886. Chapter 885 I am back

    After the knock, the communication is smooth.

    At the beginning of the establishment of the Community, the Titan Giants, Super Warriors, Mechanics, Big Mac, XX Beast, XX Man, Machinery X, Armed X, Tree King Kong and other races have disappeared.

    It has been a hundred and sixteen years since Shen Cong left the Milky Way.

    Over the past 100 years, the community has spared no effort in transforming the earth's ecology. In particular, it has received the "Tianzhao Jing" passed down by Shen Cong. Scientists have referenced and proposed improvements, and there are many possibilities for the evolution of metal life.

    In order to ensure the dominance of human beings and ensure that resources are mastered by human beings, except for a few intelligent species and animal husbandry species, other evolutionary individuals have been slaughtered.

    The fire seed resources are concentrated in the hands of human beings for unified redistribution.

    However, as the breeding ability of metal life is solved and the population is rapidly expanding, a couple will give birth to five to six or eight children because of their lack of pressure in life. The strong metal body allows women to say goodbye to pain when they are born. It’s as simple as drinking water, and there’s nothing to worry about.

    As the population expands and resources are further dispersed, the resources available to each individual are becoming less and less.

    That is to say, the consumption of resources by metal life is not controlled, and the earth cannot achieve ecological balance. Then, almost all of the individuals on the 50-man list entered the stage of the star-studded cosmic fire. Longevity, long-term vision, no disaster, no disease, the idea has gradually changed.

    They first set up a sequence of law enforcers, nominally prohibiting the star-studded cosmic fires from interfering with the earth order, in fact, it is above the other human beings.

    Law enforcement officials headed by Gu Huachun, who implement the equality strategy for everyone before the stage, must find a sustainable development path for the earth. Behind the scenes, it limits the development of metal life, collects resources, pools them, and cultivates a group of elite metal life as the guarding force of the earth.

    Or the original intention is good. After all, it is a fine tradition of the Chinese government to concentrate resources on major issues.

    In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, relying on such a national system and concentrating human and material resources, China was able to return to the ranks of world powers.

    But the regret is that the metal life class is too strong, and gradually gives birth to a mentality of high school, and the strong metal family embraces each other and masters more resources of the earth. Therefore, the entire community is a metal family led by law enforcers. Steal the highest authority.

    Including Liu Yiwu, who was originally dedicated to the people, his descendants also openly took the land of the community to draw their own wealth.

    There are only a few star-class cosmic fires that have not married and have children, and have not created a family. They have not completely corroded and fallen, but they basically do not care.

    Fortunately, it has not been too long for more than a hundred years. Although the local community has changed its taste, it has not completely decayed.

    The divestiture of organic life has brought the earth back to the prosperous old world civilization. The creation of elemental life, so that the expanding population is no longer plagued by fire resources. The strength of the territorial community is getting stronger and stronger, and the technology is becoming more and more powerful. It has long been confined to the earth and has landed on many planets in the solar system.

    Establish a base on the moon, mine ore on Mars, produce raw materials on Venus, collect metals on Europa, and build many spaceships.

    Traveling by.

    As long as the protection problem in the sub-light speed flight is solved, the interplanetary spacecraft can be manufactured at any time for the exploration of the alien galaxy.

    Unfortunately, when Shen Cong left, he did not leave any technology to protect the body from energy in the speed of light. This problem has puzzled the Earth scientists for a long time and has been unable to enter the era of the great universe.

    "Chen Xiu Ni, the law enforcer, has moved to the moon. She hasn't appeared for a long time. It has been more than ten years."

    "The law enforcement channel is very active, but it is busy making movies, keen to go to the cave, never ask for political affairs."

    "The law enforcement officer Shen Xiyi also moved to the moon. I heard that I was accompanied by the law enforcer Wong Tai Sin. I have grown so long and I have never seen them."

    "The big ant blackhead? I don't know, I have never heard of it. There is a news, I saw from the "Story". About 70 years ago, an ant disaster broke out in Inner Mongolia. The government and the army suffered heavy casualties. Later, Chen Xiu Ni was strongly involved and solved the ant disaster. ”

    "It is said that Chen Xiu Ni transferred the ant colony to the moon, I don't know if it is true or not."

    The researchers responded to every question of Shen Cong with a slap in the face.

    Let Shen Cong have a clear vein for the development of the earth.

    I also had a basic understanding of the acquaintances I used to have.

    An acquaintance who has not entered the 50-person list is estimated to be old and dead. Some of the descendants may become elemental life, and some will become metal life.

    Entering the list of 50 people, Chen Xiu Ni was unmarried, and Dao was busy making movies. Shen Xiyi and Huang Daxian lived in seclusion.

    Hu Wei, Zhang Changde, Zhao Weiliang, An Sanshun, Li Sikai and others have all created a family and held important positions in the local community. The only regret is that Zhao Wei, failed to break through, and died. In addition, another familiar with Shen Cong, the former president of the Academy of Sciences, Tao Zhongyang, was swallowed by the whirlpool when he led the team to Jupiter.

    Gu Huachun is still the general secretary of the Communist Party of China, and Liu Yiwu is still the Prime Minister of the Territory.


    Understand the basic situation, Shen Cong is ready to visit the experiment of the forward base – they are here to cultivate new life, trying to transform Titan into a life planet.

    "Adult, are you really the patron saint of the new civilization of the earth more than a hundred years ago?"The young scientific researcher who accompanied Shen Cong was still dizzy in his mind. He could hardly imagine that he had seen the legendary patron saint active more than 100 years ago.

    In order to weaken Shen Cong’s influence at the grassroots level, the leadership of the Communist Party of China continued to dilute the history of Shen Cong. Let Shen Cong's story become a folklore that is only in the mouth of the people.

    Shen Cong faintly glanced at the young researchers who were careful but could not cover up the excitement and did not answer him.

    He has already answered his identity and has not repeated his thoughts.

    Just thinking in my heart.

    "Interesting, there is no official publicity record for me. The first generation of human beings can still remember me. The second generation has already begun to blur. The third and fourth generations basically don't know me…Even if the ice hockey and the center of the spiritual ball are established, knowing that I am still alive, there is still nothing about my propaganda. ”

    Shen Cong is not angry. He doesn't care about his own name. Is it circulating in the world?

    He just thought of a person.

    The unnamed great man at the time of the founding of New China, in order to dilute the influence of great men, ugly, faded, and demonized, so many young people, younger generations like Shen Cong, are listening to the notoriety of great men. grow up.

    It was not until later that Cong Cong’s cosmic travel, boring to look at the "X-Selection", only to appreciate the great talents and great feelings of a generation of great men.

    He feels that his current situation is quite similar to that of a great man. It’s just that the great man’s thoughts have never been passed down. It’s always the inevitable ruling principle of China’s follow-up leaders. If you hate it, you have to slap your head and hold it high.

    But the story of his Shen Cong, successfully retired as a niche.

    "Fear me…"

    Shen Cong's emotional intelligence is not low, and he can understand human nature: "Or, it is fear of my influence, because my influence will shake their power base."

    Then his mouth was humanized and revealed a sarcasm smile: "But I am back."


    Will return to the fear that is at my disposal!

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