Heavenly Lord of the Myriad Realms

Chapter 540: Excellent performance (1)

Chu Tian made meritorious deeds. He was the first to discover the hatchery of the low-level warriors of the Mingjiao family.

Chutian made another merit. He was the first to discover the evolutionary pool of the middle-level warriors of the Mingjiao family.

Chutian once again made meritorious deeds. He was the first to discover the pregnancy cavity of the high-ranking people of the Mingjiao family.

Chu Tian actually made meritorious deeds. He was the first to discover the crushing nest of the horns of the family.


Truly good luck Chutian, capable Chutian, Chutian with amazing luck!

The warrior with a hundred purple valves smashed things in the nest of the horns, and did not know that the search teams of other roads were wastes, or it was really lucky that Chu Tian was lucky. He grabbed other Before the teams, they found many interesting and important 'organs' in the nest of the Mongol!

Yes, these weird things can only be described with organs.

For example, the crushing nest in the nest is a large chamber with a diameter of 30,000 miles and shaped like a beef stomach. The black-red, thick and abnormal cavity wall is violently creeping. There are numerous strange and distorted runes on the wall. The veins that are forcibly swallowed by the nest are compressed and sent here, like a twisted dragon suspension. In the smashing nest.

Every breath, with a violent peristalsis of the crushing nest, there is always a dragon that collapses and smashes, and all the internal impurities are instantly turned into black smoke. The numerous holes in the crushing nest are sucked away. Only a large number of pure spirits The marrow is condensed into a giant crystal of a hundred feet in size, and is quickly transported away along a huge circular ramp.

Looking at this huge smashing nest, Chu Tian became more and more aware that the nest of the horns is a huge creature. And these hatcheries, evolutionary pools, gestational cavities, or the shattered nests in front of them, and even some of the strange things that he had found before, are the organs of this giant creature!

These functional special chambers are alive and a living biological body.

These chambers are all wonderful, and the mystery of the mystery will be described in a moment, and it has extremely important reference value for the purple valve.

According to the power of the purple valve, the smashing nest in the nest of the horns, the functions of phagocytosis, smashing, refining, and pure veins are used to plunder the local veins of the extraterrestrial battlefield. The array method is several times more subtle, and efficiency and efficiency are not the same.

If you can understand the mystery of this crushing nest, the efficiency of the purple valve to attack the extraterrestrial battlefield, the efficiency of scraping the land in the outer battlefield can be increased by at least ten times or more, which is very meaningful for the rapid development of the purple valve in the extraterrestrial battlefield.

As for the hatchery, evolutionary pool, pregnancy cavity, and the ancient "organs" found on Chutian, each place is branded with a distinct and unique civilization impression of the horns, each inch of body is hidden Infinite mystery, it is worth the effort of the purple valve to study and to enlighten.

The people of the horns are famous for their inexhaustible greed and mad plundering. Their civilized nature is crazy attack, crazy plunder, crazy killing, crazy destruction!

If the purple valve can absorb the essence of the civilization of the horns, its significance is comparable to the cultivating the heavenly power of the Tiandaobao wheel. It is covered with a full set of supreme celes, the fighting force and lethality of the whole purple valve. Expand to what level!

In just three days, Chutian has new discoveries almost every hour.

Sometimes, Chu Tian and other search teams encounter similarly similar 'organs' at two different locations.

However, the ‘organs’ discovered by other search teams will always have various inexplicable problems, either destroyed by the remaining Mongol warriors or destroyed by the search team themselves in the fight.

Only Chutian can completely occupy a fully functional ‘new organ’ every time!

Every time he can hand over these ‘organs’ to the rushing purple valve power!

Therefore, Chutian has made dozens of 'first powers' in the past three days, and he has won praises from the purple scorpion and several purple valves. Even the purple scorpion is in front of many purple valve warriors, and promises to wait for this. After the second exploration, Chutian will enter the core secret library of the purple valve, and choose a treasure that is comparable to the top of the sky!

A group of purple valve warriors blinked their eyes, and they became angry and accelerated the speed of the search.

But the faster they speeded up, the more inexplicable troubles they encountered, and even several search teams inexplicably encountered the sinister ban in the nest, which inexplicably damaged the manpower.

Although no one has fallen, there are elite soldiers who are seriously injured!

The purple valve elders such as Zijing quickly noticed the bad signs in the search team. They quickly warned the leaders of the search teams and ordered them to quit smoking and refrain from rushing.

Under the strict orders of Zi Yan and others, the blundering behavior of these purple valve search teams was forcibly terminated.

So in the next few days, Chutian became more and more dazzling. If you use 'Mu Xiu Yulin' to describe Chutian, he is simply a millennium old oak tree suddenly picked up by a large group of small saplings. It is the infinite wind, but also the hatred of countless people.

Feeling the two hundred gaze behind him like a flame, Chutian looked at the eighteen estuaries that were lined up in front of him. After a moment of indulgence, he took out a piece of the next product, and left it to the top of his head.

Ling Jing quickly bounced a few times in the ramp, and the sound of ‘咚’ fell in front of a ramp.

Chu Tian turned back and smiled at the hundred subordinates behind him. He pointed at the martyrdom and smiled. "I don't know what is inside these intersections. Well, just pick a way to go...ha, this time, no. Is there such a good luck?"

The eyes of a hundred purple warriors are much better. The behavior of Chu Tian is in their view. Chu Tian knows that he has been too aggressive in the past few days, so he wants to deliberately reduce the heat - well, the young man knows the wrong way. Change, it's still good!

That's right, it's a wise choice to give some credit to the purple valve people of other search teams.

At the same time, the hundred purple valve warriors of Chutian sighed at the same time. They were stunned by the same family of other teams in various ways. Chutian is willing to slow down the momentum of the search, and will give credit to the purple valve people of other teams. Chu Tian’s purple valve warriors also feel that the pressure has dropped a lot!

The pedestrian slowed down, as if they were swimming in the mountains, and walked along the road that Chutian chose.

Walking hundreds of miles forward, a large, bright chamber in front of it appeared.

Chu Tian stepped into the chamber and saw all the furnishings in the room of a thousand miles. A swearing word had already reached his mouth. He was forced to swallow it by him and could not be said.

Although the style is weird, Chutian recognizes it at a glance, and it is clearly the masterpiece of this nest!

Here are a number of singular ethnic specimens that have been destroyed by the owners of this nest, and the wisdom of their civilization!

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