Chapter 32

Part 31

[Girl. This portal is not a medium for hallucinations in the view of the main audience. Apart from that, it feels like a passageway to another world.]

Park Hyunsoo had the same thoughts as Chungyeong.

According to Chungyeong, where the medium of hallucinations was, there had to be a strong twist of Qi.

A well-made Ki Moon-jin can make even him not feel it, but in a psychedelic world of this size, no matter how good a magician is, there is bound to be a gap.

If he was a magician with the ability to hide, he couldn’t be a human.

He is close to God, maybe even God.

In such a situation, there was no answer in the first place, so it was right to exclude it and make a judgment.

“Shall we go in?”

It was Choi Jaehyuk who spoke first.

“There doesn’t seem to be an answer, but there might be a way out there, right?”

Park Hyunsoo looked at Choi Jae-hyeok, who didn’t know his plan, and didn’t answer anything.

Is it right for him to walk around with this human?

Chungyeong said, there is life in his eyes.

He doesn’t know why his life is directed toward him, but he has no reason to go with danger.

But, as Jaehyuk Choi said, is it meaningful to continue crossing the desert without answers?

Park Hyunsoo spat out words as if he had no choice but to look at the red flashing portal.

“That’s right.”

“You seem to have moved a little bit.”

“I just think it’s ominous.”

Jaehyuk Choi shook his head as if he could.

“Let’s go first.”

Choi Jae-hyuk looked at the portal and looked slightly nervous, but soon stepped into it.

One way or another, he was also an A-class hunter who had attacked numerous portals. Either he dies anyway or he’s black.

Park Hyunsoo looked at the back and crossed the portal.

Going through the portal, Chungyeong said.

[Do not let go of the tension.]

Even if the teacher told him to let go of the tension, he had no intention of letting go.

* * *

Inside the old castle, the ceiling was half-collapsed and the left side wall was twisted diagonally, leaving an irregular hole in the center.

Someone was sitting on a throne attached to the innermost wall and covered in all kinds of moss and creepers.

Goseong, which had lost its vitality due to being neglected for too long, was in a situation of increasing vitality due to neglect.

The lord of the throne lifted his head at the sound of stinging grasshoppers.

It was a skeleton.

It was a living skull with its eyes wide open and blue eyes flashing in the center of the black hole.

The skeleton saw a large door through which no one could enter anymore.

The hinge of the firmly closed door had already been rusted and blackened for a long time.

It was decorated with moss and vines like a throne above it to create a peaceful atmosphere, but in the eyes of the skeleton, it was a poor guy who lost its use.

It wasn’t just the door.

The same was true of the old castle, which was once the largest in the world and the center of a great country.

And the same was true of himself, who was withered but could not die.

in such a place

– Who is it?

The skeleton stood up.

He lost the sense of time and forcibly castrated his emotions and lived on the throne for countless years.

It has only happened in hundreds of years.

It was normal for the bones to creak.

Of course, the skeleton didn’t know pain, so it wasn’t for the faint of heart.

The skeleton began to walk toward a place where you could feel an outsider who had come to a world that had become nothing more than a part.

* * *

“How amazing. I’ve experienced many portals, but this is the first time I’ve been to a place like this. What is the concept?”There was no device that could confirm the concept, so I couldn’t confirm it, but I couldn’t easily infer the concept just by looking at the shape of the other world.

In the first place, there was no trace of civilization in the other world in the portals that have been attacked so far.

It was unusual.

“Is an intelligent body alive?”


“Yes. Then it doesn’t make sense. Even if anyone can see it, it is a medieval-style castle wall, but there is no way a monster that can’t speak could have built it.”

It is not that there were no monsters with intelligence until now.

The fishman priest, who seemed to be the head of the fishermen just by the Iljasan portal incident, didn’t make sense.

“Is there a race similar to humans?”

Jaehyuk Choi muttered with a serious face.

This was a huge discovery.

At the same time, it is said that there is a possibility of interacting with a new race, and he did not know how much he could find out the secrets of the portal.

Conversely, there was a possibility that they would be hostile to them.

“Whatever it is, it is a dangerous situation.”

“But I can’t stand still.”

I don’t like Choi Jae-hyeok, but what he said right now was all right.

He first had to figure out what kind of place this place was.

“We move separately. We both have the strength to bear at least one body, so that’s right.”

“all right.”

“Take this.”

Jaehyuk Choi gave me a firecracker.

“Do you know how to use flares?”


“If something happens, just pop it up and join us.”

Like a veteran, Jaehyuk Choi knew how to move in an unknown world.

In that part, Park Hyunsoo couldn’t even vomit.

Park Hyunsoo clenched the flare in his hand more clenched into his fist.

[It’s not useless.]

“I don’t know what he wants, but I’ll have to use his experience first.”

[No matter what he wants to do to you, he will want to escape from this place, so if you don’t want to be alone, we should cooperate as much as possible.]

“Whoa. What do you have to worry about? Let’s go.”

Park Hyunsoo looked at the place where Jaehyuk Choi had left and turned around.

I don’t know how big the other world is, but it’s better than walking through a desert of nothingness.

* * *

“Hmm. It’s a strange feeling.”

Choi Jae-hyuk glanced behind him and muttered.

He never showed a tee in front of Park Hyunsoo.

However, he was acting like someone who had some sense of what he was trying to do.

