211. Chapter 211 All Metal Rhapsody (for a man who becomes a pirate king, rewards plus -2/2)

    Shen Cong's leisure time is very fond of reading books and video materials about biology.

    Some time ago, he read a documentary that recorded the research data of the Chengjiang biota and used the special effects technology to restore the explosive evolution of the colorful biota when the Cambrian life explosion occurred from 542 million to 530 million years ago.

    The discovery of the Chengjiang biota poses a major challenge to Darwin's theory of evolution, and many biological experts believe that evolution is not always correct. Even religions have sneaked in and proposed various creation theories, which are believed to be God's creation of the Cambrian explosive biodiversity.

    However, with the correct understanding of geology and paleontology, combined with the Cambrian explosion occurred in a period of one or two million years, this is not only a refutation of the theory of evolution, but a powerful complement to the theory of evolution.

    Because of the Cambrian, the earth's temperature rises, the biological recovery, the formation of oxygen rich in ozone, the frequent increase of volcanic volcanoes, and the formation of phosphate rock in this period, the emergence of male and female genders, are the causes of the outbreak of biology.

    These conditions were combined and eventually developed to repair Darwin's theory of evolution. On July 1, 2019, the Chinese scientific community also discovered the 35th anniversary of the Chengjiang biota, and modified the translation of "evolution" into a more rational "evolution theory."

    Since 1859, Darwin has published a classic book "The Origin of Species", which has prompted people to start thinking about where they came from. This is a very philosophical question. Over a hundred years of exploration and research, development and improvement have grown from nothing to life. The miracle created.

    The theory of "intermittent balance" is put forward: "The evolution of biology is also good and the evolution is good. It is not always gradual, but the process of gradual and leap forward."


    The reason why I thought of evolution is that Shen Cong saw the changes in the body of the pearl.

    He dissected a lot of pearls, dug away the pearls, and peeled off the complete active core clam. Therefore, he can clearly see that there is a clear dividing line between the clam shell and the clam meat.

    The active core is a tissue with special properties and relatively independent in the organism.

    Because it is a whole piece of intact bone, the gradient becomes a semi-metallic active core, so the boundary is obvious and can be easily peeled off.

    But in the body of the pearl, Shen Cong saw that this boundary is blurring.

    Some of the meat that is connected to the clam shell has already showed signs of metal gradual change, and it is stuck with the clam shell and cannot be peeled off very well.

    That is to say, the active core has been "eroded" into the body tissues, the meat at the joints begins to gradually change, and the meat farther away has slight signs of metal gradual change.

    Like cancer cells spread, the whole body is cancerous.

    Shen Cong cut off a piece of metal-graded fat. Under his perception, this piece of meat does have a slight reaction to the active core – the rate of loss of activity slows down, and after injecting activity, it can also arouse slight Sharpen the reaction.

    What's more, this piece of meat doesn't harden, and it still has the same softness as the normal meat around it.

    The difference is that when the meat is cut, there is a blockage in the cutting metal.

    “Do you have the softness of the muscles and the hardness of the metal?”Shen Cong frowned, and for a time he didn't know what to do, and his mind was a bit messy.

    He has spent many times in the Lv1 era, including the illusion that the organisms have all become metal, one metal squatting on the ground…But I really saw this sign, but my heart was panicked.

    The active core of the pearl cockroach has begun to erode the surrounding tissues, and the whole body is also slightly "pathological", which is indeed from the organic life form, in the form of excessive metal to inorganic.

    "Metal life."

    "Is this the evolutionary direction of the Lv1 era?"

    "The bark of the plant, the gradual metal gradient of the leaves, the active core metal of the animal, and now the body tissue begins to metal gradient…Will variants also change like this? So iron man, why do I integrate with a metal device, life? ”

    “Is there a day when I will become a real metal “iron man”?”

    There is no answer to the question. Shen Cong removed the three jacks, put the pearls on the coffin, and brought a piece of meat with a metal gradient to return to the Dajinang.

    Throwing the meat to the lab table, Shen Cong dragged a chair over and sat on it, sorting out his chaotic thoughts.


    What Shen Cong first thought of was evolution theory.

    Thinking of the Cambrian life explosion, in just over 20 million years, the creatures moved from the deep sea to the shallow sea, adding countless kinds, providing sufficient evidence for the theory of intermittent balance.

    Intermittent balance theory holds that the evolution of biology is not a slow continuous gradient accumulation process as Darwin said, but a process of long-term stability and short-term drastic changes, leaving many vacancies in the geological record.

    "Now, the earth is in a short-term upheaval?"

    A deadly meteor shower brings activity, and the appearance of activity changes the stability of the metal, either corrosion, rust, or activation. At the same time, it also changes the constitutive characteristics of the organism, and links the living body of the organic structure with the metal, and gradually changes toward the metal.

    The only pearl cockroach that reached the Lv1 era, the active core of all-metal, began to erode body tissues.

    Shen Cong immediately thought of the horns of the golden dragonfly and the tail whip of the fast leopard.

    The horns are somewhat like the muscles are gradual toward the metal, while the tail whip is a metal gradient of the skin and the skin of the bones.

    These can be seen as the active core is eroding body tissue.

    "So the metal change is the evolutionary continuation of the new life, or the disease that is going to be destroyed?"Shen Cong is somewhat unpredictable, and he can't imagine it. The whole body has become a metal, and how can it survive?

    But he does not dare to guarantee that metal life cannot live.

    Dajinang has come alive, and the failed metal life has also come alive. If the ability to stretch is strengthened, there will be a metal form of freedom of action.

    In the new world, the old order has been pushed down.

    It seems that there is another explosion of Cambrian life. It is also the emergence of different kinds of life, countless evolutionary beasts, evolutionary trees, and endless.

    There is a strong evolutionary climb on the top of the food chain, the evolution of the weak prey of predators, the evolution of unreasonable has been eliminated, such as the cat, there are no ordinary creatures that have evolved and gradually disappeared.

    It is like shuffling, erasing old ones and shaping new ones.

    Life has ushered in a new leap forward.

    Zhao Wei said that the future era will be the era of these new evolutionaries of Xiao Li Du, and they even include Shen Cong, which are ancient products of the old times, and may one day be completely eliminated and become archaeological research. data.

    Shen Cong now believes a bit.

    "Only what form is the iron man, the iron man and the mutant, who is the 'Yunnan insect?'"

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