Heavenly Martial Art

Chapter 453: Blazing Brush

Yang Chen couldn't help but sigh. At present, it seems that Emperor Tiandu's attainments in the way of the soul are not comparable to that of the fish-men clan. He can even shake the substance with a sweep of the soul. Although it is a key, it is already an incredible thing for the power of the soul.

After obtaining the key at this moment, Emperor Tiandu said slowly: Okay, Yang Chen, I have the key, and you have a second chance to choose.

Yang Chen didn't waste any more time and directly looked around.

As early as the last time, he had a certain goal, but he had to give up because of the Ancient Spirit Flower. Now that he had a second chance, he directly focused his eyes. Then he hit the target not far away, lying flat on the restricted brush.

The brush was as big as his arm, and its fine white hairs indicated its exquisite workmanship.

Yang Chen asked curiously: Senior Tiandu, what is the name of this writing brush?

This pen name is 'Blazing Fire', and it is a very unique Xuantian spiritual treasure. Emperor Tiandu explained calmly.

Fire? Yang Chen asked curiously: Senior, no matter how you look at this brush, it has nothing to do with fire.

Hmph, kid, what do you know? In order for this blazing brush to exert its power, its greater role depends on a strange fire artifact called the Blazing Holy Fire. Emperor Tiandu chuckled.

Yang Chen was stunned for a moment: Blazing Holy Fire? What's going on?

He had also heard of the Blazing Holy Fire. This strange fire could be said to be a rather domineering flame among many strange fires. Different from the femininity of the starry fire, this blazing holy fire is an extremely domineering masculine fire. It is rumored that it is the most intense holy fire in the world, even more concentrated than magma.

In his previous life, Yang Chen also thought about this blazing holy fire. It's just a pity that this strange fire is hard to come by. It doesn't mean that you can get it just because you want it.

Because the Blazing Holy Fire is the ink of the Blazing Sky Writing Brush. ​​Emperor Tiandu sighed: It is said that the Blazing Sky Writing Brush works with the Blazing Sky Holy Fire and uses the Holy Fire as ink to sway out with unparalleled power. It is far from an ordinary Xuan. Comparable to the Heavenly Spirit Treasure, it is simply terrifying and astonishing!”

This made Yang Chen couldn't help but be horrified. Beings like the Emperor of Tiandu lamented the power of the blazing writing brush combined with the blazing sacred fire. This shows how powerful the blazing writing brush is when it is launched.

But obviously, neither does Emperor Tiandu of Blazing Holy Fire.

Yang Chen couldn't help but ask: Senior, if there is no Blazing Holy Fire, how can this Blazing Brush be used?

How else can it be used? It's useless. Emperor Tiandu shrugged: This is also the weak point of this Xuantian treasure, but to say it is completely useless is a bit too much. This blazing brush is still very useful. Generally speaking, using this object to draw forbidden and spiritual talismans can get twice the result with half the effort, especially for spiritual talismans. With the combination of this blazing brush, the probability of completing the talisman can be said to be greatly improved.

Speaking of this, Emperor Tiandu added: Apart from these, the effect of the blazing writing brush is only its unique effect in space. When you have reached great martial arts cultivation, you can use this blazing writing brush to tear apart Split space, but it's still a bit far away for you now. So to put it simply, this blazing writing brush is a treasure, but for you, it's too useless.

Yang Chen couldn't deny what Emperor Tiandu said, but the key lies in the inscription of the restriction and the talisman.

Why did he pay attention to the blazing brush in the first place?

It is because of this drawing of talismans and drawing prohibitions that all you need are some very cherished writing objects.

Usually this kind of treasure is very rare, not to mention that this blazing writing brush is a Xuantian spiritual treasure.

Emperor Tiandu probably felt that the blazing holy fire could not be found at all, and the blazing writing brush was extremely useless, so he just put it together with these treasures.

Yang Chen thought secretly.

Soon, he had an idea: Senior, junior, choose this blazing writing brush.

This made Emperor Tiandu a little confused about what Yang Chen was thinking. He said hey: Boy, I'm wondering what you are thinking about. Why do you always choose useless things?

Emperor Tiandu didn't understand, but Yang Chen's choice of the blazing pen was not useless. You must know that drawing this talisman is a test of skill. In terms of his time, he is unlikely to spend too much time on it. When learning to draw talismans, the efficacy of this blazing pen comes out.

It can greatly increase the chance of becoming a talisman. This is simply the treasure he dreams of, and it is completely unavailable.

Moreover, he also has a second key that can provide him with a third chance to choose a treasure. This kind of thing that he encounters today but will not encounter tomorrow must be in his pocket as soon as possible.

Although Emperor Tiandu was depressed, he couldn't decide Yang Chen's choice. He just said: Boy, are you sure?

Senior, this junior has made up his mind. Yang Chen stood firm.

Emperor Tiandu sounded discouraged, and then helped Yang Chen open the restriction.

Yang Chen took out the Blazing Fire Spiritual Pen and looked very happy.

At the same time, Jiang Caiying's choice came to an end, and she opened her mouth and said: Senior, junior choose this treasure.

Oh? The Sea-Breaking Sword? Emperor Tiandu said happily: Little girl, it is true that your talent is not comparable to this boy, but your vision is very vicious. This Sea-Breaking Sword is a real thing. The treasures of the Sutra are far better than the treasures chosen by that boy.

Jiang Caiying rolled her eyes. She felt dissatisfied when Emperor Tiandu said that she was not as talented as Yang Chen. However, after thinking of Yang Chen's monster-like performance, she felt helpless. It seemed that Emperor Tiandu's words were beyond doubt. , it is impossible to refute.

In this way, after Jiang Caiying chose the Sea-Breaking Sword, Yang Chen also pocketed the blazing pen.

Immediately, he made some preparations and said directly: Senior, junior has completed my training, please send me to the eighth level.

Are you ready? Emperor Tiandu asked.

Yang Chen nodded: Yes, senior, I'm ready.

Now that he has finished resting, his energy has recovered, and the Golden Claw's injury has almost recovered, there is no reason for him not to pass the eighth level.

Just like that, when he came back to his senses, the surrounding scene had changed.

Yang Chen suddenly opened his eyes and found that this was a paradise with beautiful scenery, flowers, grass, and waterfalls.

However, this paradise is beautiful, but the living things are so-so.

Yang Chen looked carefully and saw three monsters with lion faces and bodies.

These three lion-faced monsters were holding big knives in their hands. They were surrounded by vicious auras and had blood-red eyes. Yang Chen took one look at them and couldn't help but murmured: Crazy lion monster?

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