162. Chapter 162 Great Migration (for the black dreams, add more -2/2)

    Throughout the day, Shen Cong assembled four computers and eight display screens. This is the limit. Because there are a lot of materials in the camp, there are not many good CPUs. Computers without CPUs are not called computers.

    The computer can't continue to be assembled, and other electronic devices can be assembled.

    Radar monitoring, camera monitoring, infrared camera monitoring, drone monitoring, navigation map system, high-power radio.

    Air conditioning, TV, refrigerator, washing machine, induction cooker, water heater, kettle, stereo, vacuum cleaner, humidifier, camera, video camera, rice cooker, juicer, vacuum cleaner, pressure cooker, ice machine.

    Headlights, oxygen, solar panels, razors, hair dryers, water dispensers, car CD players.

    Medical equipment, laboratory equipment, field equipment, etc.

    The most important thing is the weapon self-operating platform.

    The design concept of King Kong 2.0 is a large-scale mobile chariot, RV, off-road vehicle, and engineering vehicle assembly. There is enough space to install these home appliances that provide quality of life. For the end of the world, Shen Cong is not just a war-torn surpassing life and death, but also a comfortable life.

    He is only twenty-two years old, and there are still many good years to be grasped.

    "Colonel Hu, the provincial military region held a leadership meeting, please participate."The soldier who passed the order conveyed the news of the meeting.

    Shen Cong is busy with his own King Kong 2.0 hoarding equipment, directly refusing to say: "Tell Zhao Commander, I am not available."

    "Zhao Shiling has confessed that the topic of today's meeting is the camp migration discussion, which is related to the development of the camp in the future. All leaders must attend the meeting to express their opinions."

    Got it

    Shen Cong did not insist on much, or went to the meeting.

    He didn't want to have too many intersections with the camp. He just wanted to reinvent the King Kong with peace of mind. It was just a lot of time that he couldn't let him go. I had to be the front of evolution and had to be a leader. I had to be notified of the meeting in two days and I was bothered.

    If you are too deep, you will inevitably bring in many plots.

    This is not in the interest of Shen Cong.

    "When the King Kong 2.0 is completed, enter the Lv1 era, and then decide whether to leave here and go to Nanjing and Beijing to find evolutionary opportunities."


    The topic of the meeting was migration.

    This is an old topic in the camp where Zhao Weiliang and Zhu Li had contradictions. It was only under the oppression of the evolutionary beast that there was not much crack.

    Now the topic has been put on the conference table.

    The reason is very simple. The camp ammunition has been warned, and the next time the heavyweight evolutionary beast is basically a ruin. The level of bone gold weapons in the camp is limited, and the evolutionary people have limited strength. They cannot pin their hopes on Shen Cong, the only powerful evolutionist.

    After all, Shen Cong’s current strength can barely be considered a quasi-heavyweight, and it is still too weak to deal with heavyweight evolutionary beasts.

    In particular, the heavyweight evolution beast is not only an individual class, but also a group class, and there are super-scale evolution beasts on the heavyweight. Although most of the time the overweight is not out in the Huoshan Oasis, no one can guarantee that these super-scale evolutionary beasts will never go out for a lifetime.

    Eventually, after half an hour of quarreling, the meeting came up with two options.

    The first choice is to migrate to Chenzhou City.

    Quzhou City is located in Nanjing, which is equivalent to Nanjing's satellite city, and has a large number of troops stationed, the 34th brigade of the motorized infantry, the 178 brigade, the artillery regiment, and the armored 37 regiment. In particular, the 178 Brigade, belonging to the Mobile Infantry Brigade, took the first place in the military competition held by Da Mao.

    Although in the sequence of troops, the garrison in Zhangzhou City does not belong to the Anhui Military Region, but geographically, it is still a force in Anhui Province.

    When you arrive in Chenzhou City, you can see the situation in Nanjing by contacting the unit.

    If the Eastern War Zone did not suffer too much crisis, the survivors of the Mingfa camp could be merged smoothly.

    However, the risk of this option is very high. After all, Nanjing has exploded two nuclear bombs in succession. The danger may be greater than that of the Mingfa camp. The miles have run without hope and will cause people to collapse.

    The second option is to stick to the Mingfa camp and adopt a method of deep digging trenches and air-raid shelters to establish a perfect defense system to avoid the danger of evolutionary beasts. Subsequently, the survivors of other urban areas were rescued, and all of them were connected to Hefei to build a brand new home.

    This choice is more conservative, and there are many problems. One is material supply, one is time enough, and the other is really able to withstand heavyweight and super-scale evolutionary beasts?

    "Hu Ge, what is your opinion?"Zhao Weiliang named Shen Cong.

    Shen Cong's meeting is a corner, a corner that is conducive to escape and capture the high-level meat shield, and almost does not speak, do not participate in any discussion.

    From the bones, he did not regard the camp as his home.

    "You make a decision, I have no opinion."

    "So, vote by hand, support the move of the move."Zhao Weiliang launched the table army and took the lead in raising his hand.

    About half of the high-level hands raised their hands.

    Shen Cong did not mention.

    "Supporting the solid hand."

    About a small half of the high-level hands raised, Zhu Li is one of them.

    Shen Cong still did not lift, he directly abstained.

    Zhao Weiliang glanced around in a circle and immediately said: "To support migration more than support and stick to it, today we will unify our opinions and prepare for migration. Send people to Chenzhou to inquire about the situation, there are people and the environment is safe, we will pass, if no one, then discuss again. ”


    The camp will migrate to Chenzhou City.

    This is a big news, but the specific day is expected to be fixed, the provincial military area is ready to send people to explore a road – from Hefei to Zhangzhou, the distance is not too far, take the Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway, a fast day can go back and forth.

    However, the current road can't travel at high speed, and the road is dangerous. There is not much transportation in the camp. Only the iron man can drive. The battalion commander of the car camp, Fu Yu, took the task with a team of mutants. The time limit was one week. Once I knew the news of Ganzhou, I immediately discussed whether to migrate.

    In fact, when Zhao Weiliang was obsessed with it, he also sent people to go to Zhangzhou, but the people who sent it had no news, and they broke their thoughts on Zhangzhou.

    This time it is just a matter of old things.

    At the same time, Mingfa Camp prepares for migration and does ideological work for those who don't want to go – not everyone is full of expectations for Ganzhou City and Nanjing Military Region. The two nuclear bombs have scared many people, they are more willing to be here. Be careful to be alive.

    In the voting, Shen Cong abstained and did not express his opinion, but his heart was actually not happy because his King Kong had not been modified.

    It was only in this camp event that he did not impose his own lusts on others' decisions.

    Anyway, the road can be remodeled, just a little more troublesome.

    However, in the afternoon, there was good news that made him relieved. The car lab has designed the detailed King Kong 2.0 drawings.

    "Colonel Hu, the camp has to migrate, is the King Kong No modification, or is it going to change?"Liu Yanbing asked.

    Shen Cong looked at the drawings: "Can you first modify the main frame of the King Kong and the external armor, and delay the internal structure?"

    "Yes, as long as the power system and the frame are built, other components can be changed while walking."

    "That's a quick start. Grab this week and try to make good results." As for the reward, what do you want? ”

    "There is danger on the migration road. The people in our laboratory passed the ditch. I hope to take your car from Colonel Hu, just a little bit."

    In principle, Shen Cong will not accept passengers.

    However, the modification of the King Kong is indeed inseparable from the help of this group of people. His strength is still too small. If you want to quickly complete the modification, the necessary measures are necessary.

    Nice! I can carry you, only ordinary people, evolutionists are free to talk. ”

    "We are all ordinary people."

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