Heavens and Worlds Pawn System

Vol 2 Chapter 170: : The **** truth

In the message Manjusri instilled in Jiang Ziya, Shen Gongbao was cunning, insidious, fierce, murderous, **** with both hands, and used cruel methods to turn Yin Shang into forbidden, causing the entire kingdom to rot from the roots, which was a drag on Yin Shang. The culprit. wap.novelmtl.com

But to be honest, Jiang Ziya felt that this information was wrong from the beginning.

In his eyes, the emperor did not enslave the people, and the officials did not harm the people. Everywhere in his eyes, the people's faces are nothing. Even the poor, the poor, are working hard for their own lives...all these things, Various phenomena indicate that the kingdom has no signs of decay at all.

On the contrary, it seems that these people who claim to be righteous are going to smash the roots of this kingdom!

When this kind of thinking appears, it becomes a little difficult for Jiang Ziya to believe those negative rumors about Shen Gongbao... Even now, he who sits in front of him is a little guilty, like a thief, just when he was stealing things. Hit the master's hands.

After a few glasses of wine, Jiang Ziya's weather-covered cheeks were slightly red, and he looked up at Su Jin's eyes and said: "There are no outsiders here, I won't hide anything. Brother Shen, what do you think? Brother Manjusri’s plan?"

"There is no donkey in Qiandi, one person brought one from another place and grazes in the mountains.

The tiger saw that the donkey was a behemoth, and thought it was a beast, so he avoided it all the way.

Later, he approached and teased him. The donkey was furious and kicked the tiger. But with this kick, the tiger could see through the donkey's ability, and immediately eat it. "

Su Jin wrote, and smiled: "This story is called "Qianlu Jiqiong."

Jiang Ziya: "..."

"Yin Shang to me is equivalent to Xiqi explaining and teaching to you. No matter how arrogant I am at wap.novelmtl.com, I dare not go to Xiqi with the intention of subverting Ji's regime." Su Jin continued: " Manjusri’s cultivation level is stronger than me, and his conceit is stronger than me. He thinks he can do what I dare not do, so he came to Chaoge alone."

Jiang Ziya whispered: "It turns out that he can't do it either."

Su Jin smiled and said: "There are few things in Chaoge that can be hidden from my eyes and ears, and there are no ghost tricks that can be hidden from my eyes. I know that Ji Chan was sent into the palace by him, and I know him I have been bewitching the ministers of the court, I know that he has always wanted to work hard to get close to the king... But this pile, piece by piece, what has he done to complete? Ji Chan is the dragon who has climbed the king. Bed, but did she ever fascinate King Zhou? In the Manchu dynasty, except for some depressed officials, who would respond to his solicitation? After so many years, has he ever come into contact with King Zhou?"

Jiang Ziya was silent.

"He is really out of skill." Su Jin said softly, "So you have the best hope for him."

Jiang Ziya sighed and said: "Brother Manjusri, you are arrogant enough to think that you can control me and even play with me between your hands, so you will definitely not prevent me from entering the court."

"Bullshit." Su Jin shook her head and said, "Ziya, in this troubled world, even if you are in the same camp, no matter how close the relationship between you is, you can't do anything with each other, you just believe in anything! Because of me You are conceited, so you won’t be prevented from entering the dynasty. If you savour this method carefully, can it stand up?

Jiang Ziya frowned slightly and was silent.

"Is this the truth you want to tell me?" Jiang Ziya asked with a low eye.

Su Jin shook her head: "No, these are just some calculations that can't be on the table, and can't afford the truth."

"You know everything, you know everything, why do you welcome me to the dynasty?"

"Because of the common people." Su Jin said.

"Huh...?" Jiang Ziya said with a smile: "Brother, are you kidding me?"

Su Jin said, "Am I joking with you?"

Jiang Ziya gradually reduced his smile and said, "I would like to hear the opinions of my seniors."

"It's not something you explain to teach." Su Jin said: "Because you explain to teach the golden immortals to commit murder, Dao fell to the list of gods.

As long as Yuan Shizun slayed your eleven golden immortals with a single brain, and sent the list to the Conferred God, this killing and robbery would be over.

But Yuan Shizun is reluctant to give up, after all, those eleven people are the foundation of elucidating and teaching. What is the difference between killing them and destroying Taoism?

Therefore, the death list of the Conferred God List needs to be filled in with three hundred and sixty-five souls. If it is not enough, then more than 700 sub-gods will be sealed.

However, there is a plan, but he can't let Chanjiao directly kill these gods, right? This is the enemy.

Therefore, he has another plan to make use of the change of dynasties in the world to promote the killing of immortals.

Taking the ground as the chessboard, the gods as the chess pieces, turning the clouds with the left hand, covering the rain with the right hand, Yin Shang, Xiqi, King Zhou, Wen Zhong, Ji Chang, and even Ji Fa are just a chess piece on the chessboard... You explain the calculations of the saints.

That is, for the eleven people, he did not hesitate to cause great chaos, vivid and vivid, and blood flowed into rivers!

I welcome you to the court, not because of arrogance, not because I want to control you, but because I want you to see with your own eyes and see the world with your own eyes, think about it, and if you are willing to do something wrong accomplice. "

Jiang Ziya was stunned, staring blankly at the cold-faced man in front of him. The more he looked at it, the more strange it became, and the more he looked at it, the more profound it became.

"I'm an educator. My life is educated." Shao Qing, Jiang Ziya smiled bitterly: "So even if yours is true, even if I want to save the common people, I have no choice, no way. selected."

The corner of Su Jin's mouth rose slightly, and she stretched out her palm to him: "You are like a person who is deeply stuck in a quagmire. It is impossible to get out only by relying on your own strength. Even the harder you struggle, the more you will be caught. The deeper it goes. But if you dare to hold my hand, I can pull you out of the quagmire, so that you will not experience the catastrophe."

Jiang Ziya didn't hold his palm, and slowly said, "If this is the truth about you, what is your estimated consequence of me?"

Su Jin retracted her arm indifferently, and her voice was slightly cold: "All the gods on the list of gods will hate you to the bone, and their relatives, Shimen, will hate you for immortality. You have offended so many forces and so many people. What do you think you will end up doing?"

Jiang Ziya rubbed his eyebrows and said, "I am wronged."

"Which scapegoat is not wronged? Which one is not wronged for dead ghosts?" Su Jin said, "Do you understand now? Jiang Ziya, you are not only a tool for conferring gods, but also a surrogate ghost who attracts hatred for elucidation. Then the gods will kill and rob them. The Eleventh Golden Fairy has nothing to do, it is still a high spirit, and you, you are the best of the gods, the king of the gods, you can be considered as a loser if you can be on the list of the gods!"

Jiang Ziya: "..."

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