415. Chapter 415 The Shuangcheng Republic

    The old woman has some signs of dementia, and she talks a lot about it. She always mentions her old man and hopes that Shen Cong will help her find the old man.

    In this regard, Shen Cong can only cope with the past. He has basically inferred the old man in the fairy nest of the colorful butterfly through the words of the old woman, that is, the wife of the old woman. Unfortunately, although he is not good at communication, he also knows that this news is still not telling her for the time being.

    For the things that happened after the end of the day, the old woman did not know a lot of places, and the general one was probably sorted out.

    Yimeng Mountain is an old revolutionary area, just in Wuyuan County, there is a preserved tunnel. After the end of the day, Wuyuan County was destroyed by the storm, and the old couple hid in the underpass and survived. The old man evolved into a golden man, went out hunting, supported the old woman, and some survivors nearby.

    Later, a group of people driving in Wuyuan County took the survivors of Wuyuan County to the town.

    The town is the town below Tai'an City. It is backed by Lushan. After the end of the day, under the leadership of the mayor Chen Jiuxian, he quickly launched self-help, united all survivors, and established a settlement in the town. And the establishment of a new government, Tai'an City Self-help Committee, to carry out reconstruction work.

    There is a wealth of products here, there is a huge fire pine, can produce amber stone, amber stone is a very good fuel.

    There are also huge mushrooms that can be eaten, and you can also hollow out the roots and live as a house, which is fragrant.

    In the pine forest and mushroom forest, there is a garden squirrel, and the pine nuts that have been eaten can be planted. With the help of gardener squirrels, Huoyunsong is getting bigger and bigger, sheltering human survivors.

    The leader Chen Jiuxian is a middle-aged man who is full of enthusiasm. Before the end of the day, he was the deputy mayor in charge of investment promotion. After the end, he became an iron man and drove a commercial vehicle. He was very close to the people and was supported by most survivors. Under his leadership, there are about 100,000 survivors in Jinan, Tai'an and Laiwu, and they gather to live in the town.

    Even began to consider building a city.

    They called the town a squirrel town and a mushroom city, which was probably before November last year.

    "Mr. Chen is a good man, a good man, a good person doesn't have a long life…"The old woman mentioned Chen Jiuxian, endless cherished, endless sighs, "Those worms who killed thousands of knives, they are not human beings, they are beasts, they take human blood to raise worms, and they also killed Chen Zhenchang."

    The worm warrior, according to the description of the old woman, is a group of ferocious people.

    They were originally ordinary people, and later studied a parasite, probably a mutated gold-type organism, specifically what the worm did not know. They gradually discovered that after being parasitized by this parasite, a diseased organ called "worm nucleus" was produced.

    "The insect nucleus, like the scars that grow on the body, is so big."The old woman made a stroke, and the size was similar to that of the walnut. "You must use the human blood to raise this worm core. If you are familiar with it, you can press it on your body and become a worm warrior." The worm warriors are so scary that they are all a group of madmen. ”

    The insect warrior is affected by the insect nucleus, and the temperament is violent, but the worm core can give the worm warrior a strong combat power.

    Some people can plant a worm core, called a nuclear worm warrior. Some people can plant two worms, and so on, called two nuclear worm warriors, three nuclear worm warriors, four nuclear worm warriors. It is said that there is also a Xu Yun, the nickname of the worm, who has planted five insect nucleus and is the most powerful five-nuclear warrior.

    The worm's nucleus needs to be cultured with human blood, and the best is the blood of the evolver.

    All of this was carried out by evolutionary people such as Chen Jiu-hsien. Later, there were too many dead people, and finally they were destroyed and attacked by evolutionists such as Chen Jiu-hsien. But the warrior has trained more than four hundred people, but the number of evolutionary people is only over 800. The worm warrior is more powerful.

    Xu Yun launched a coup, and the worm warriors smashed the evolutionary.

    For a time, the mushroom city of Squirrel Town, which was stable and peaceful, was covered with blood. Later, Chen Jiuxian was besieged by several insect warriors. At this time, Chen Jiu Ni’s daughter Chen Xiu Ni took over the burden of her father and led the pine town to fight against the insect warriors. The result is still a failure.

    The self-rescue committee of Tai'an City was disintegrated and the insect warrior won. The rest of the evolutionary people fled, and ordinary people fled with the evolutionists, and Chen Xiu Ni did not know where to go.

    It was also at this time that the old man, with his old woman, fled back to Wuyuan County.

    I have lived until today.

    Every day, the old man goes out to get food. Occasionally, the old man will go a little further and ask for news. After hearing the insect warrior, he split into five forces. There is a worm warrior named Artest in Laicheng District of Laiwu City, and a worm warrior named Master in Gangcheng District, which established the Shuangcheng Republic.

    Ruling the entire city of Laiwu, a self-proclaimed president, a self-proclaimed prime minister.

    Probably before New Year's Eve, the troops of the Jinan Military Region tried to eliminate the insect warriors. As a result, they were repulsed by the worm warriors and returned to the north of Mount Tai. There was no news.

    Two months later, the grandfather did not go to the news again. He went out to hunt four days ago and has not returned yet.

    "Where is Laiwu, how can we build a country? Those worm warriors are everywhere, and my old man is almost caught."

    The old woman said with awkwardness: "I told him, don't go out, let's wait at home, now the world is different, people are eating people. We are the old couple, just stay here and wait for the officers to save us. The officer does not come, I will die with the old man, who will come after him…"

    The understanding has been understood.

    More information is not available to the old woman.

    Shen Cong suddenly did not know how to carry out the transaction. He could give the old woman food, water and even firearms weapons, but it didn't make sense to leave the care of the golden man, and the old woman would die sooner or later.

    It is even more impossible to take her with him. Shen Cong’s car does not carry people. This is his bottom line.

    Moreover, the road may be more dangerous.

    Thinking for a moment, Shen Cong decided to create a safer hiding place for the old woman, leaving enough food and water. If he finds a suitable settlement, he can come over and pick up the old woman.

    If you don't find it, then everything goes.

    Perhaps the body in the cave of the butterfly is not the old man, the grandfather will find it back.

    Commanding the King Kong Ant and the four-legged dragon to work, and soon on the hillside not far away, excavate a more spacious, comfortable and safe cave. After moving, the wooden sign with the word is left in the sewer, and the manhole cover of the sewer is restored.

    After doing all this, it is considered to be the best, and does not violate Shen Cong’s own heart and the principle of fair trade.

    In the gratitude of the old lady.

    Slowly start the nuclear map of King Kong, go to Laiwu City.

    "The worm warrior…The establishment of the Shuangcheng Republic in Laiwu City, I do not know the strength of the insect warrior, there is no information I need. ”Shen Cong slightly frowned, did not expect the survivor organization to find, but there is a huge trouble, "the insect nucleus of the insect warrior, even the blood culture of the evolutionary."

    After a pause, Shen Cong’s eyes were cold: “It sounds like a group of junk food, so it’s best not to get me.”

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