190. Chapter 190 Discovery of Newbridge Airport (1,400 tickets plus more)

    Tentacles (individual class).

    Combat power rating: quasi-heavyweight.

    Individual evolution height: maturity (Lv0.623, activity 0.738H)

    Individual talent: one star (1.184H)

    Specific introduction…

    The "Live" white paper was updated very quickly, and the information of the tentacles was added. It is worth mentioning that the editors of the research institutes discussed for a while while arguing about the level of the tentacles.

    The main talent of the tentacles is too low, one star 1.184H, which is lower than the one-star 1.264H of the lightweight dog crocodile, let alone compared with the lightweight 1.38H talent of the spiny king. It is.

    The focus of their discussion is that special grades other than seven levels of super, heavy, light, feather, chick, fly, and grass, quasi-heavyweight, in the end is to see talent, or to see combat power; if you look at combat power, it is to look at special circumstances The combat power, or the combat power in the normal state.

    In the end, they set a red line – the group evolution beast only looks at the combat power; the individual evolved the beast to see the destructive power (home battle power) generated by talent and special environment.

    The evolutionary beast's talent reaches the one-star standard, and it has reached the quasi-heavyweight selection criteria. At this time, the home battle force is started to determine whether it is finally selected.

    Giant vultures the air superiority is obvious, to the human, the threat is very big, the violent big ape King front combat Power formidable, the body size is huge, wins the election; Once the king is curled up, basically can't die, can cause great threat to mankind, selected; Tentacle strange figure is not big, but in the underground combat effectiveness, selected; Fighting in the water is human without solution, selected.

    After the red line was confirmed, the lightweight spiny king returned to the quasi-heavyweight level, and the crocodile received a bonus and rose to a small level.

    In this way, in the "Learning and Evolution of the Beast", the level of the evolutionary beast is clear at a glance.

    Excessive levels – disaster groups, dragon wasps, iron beasts, known three.

    Heavyweights – violent amnesty groups, leprosy groups, bloody mosquitoes, swift leopards, golden dragonflies, seven known.

    Quasi-heavyweights – Violent Kings, Giant Vultures, Tentacles, Spiny Kings, Dog Crocodiles, five known.

    Lightweight – violent scorpion (medium body shape), white bone beetle population, threatening mouse population, large locust population, cockroach lizard, etc.

    Featherweight level – violent scorpion (small body shape), bull demon king, poison male snake, sharp eagle, dragon wasp individual, angry sparrow group and so on.

    The sequel is the death claw, the melancholy bird, the wild boar king, the thief crow group and so on.

    The order of flies – threatened rats, large locust individuals, white bone beetle individuals, thief crow individuals, tooth wolves, Thai sun days, earthworms, tumor pigs, large tooth rats, honey bee colonies, etc.

    Grass level – honey bee individual, angry sparrow individual and so on.


    After reading the latest book of "Live", Shen Cong will maintain a new King Kong, and opened the Mingfa camp. He did not pick up the task, but went directly to the vicinity of Xinqiao Airport to prepare to observe the foraging of the leper. Habits.

    He is looking forward to Xinqiao Airport.

    Especially the aircraft engine.

    Dajingang stopped on the Heliuye Expressway, and Dajiang 8 was lifted off. He quietly observed for a while. After the lack of electricity, Shen Cong replaced the semi-activated armor and came to the top of the King Kong.

    Stand up and use a telescope to observe the woods around the airport.

    The leper flies inhabit the woods, flying from time to time, turning around and falling into the canopy.

    An hour later, Shen Cong felt bored: "I still can't go out for food, can I eat enough in the woods?" They are some fruitless poplars, and they don’t see the leprosy eating the leaves. What do they eat? ”

    Despite boredom, Shen Cong is patiently observing.

    He intends to observe it all day.


    At nine o'clock in the morning, the leprosy group was dispatched and flew southwest.

    The southwest side is the direction of Lu'an City.

    "Most leprosy flies are going to Lu'an for food…It is possible that Lu'an City is closer to Huoshan Oasis, with more activity and resources far beyond the ordinary rich belt. ”

    Shen Cong has been watching the lepers disappear into the skyline.

    Then I waited until I arrived at 11:30, and the leper flew back and fell into the woods. Until the evening, the setting sun went down, and the leper flies did not go out again.

    "9:00 to 11:30, two and a half hours of foraging time."Shen Cong summed up. "Look again tomorrow. If this behavior is accurate, I will have two and a half hours to go to Xinqiao Airport to search for the ruins."


    The next day, Shen Cong continued to run on the Six Leaf Expressway to observe the leprosy population.

    At about nine o'clock, the leprosy flew off on time, and a large group of black pressure flew toward Lu'an City. Then I came back at 12 noon, this time using three hours of foraging time.

    In order to ensure safety, Shen Cong observed another day. On the third day, the leprosy flies out at 9 o'clock on time and returns at 11:30.

    "Two and a half hours, for safety reasons, reserve half an hour and use two hours of search time!"On the fourth day, Shen Cong waited for the lepers to leave, immediately drove the King Kong, and ran along the airport road to the ruins of the Xinqiao Airport.

    Then get off immediately and search for places where there may be wreckage.

    As a major international airport, Xinqiao Airport, whether passenger or cargo, can discharge into the top 30 of the national airport, and the number of aircraft is large. Therefore, Shen Cong quickly found the wreckage of the plane between the ruins, most of which are the wreckage of the fuselage. Shen Cong is looking for the wreckage of the wing.

    Because the engine is hung on the wing.

    After half an hour of searching, Shen Cong found the broken fuselage and did not find the wing. The airport is very large, but it is also completely ruined. Unlike the maps prepared before, Shen Cong does not know the ruins under his feet.

    They are all gravel and yellow sand, mud, and the sand layer that has been blown has buried the airport.

    "This is troublesome…First look for a storage tank, the tank area should be in front of the place. ”There may be a place where the wreckage of the plane can not be dug out of the wing wreck, and Shen Cong will go to the tank farm first.

    The high-rise buildings fell into the doomsday storm, and the steel storage tanks collapsed in the ruins, but the Xinqiao Airport has underground storage tanks in addition to the oil storage tanks built on the ground.

    At least 500 tons of aviation kerosene are stored in underground storage tanks.

    If it is not for the leprosy group, the provincial military area will come to explore the fuel early. Of course, the provincial military region will come back sooner or later. When the camp has no fuel, it can only be robbed and rushed to Xinqiao Airport.

    Shen Cong is only one step ahead.

    He is also not transporting aviation kerosene now. Just come and make sure that the underground storage tank is in good condition. Don't rust and leak oil.

    The main purpose is also the aircraft engine – the turbofan engine that is more common in passenger aircraft.


    The oil storage tanks on the surface of the tank farm have long been left with wreckage, and thousands of tons of aviation fuel have evaporated in the last storm. Shen Cong compared the map prepared before the end of the day to determine the location of the underground oil tank area of ​​Xinqiao Airport. This is one of the resource collection points he has already prepared.

    Pick up the vulture shovel and discover it directly in the ruins.

    However, only after waving the vultures and shovel, I found a big surprise. Under the gravel layer, the wings were buried.

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