691. Chapter 690 wishes my compatriots

    My name is Demon XIII. I am a locust demon. I walked past Nanxun and passed the train.After starting from the new world, I began to eat, eat, eat, eat all the way, and evolve all the way.

    until one day.

    I suddenly fell into thinking – why should I eat?

    An hour later, the roaring belly told me the answer – if I want to survive, I have to eat.

    After fighting and losing to a fat worm, I saw that it ate so many things every day, and I had the answer again – if I wanted to be strong, I had to eat.

    Eat, make me survive, and continue to be strong.

    I have eaten countless things, stones, dogs.Donkeys, beasts, worms, bark, fruits, including humans, and my own. In the process of eating, I gradually understood a lot of things that I didn't understand before. I experienced several times of unclearness, and that kind of enlightenment overnight.

    Our locusts fly in the endless mountains and jungles, eating one place and eating another.

    I don't remember that we met the human army, but I remember that I have eaten a lot of people. I flew to the southwest with the army of locusts. There is a ruin of human life. Oh, you call it Wuhan.

    There are many human beings in Wuhan.

    I have eaten a lot.

    I saw human wisdom, they used weapons, they were weak and strong, but in the end they were hunted a lot by us, became food, and the rest ran away. Our locusts are called low insects by them. Why, I don't think I am more than human dishes!

    The demon head likes the knowledge of human beings. It is very powerful and saves my life.

    It says that eating more human brains can enhance my wisdom.

    I like my brain.

    I have a brain, it is changing, this is the devil's head, it has captured a human scientist, the scientist taught it a lot, telling it how to bite, right, is the use of active waves…The demon head is very clever, it invented the high-frequency cutter, we all respect it.

    When the earth was overturned, the demon head took us to the magma fire river here.

    I suddenly liked the environment here, bathed in boiling magma, I am getting stronger and stronger, high temperature can stimulate my brain thinking more active, I like this feeling, even though my wings are already a little bit in the magma A little burning, my body is getting less and less suitable for flying.

    The demon head said that we will evolve into another new life, bid farewell to the sky, but we can come to the earth.

    What does it mean to be on the land, I am not very clear, anyway, it is very embarrassing.

    As for you have to ask me about fertility issues.

    I am not very concerned, I have not been in love with the mother worm for a long time, the demon head said that we have innocent life, the child is only cumbersome for us. The only role of Zizi is to provide new locusts and grow us, but it is difficult for them to get.

    With the deepening of evolution, no female locusts can bear my son-in-law – secretly, I don't believe in love, I only do sex!

    Other mites are also difficult to produce qualified lice.

    Most of the mites, brain development is unqualified, many are still deformed, they can not become locusts, they are inferior worms, shame and fortune!

    Above, I should say everything.

    If you are a strong human being, please give me a chance. I will not eat anyone again!


    Demon 13 has answered the answer.

    The demon big head insisted a little, and everything was explained.

    Different from the evolution of the insects of the demon thirteen, the style of the demon thirteen has been influenced by a scientist, and many of the reasons it recognizes are instilled by scientists.

    "I grab him, I torture him, just like you torture me…He cooperated with me to teach me the knowledge of human beings and to analyze the locust population. He told me that I am a higher life, naturally different from the stupid locusts, the scorpion is useless to me, I need to determine my authority…"

    When the demon big head said this, Shen cleverly frowned.

    He had previously heard the knowledge imparted by scientists and thought it was a story like the Ma Jintu, but the more he listened, the more wrong he was – obviously, the scientist distorted the three views of the demon head.

    According to the original trajectory, the demon head should be called the king to dominate, and then lead the group to grow.

    The result was brainwashed by a scientist's view of a higher life, and it was self-defeating. I think that the locusts are stupid worms, and the scorpions are of no use. Even if you want to strictly select qualified sub-sputums, you can cultivate them, and you will have the opportunity to develop locusts and priests.

    "This place is what I found. Scientists told me that there is ample energy in the magma fire river. If I absorb it all, it will help me to evolve. It turns out that I am getting smarter…Later he died, accidentally fell into the magma, he left some strange pictures, saying that when I can understand, it is the day I am on the earth. ”

    The demon head whispered, the scientist’s bit by bit.

    Shen Cong did not feel raised his brow: "Where is the picture?"

    The demon head replied: "In the rock wall where I live, I am protected by saliva, and I can't let other locusts see it. This is my authority."

    Shen Cong immediately came to the place where the demon head lived. After some searching, he saw the contents carved on the rock wall after breaking the wall of the worm's dew.

    It is a large section of English.

    "Wait, not English, Chinese Pinyin."Shen Cong began to try and read the story told by Pinyin.


    When you read this text.

    If you are a locust, I am not blind; if you are a human, the sky has eyes!

    The world has changed, you should have discovered that I will not say more. I was caught by a mutant locust, a locust that showed a state of higher intelligence. I can communicate with it, using radiation fluctuations, I am a mutated human, can drive this kind of radiation fluctuations.

    I was going to commit suicide, but I had to study locusts.

    Study them to get the chance to hunt them.

    In the study, I found that locusts are evolving, a special kind of evolution, and their IQ is rapidly increasing and frightening. If you don't control it, the aphid's fertility and IQ speed will soon become a new disaster, a more terrible disaster than disaster relief.

    Eventually I decided to divide the mites and let the mites collapse from the inside, which is very difficult.

    Fortunately, I found this magma cave, which may be a huge magma cave formed in the first earthquake. This magma fire contains many radiation fluctuations, which can improve the strength of evolutionary individuals, but this radiation fluctuation will lead to genetic A small crash (my guess).

    I then confuse the locusts, settle here, and confuse them to put the eggs in to hatch.

    After hatching, the aphids have a genetic collapse, which is directly reflected in the stagnation of the aphid's IQ, and the number and quality of spawning begin to wither.

    As long as the persistence continues, the locust population will spontaneously perish.

    At most, there are a few horrible big locusts that are infertile.

    Unfortunately, I can't see the result with my own eyes. My body can't stand the burning of the high temperature of the magma. I am going to die. I can only join the fire river, turn into a flame, look forward to…I wish my compatriots a period of disaster as soon as possible, and wish China a renewed revival and wish the planet a healthy return.


    There is no name left on the rock wall.

    Shen Cong silently watched, for a long time, the knife was engraved with a few words below.

    "I have read it, the worms are gone, I am human, rest in peace."

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