145. Chapter 145 King Kong Militia Squad (for the Miles Reward)

    Zhao Weiliang found Shen Cong in the morning and talked with Shen Cong for three hours. At noon, he returned to the military region to convene a major leadership to open a meeting. In the afternoon, he came to find Shen Cong. After two hours of negotiations, he finally reached an agreement.

    Shen Cong and King Kong are not independent of wartime orders, but they can be used as a united front to obtain preferential treatment and cooperate with the camp. He will set up a separate militia squad to accept the task management of the Ministry of Human Resources, and at the same time, he will work part-time in the independent car camp and report directly to Zhao Weiliang.

    In other words, the nominally Shen Cong is accepting the unified management of the provincial military region, and actually manages his own affairs.

    Of course, the reason why Zhao Weiliang gave Shen Cong such a wait is also a premise, that is, Shen Cong can not do things that are not conducive to the camp, and must cooperate with the tasks assigned by the military region.

    Only in this way can Shen Cong exchange the resources he needs from the provincial military region.


    The newly formed King Kong militia squad returned to the Mingfa camp together with Zhao Weiliang. The heavy blow of last night made the atmosphere of the camp somewhat depressed. Shen Cong did not enter the camp, but at the outermost periphery, he chose a corner that was easier to escape and stopped. It will serve as his resident.

    Even if the cooperation plan has been reached, he still has great vigilance against the provincial military region.

    There is no welcome ceremony.

    Isolation is outside the camp. Shen Cong is still living alone. Even if there are many children in the camp, he will go to the Jinanghao not far away, watching the chariots of the statues, and the noise.

    Adults are sad, children still live their childhood.

    “The camp will send people to come here to build a high platform and build a stone house.”Li Aiping came over and said to Shen Cong, who was busy sorting out the goods in the car.

    The White Cat militia squad has been written off. She was named by Zhao Weiliang and was inserted into the Jin Gang militia squad.

    However, Shen Cong will not regard her as her own team member. She has already said to her in advance, nominally a team member, but any action, Shen Cong will complete it himself. Li Aiping is mainly responsible for the relationship between him and the camp. communicate with.


    Opening the rear door of the carriage, Shen Cong jumped down and dragged down the finished materials. He said to Li Aiping: "Tell the camp, I don't need a house, build a high platform, help me clean up the gravel around me, just fine."

    Li Aiping shook his head: "Do you live on the King Kong?"

    Shen Cong does not want to talk nonsense: "In addition, I will inform the logistics department and come over the transaction materials. I have already sorted it out."In the car, materials that are not important to him, according to the cooperation method, will be converted into points and traded to the camp.


    After a while, the logistics department came over with a large military truck. The big truck seemed to be reassembled. It was a set of engines plus a carriage.

    The corrosion and rust of the rich belt is very serious, and basically there is no good metal equipment.

    Therefore, the Iron Man will be particularly valued by the provincial military region.

    "Captain Hu, fortunately, I will be lucky. I am Li San, the head of the logistics department."Li Sansheng reached out and Shen Cong.

    Shen Cong wore a semi-activated armor and did not reach out: "Can you start to convert points?"

    Li Sansheng smiled and said, "Well, start to convert."

    Tobacco and alcohol tea is worthless in the provincial military region, food is valuable in the provincial military region, and medicines…In the end, this huge pile of materials was converted into 224 points.

    This is followed by the data conversion of the "End of the World", which converted 16 points. Finally, the data in Shen Cong U disk and hard disk, directly copied a copy to the provincial military region, the provincial military region directly gave 260 points, just to increase Shen Cong's points to 500 points, becoming a silver-level evolution.

    The silver level is in the camp. At present, a few people have reached it. As for the gold level of 5,000 points, there is no one, because the highest point is the iron man named Niu Daming, who has 544 points.

    "Points can be redeemed. We use a monorail system. That is to say, if you spend the points, you have to lose the level and enjoy the previous benefits."

    The level of welfare benefits, Shen Cong can not see, his sole purpose in the camp, can be said to upgrade the King Kong.

    Now hoard the points and prepare for the future transformation of the King Kong.

    After the transaction, the internal space of the King Kong was suddenly vacated a lot, but there are still a lot of high-tech equipment, Shen Cong did not choose to turn over, because these have been alloyed by King Kong, the transaction will inevitably be downgraded.

    The logistics department truck left.

    Li Aiping added: "Hu Ge, tomorrow's research institute is coming over, talking to you about evolution, you may be asked to cooperate with it."

    "we'll talk about it then."


    In the evening, the camp was slightly lit by fire.

    Shen Cong took out the electric welding and began to melt the raw metal of the Hummer and swallowed the alloy bit by bit. These good things, the safest to use early, in case of causation, it is not good. Although the provincial military region handled everything in accordance with the regulations during the day, Shen Cong still did not relax the slightest vigilance.

    He wore a semi-activated armor and never took off.

    At the same time, the chassis of the King Kong was opened. Once it was found to be dangerous, for example, the provincial military area bombed him with a missile, and immediately ran out from the dark road, and then fled or counterattacked.

    "Since Commander Zhao said very well, I hope that I can support him in the decision-making of the provincial military region and provide him with help, but who knows whether this will be a hidden means, the conspiracy will never be less, I must be careful!"

    "Blackheads, you guys eat more, more prolific super-antic acid, this is my most powerful killer!"In order to obtain the super-second acid of blackheads, Shen Cong has been willing to distribute the honey treasure to it.

    Blackhead likes honeypot very much, burying his head and eating only.

    Fortunately, because it is fully developed and eaten more nutritious, it will be converted into super-second acid. The power of super-second acid is huge, and naturally it is better.

    As for the ant force god, he was locked in the original food compartment by Shen Cong, and he did not want to expose it for the time being. After all, the flying power of the ant force god is likely to be the most important means for Shen Cong to escape.

    The electric welding ignited and began to melt the original metal of the Hummer.

    The dripping solution was quickly guided by Shen Cong to lead the King Kong alloy. The power of the welding torch was not too big, and the speed was a bit slow. However, Shen Cong did not need it too fast. He was afraid that it would devour the original metal of the fire truck. Cramps, seven bleeds, and the same as dying.

    This time a little bit of integration.


    Ten minutes later, the alloy has a lot of original metals, and the talent of the King Kong has begun to increase. From the perception, it can be felt that the original metal part of the King Kong has expanded little by little, and even with the willpower of Shen Cong, it is conscious. Expansion.

    At present, the original metal part of the King Kong is probably from the front engine, the entire front axle part, and the rear axle.

    Under the guidance of Shen Cong's willpower, the original metal began to expand along the chassis.

    In the subconscious, Shen Cong thinks that the safest part of the car is the chassis…Gradually, Shen Cong felt that his body had changed.

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