912. Chapter 911 is completed

    The rough people did not feel the movement of the ball, but soon they found anomalies.

    All the observatories for external observations, who were on duty at the Observatory, suddenly discovered that the yellow-red big-horned star that had been hanging high in the air actually began to move.

    It takes only one week for the Earth to kill the ball for 12 days, so the movement of the Arcturus is almost impossible to observe. But at this moment, the big star is falling to the west at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye. And the speed of the fall is getting faster and faster, about a quarter of an hour ago at about noon.

    It is now a quarter of an hour and has entered the evening.

    "Naspby is moving!"

    "God, this means that Wobofu is changing his track!"

    "It's the cosmic god, the birds and the weeds don't lie to us, the cosmic celestial adults can really change the track of Wobofu!"

    It was incredible. This is the power of the gods, no, more powerful than the gods! ”

    “Fast, fast, inform the bird leader and consultant team, let them quickly come to the Observatory to guide the work and study what to do next.”

    Birds and other people received news, and they no longer wished to shoot Shen Cong in the hall. A group of people rushed to the Observatory. Looking at the big star that accelerates from the speed of the snail crawling to the speed of the turtle crawling, all of them are excited and can't be themselves. Some rough people even lie on the ground on the spot.

    In this most important way, the five bodies are to worship this great spectacle.

    Birds yelled: "Live, live broadcast, the Nasbibi Uwu trail, broadcast to all Zaire, tell them, we are making a miracle! The cosmic Heavenly Master will change the fate for us, Wobofu, and Zaire! ”

    Live broadcast signal transmission.

    The rough people hiding in the refuge caves all saw the live broadcast, and saw the big star moving in the sky and slowly falling to the horizon. Looking at the sky at dusk, it has already fainted, and the longitude of the entire shelter has entered the night directly from noon.


    "Like the universe!"

    "Is this the guide of the gods? We are saved by Zaire!"

    "Really, really, this is true, the great alien universe, God, who brought us new life."

    "Haha, we will start a new era in Zaire."

    When the night came quickly, watching the live broadcast of the rough man, I really understood that in the end, the ball was changed by Shen Cong and changed the track. I saw a starry sky, and the stars rose for a while and fell for a while. Three "moons" of different sizes, like cannonballs, travel from the east to the west and then from the south to the north.

    The stars and the moon of the entire sky rise and fall irregularly.

    The excitement of the night only lasted for a short time, and the big star rose again and the day came back.


    Let the rough people see each other and live the days and nights.

    After a while, the killing of the ball, due to the pulling of gravity, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc., has begun to increase. Even in the location of the refuge, there were several earthquakes in the most sturdy plate area. Such a huge movement, let the rough people completely believe in the power of Shen Cong.

    Shen Cong’s detachment is used to collect surface data.

    The location of the hall where he was located quickly became a holy place in the refuge. Countless people dare not enter, and they voted outside the door to worship Shen Cong as a god.

    The bird is actively preparing for the dance team, training new dances, and offering the most sincere gratitude to Shen Cong.

    After being known by Shen Cong, he directly took a slap in the face and knocked out the big incisors of the bird: "I will dare to let your dance appear in front of me, I will knock out all your teeth."


    Seated into a refuge.

    The body steel planet rotates around the ball, the invisible space and time are twisted to the extreme, and the gravitational force fluctuates round and round, changing the gravitational system of the surrounding celestial bodies.

    Like the headless flies, the three moons quickly turn around the ball, and the ball itself rotates quickly to accommodate the new gravitational system.

    Okay. Anyway.

    The ball is slightly off the original track and accelerates to the outside.

    Shen Cong is like a superb puppet show performer, manipulating the invisible silk thread and letting the ball perform according to his own ideas.

    There is no audience in this drama, and only Shen Cong himself entertains himself. As for the rough people of the birds, they were directly ignored by Shen Cong. Such grand performances are not understandable by them. He is also like a meticulous painter, using time and space as a canvas, finely framing and sculpting.


    After forty-eight Earth Days, the ball was successfully pushed to the established new track by Shen Cong, deviating from the original astronomical unit of 0.5.

    Despite frequent disasters on the surface of the ball and several major earthquakes in the refuge, there are no casualties in the case of preparation.

    The temperature of the earth's surface begins to decline, and the radiation intensity is greatly weakened. A good era is coming.

    After completing the magnificent work and getting the first-hand research data, Shen Cong was quite satisfied with his experiment. During the course of the experiment, he greatly deepened his understanding of time and space, and through the gravitational system, he had a lot of inspiration for the evolution of the stellar system, which is very beneficial to the evolution of the future fire.

    "The ball has been stabilized in the new orbit. According to my calculation of the gravitational system of the Great Angle Galaxy, this orbit is very stable. It uses the gravitational pull of the three moons to rebalance with the surrounding planets. At least 100,000 killing years will be run, and there will be no problems. ”

    “Thank you very much for Yuan Shi Tianzun, your stalwart we don’t know how to thank.”

    Shen Cong has no need for the ball, and his detachment walks out of the refuge, standing on a broken mountain and looking up at the smaller big star: "Then try to survive and evolve, let me see, in the future universe. In the civilized map, can you Zaire occupy a small corner?"

    They have transformed their living environment and reversed their destiny.

    If they can survive and grow, it is also a very interesting result.

    "Cosmic Heavenly Master, we have decided to name today, 'Cosmic Heavenly Day,' to re-plan the calendar today and name it 'Tian Zun Ji Nian.'"

    NeitherShen Cong did not feel this. "All the work has been completed, I am leaving."

    "Adult, can you stay for a while, we Zair want to worship you face to face, pray for you in our courtesy, wish you progress in the universe, great incredible, reach the other side you pursue."The bird shouted.

    Shen Cong did not pay attention to him.

    Suddenly turned into a ball.

    Twisted time and space, rushed to the sky, disappeared into the bird's field of vision.

    When I came, I was quiet, and I was still quiet when I left. It was only a stop where he stopped to stay. When he got there, he did not hesitate to start.

    Fusion with the body steel planet in orbit.

    Shen Cong quickly left the ball orbit, went to the distant sky, tearing time and space, establishing a wormhole, suddenly slammed into the wormhole and flew to the last planet.

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