I didn’t understand that.

He didn’t make any mistakes.

His own acting was perfect, and by the middle, Park Hyunsoo only treated him like an annoying, noisy guy.

“What does that have to do with looking at the top left?”

Those eyes were not the eyes to see the scenery.

It was the eyes when making eye contact with something or someone.

Choi Jae-hyuk believed in his eyesight.

And he recalled the number of numerous cases.



‘The revealed unique ability is listening to hunsu. Do you hear hunsu?’

‘What are you listening to?’

‘ Park Hyunsoo is a fighter.’

‘An unusual type of martial art.’

‘The moves look like something out of a Chinese martial arts movie.’



Jaehyuk Choi tilted his head and rubbed his chin.

it’s unarmed

Now that I think about it, Park Hyunsoo’s fighting style was similar to martial arts.

If there were actually martial arts, it would be just like that.

Park Hyunsoo was a supporter before awakening.

They have a lot of experience in attacking portals, but they are all below level B.

However, there were hardly any B grades.

There’s no way I’ve ever used something like martial arts.

Then, why is Park Hyunsoo’s unique ability ‘listening to hunsu’?

‘If it’s Hunsu, then someone is teaching it.’

‘Then who?’

‘There is no one by Park Hyunsoo’s side.’

‘But you saw the upper left.’

‘Is there even a ghost?’

‘Ah, maybe… … .’

Choi Jae-hyuk, thinking about that, stopped his steps.

Ghosts are usually invisible.

But there is no such thing as a ghost in the world.

However, portals and monsters connected to the other world exist.

There is no way that there is no such thing as a ghost.

The ghost watched me.

I read that ghosts live in me.

Choi Jae-hyuk was goosebumps.

If the assumptions made so far are true, then Park Hyunsoo is deceiving himself.

Since there had never been such a thing in his life, Jaehyuk Choi had to be nervous under the assumption that it was real.

“Jae, are you having fun?”

Virtually 2 to 1.

The fighting power is overwhelming.

The plan is messed up from the start.

Have you ever had a moment like this in your life?

Jaehyuk Choi rubbed the corners of his lips that rose awkwardly.

“I do not care.”

He fitted his rock crusher to both hands, clapping his fingers repeatedly.

“I do not care.”

He kept repeating the same words over and over again and moved his steps.

There was a strange ominous look on his back.

* * *

Walking and walking, the wall was endless.

Not only was it large at the top, but the width itself was enormous.

“Shall we just go upstairs?”

Crossing the wall was risky in many ways, so I kept walking to find the gate.

But the gates didn’t come out, only the boring gray walls greeted him.

[I don’t feel anything like the presence around me.]

“Then I’ll move on.”

It was a high wall with no end in sight, but for Park Hyunsoo, this was a wall that could be climbed with a little effort.

Even the walls were made of bricks, so there were many times that I picked up and went up.

“Then where?”

Park Hyunsoo clings to the wall like a spider, then climbs up the wall at high speed.

Arms and legs that alternate non-stop.

Chungyeong watched it from behind and said.

[It’s really ugly.]

“It’s noisy.”

‘Because there is nothing to upload.’

Park Hyunsoo grumbled, but didn’t stop moving his limbs.

Did 10 minutes pass like that?

Was it because Park Hyunsoo’s speed was amazing, or the wall wasn’t surprisingly high?


He climbed to the top and hurrahed with all his might.


Chungyeong looked inside the castle, clutching his back.

All the old buildings were ruined here and there, and moss and creepers were covering them.

The town inside the castle seemed to have been neglected for quite some time.

The same was true of the old castle, which was a mixture of gray and green in the center.

The half-collapsed fortress was about as high as a fortress wall, but it must have been quite splendid in the past.

“Are you going down?”


Park Hyunsoo concentrated the air on both feet and attached them to the wall.

As the interior space spreads, it is connected to the wall like a stick.

As if lying down, he put his back against the wall and cut the sticky hole.


It accelerated in an instant and fell down, and a scream came out of its own accord.

Park Hyunsoo was reminded of a ride called ‘Gyro Drop’ that he had ridden a long time ago.

I certainly don’t think much of falling from a high place during battle, but I was able to enjoy this kind of thrill because I had a bit of leeway.

When Park Hyunsoo nearly reached the floor, he recovered the ball and jumped.

Put it in the air, spin and wear like a gymnast! and landing

[Twitter. Why are you so ignorant of using your inner strength to go down a wall!]

Chungyeong’s decree fell.

Park Hyunsoo responded to his teacher with a frown on his face.

“I wish I had come down safely. Why are you angry?”

[Ugh, you idiot. I still don’t know how to properly distribute the interior space.]

“Because I never properly informed you.”


“Oh, no.”

Park Hyunsoo coughed for nothing and looked at the buildings a little closer.


[Didn’t I say that I didn’t feel any signs?]

“It was outside the walls. I didn’t expect to feel anything when I went inside.”

In that part, Chungyeong felt the same way.

I can’t feel anything, but it’s pointless to wander around the village.

There is only one place worth visiting at a time like this.

[Let’s go to the castle.]

“I thought so.”

There must be a secret in that castle.

either for the good or for the bad.


– You don’t have to go there.

The two priests, both of you, turned to the direction the sound was heard.

– Jim is here.

Standing there stood a skeleton dressed in rotten cloth.

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