194. Chapter 194 of those flowers (for the heart has been far away, rewards plus more)

    Manpower is great, especially on the brink of desperation.

    The construction sites that can be seen everywhere in Mingfa Camp, the stones that have been smashed in various ruins, and the cement found in the ruins of the cement plant are stirred together and piled up into a rough and huge building.

    In order to defend against evolutionary beasts, especially the airborne beasts, the newly planned buildings in Mingfa Camp are thickened and enlarged stone houses.

    There are also logging trees, which cut down the tall evolutionary trees. These phylogenetic trees not only have a metal gradient in the bark, but also have some signs of metal gradual changes inside. The overall improvement in hardness has almost gradually caught up with the standard of ironwood.

    These woods will be used in the internal support column section of the building.

    For the evolutionary tree, the scientific research institute is very optimistic, and it may not be long before hard wood can replace steel.

    However, the house cannot be built too high, but it is developed underground. Nowadays, the airborne beast is not easily resisted by human beings. The leprosy group at Xinqiao Airport is not far from the camp; the dragon wasp in Huoshan Oasis Groups and bloody mosquito populations are also designated as feeding grounds at any time.

    Coupled with the occasional passing of a powerful individual-like big bird evolution beast resembling a giant vulture, human beings can only be in a state of defense.

    The construction of the camp is in full swing, and the leadership meeting is also frequent.

    But Shen Cong did not go to participate again.

    Since you have decided to leave, you will no longer be forced to integrate into the camp. The high-level notice did not come to Shen Cong several times, and gradually defaulted to his isolation.

    Now, unless it is necessary, Shen Cong does not step inside the camp.

    Generally go to the research institute to see if there are any new technology products, or ask someone to help him build some appliances. His fast leopard skin invited a craftsman to help him.

    Then he often went to the melon field, the soybean field, and the Taoyuan. The active peach is not mature enough, and it is only at the stage of small saplings. The result has to wait at least half a year. He is waiting for the mature active sweet potato and life-saving soybean to mature. These two active fruits are foods that can be stored for a long time.

    And it can be planted in the flower room of Dajingang.

    Shen Cong intends to store a batch to cope with the possibility of lack of food on the road in the future.

    “These three active fruits are very active in the soil. In order to ensure sufficient fertility, we grind the metal waste into powder and then sprinkle it into the soil, so that the growth of the active fruit is very strong and will not Lack of nutrition."

    Director Yu Fucheng of the sweet potato laboratory and Shen Cong are already familiar with it, and are introducing Shen Cong to the fertilizer waste produced by the camp, Jinluola.

    The production of Kimura is not a groundbreaking scientific achievement.

    Very early on, the research institute relied on experiments to determine the metal corrosion and corrosion process, which may be an act of external escape activity.

    That is to say, in addition to the activated metal, most common metals are constantly corroded, rusted, and reduced in quality. It is likely that these qualities are replenished into the free activity in the air through some physicochemical reaction.

    Otherwise, there is no way to explain why there is so much free activity in the air.

    Obviously, a meteor shower can not bring inexhaustible activity, it must be the meteorite fragments under the landslide, catalyzing the transformation of metal and activity.

    “How is the consumption of common fertilizer?”Shen Cong asked.

    Yu Fucheng replied: "It is very expensive. We found that it is necessary to apply fertilizer once every three days. Otherwise, it will slow down the growth of active sweet potatoes. Because there is no fertilizer, we are all digging the sludge of Dafangyu Reservoir to fertilize. . Life-saving soybeans have a slightly smaller demand for fertilizer, and they apply fertilizer for about five days. ”

    After leaving the crop field of the sweet potato laboratory, Shen Cong went to the beekeeping area of ​​the honey treasure laboratory.

    The larvae he handed over to the laboratory were successfully fed a larva of Wangtai, became a queen bee, and the bee sting larvae in the hive successfully matured into worker bees and began to work in artificially constructed hives, just this batch of honey bee There's not enough.

    "It takes at least three months for the honey bee colony to grow and start mass production of honey." What we want to guarantee now is to find the right honey source for the honey bee. There are not many flowering trees around the camp. For the time being, the honey bee can only collect the pollen of the life-saving soybean. ”

    Deputy Director Xu Changde, pointing to the honey bee that is putting pollen into the hive, said: "When the pollen is finished, we are going to farm the honey bee on the mountain. There is an evolutionary fruit tree not far from the mountain, and it blooms all the year round. ”

    The honeybee bees in the honeypot lab are not friendly to humans, and sometimes fly out to swear, although there is almost no lethality.

    However, after the person was smashed, the honey bee was not long, and the laboratory could not afford it.

    The Lushan Refuge is temporarily unoccupied and is suitable for beekeeping.


    He exchanged his beekeeping experience with Xu Changde, and Shen Cong returned to Dajingang and began to toss his honey bee.

    He also has a bee!

    The tormented Wangtai larva finally grew into a queen, and Shen Cong gave up the idea of ​​establishing a sensory connection with it.

    "The larvae have no way to establish a perceptual connection, and must start from the egg."This is the result of Shen Cong.

    However, it may be "not knowing each other", although there is no established connection with the queen, but the queen has produced a close behavior to him. Let Shen Cong feel that this is either a post-herophroditis syndrome or a familiarity with long-term active running-in.

    The queen bee is still close, and the other few honeypot bees that have just grown up have no way to express closeness to Shen Cong.

    When they saw Shen Cong, they flew in the air, and they never dared to approach Shen Cong.

    This is the fear of Shen Cong's body.

    Basically, the evolutionary beast with very low activity will have fear of his pressure, even if it is blackhead. When Shen Cong just surpassed 1.946H, he also showed very unnatural emotions. When he faced Shen Cong, he was somewhat cramped. Time is slowly recovering.

    Therefore, observing the honey bee that he farmed, Shen Cong stood far.

    In his flower house, he planted several life-saving soybeans, which are now in the flowering period, and the honey bee screams to collect honey around the life-saving soybeans.

    Shen Cong wants to breed a small group of honey bee, not much, as long as he is enough to produce five small bottles of honey, half a small bottle of royal jelly.

    He tasted the taste of royal jelly, and the beauty was extremely extreme.

    And the effect is far better than the honey treasure, not only has a certain strengthening effect on the physical quality, and the active fruit can fully tap the strengthening effect of the active fruit, which is an excellent catalyst.


    Mechanical vines are still the same.

    The proverb of "good comfort" and "uncomfortable" all day long is extremely slow.

    Shen Cong applied Kimura to it, which was a fuzzy mood of “eat, eat, eat, and feel comfortable.” It was originally 30 cm high when planted, now 35 centimeters, a total of five centimeters. .

    Looking at the tubers around the active sweet potato has cracked the soil in the pot, the life-saving soybeans have blossomed, and the active peach seedlings grow to forty-four centimeters – you can feel the garbage of mechanical vines.

    "Do not hurry up, cut it for you!"Shen Cong pointed to mechanical vines and issued a perceived threat.

    The mechanical vines are accompanied by a vague emotion: "It’s full and full of food."

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