gryphon Cavalry's Stormhammer, which is their big killer, can only be released once per battle before returning to the ground for replenishment. And this time, for the Gryphon Cavalry, it must be to obtain the results of the battle, and to play a decisive effect!

As the most powerful means, naturally the power of Stormhammer does not need to doubt much. As far as accuracy is concerned, the Warhammer is guided by the power of wind and thunder, and it is difficult to fall short.

Including the squadron captain who had been blasted his head, at this moment, one fifth of the entire giant battalion formation was directly reimbursed.

The loss of bat cavalry is more than just quantity.

Air warfare is a war situation that requires tacit understanding, and perhaps command.

The direction of the six-handed Stormhammer is almost the same, and they all head towards the front. When the six battalions on the front were all wiped out, the battalions originally took the form of encirclement, and they were instantly torn apart from the front. The six of them didn't need to do much. As long as they continued to accelerate, they could rush out of the battalion's siege very smoothly.

The Griffon Cavalry, led by Cyber, did exactly that. And those battalions who were suddenly hit hard and lost a teammate's teammates were now panicking like headless flies.

When the captains of these batsmen were killed directly, they actually lost their actual command. If you are in a close, entangled battle with no time to think about ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ then it may not be a big deal without command, after all, the scale of the current battle is not that big.

However, at this moment, the Gryphon Cavalry has rushed out of the siege circle. At this moment, it is necessary to have a brain to issue a clear combat instruction to tell the soldiers what to do next. Then they realize that their captain is finished.

The confusion caused by the lack of command, the panic caused by the instant heavy damage, and the morale blow caused by the killing of the commander left these battalions feeling at a loss.

Before they had time to readjust and come back to command the whole team, they rushed out of the encirclement, circled the perimeter, and the Griffon Cavalry who turned around had already killed again.

This time, the Gryphon Cavalry no longer have such a big killer as Stormhammer, but this does not mean that their will to fight will be weakened by half! On the contrary, it is easy to destroy the enemy with the hammer of the storm, but how can there be the blood that drives the strong griffin to fight with the enemy?

The young man who rushed to the front was still Cyber. He felt his chest full of fire. He opened his mouth wide and sent out meaningless but excited roars, prompting His Griffon to rush to the nearest Battalion! (To be continued.)

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