Chapter 108

Now that he made the decision, Shen Cong no longer hesitated, and ran all the way to the Grape Grove Camp.

Then he picked up the hand crossbow, loaded the fangs with arrows, and aimed at several huge thief crows in the forest. He wanted to kill the most threatening thief crows first.

Actively injected into the fangs at the tip of the arrow, an unstable active radiation burst out.

He made a total of nine fang arrows made by the fanglang and Tairitian fangs. After being recycled in several battles, the active core was on the verge of collapse. It can be judged by seeing the current unstable active radiation of the fang arrow, basically after it is shot out, it can no longer be recovered.

However, Fang Arrow has helped Shen Cong complete many combat missions and made the best use of it.

“Breaking out the last brilliance!”


The fangs and arrows flew like a flash of light, rushing towards a huge thief crow that was greedy for grapes.


The blood blossoms bloomed on the vine, and the giant thief crow was directly headshot, thrown to the ground, and could not die anymore. This incident caused the thieves and crows who were enjoying the food to react quickly, and soared, like a black cloud rushing towards Shen Cong with unparalleled momentum.

Zhu Haifeng and the others, who rushed over, watched the swarms of thieves and crows, all standing upside down.

For this kind of scene, for them, there is no other way but to hide.

However, Shen Cong, who was in the center of the scene, was still not in a hurry, found the right time, and shot another arrow, killing a huge, fat and huge thief crow violently.

Then he put away the crossbow and held the crocodile warhammer in his hand.

The crocodile warhammer is 1.8 meters in length and weighs only 30kg. Almost half of it is the weight of a steel hammer handle. The triangular drumsticks of the crocodile are not heavy, only slightly heavier than ordinary bones. However, the hardness and striking feel of triangular drumsticks are not comparable to ordinary metal hammers.

To sharpen the drumsticks requires a lot of activity, Shen Cong can only maintain a few times, but to deal with the thief crow, there is no need to inject activity.

Just smash it.

The power of triangular drumsticks alone is enough.




Shen Cong has relatively little experience in weapon training, and he doesn’t have any rules or routines. However, with his current hands, eyes, reactions, and five senses, he doesn’t need any moves, one hit is accurate.

The big thief and crow smashed it, and it is dead if it is rubbed by the warhammer of the dog crocodile. There is no reason to say.

Of course, there are so many thief crows. No matter how close the dog crocodile warhammer wields, it still cannot stop the thief crows from breaking through the line of defense and attacking Shen Cong. It’s just that the thief crow’s moves are nothing more than three, scratching, pecking, and bumping. These three points are not much different from scratching for Shen Cong, who is in the super-explosive armor.

Only those fat giant thief crows can be moved by the huge impact energy of gravitational acceleration, but Shen Cong’s focus is on the giant thief crows.

There were not many huge thief crows, and after being cleared by Shen Cong, there were none.

Shen Cong was able to slap the thief and crow like a fly.



Bang bang bang bang!

The thieves and crows were shot to death one by one, and soon a layer of corpses piled up on the ground.

Several thief crows also tore off Shen Cong’s two sharp eagle tail feathers, which is detrimental to the appearance.

The smell of blood permeated, after a few minutes.

A thief crow screamed “Ahhh” and escaped from the thief crow group and flew to the west sky.

Then the second and third thief crows flew away. Apparently these thief crows already knew that they were afraid of death. Compared with the upgraded creatures that Shen Cong saw a long time ago with a low IQ, the upgraded creatures now at least no longer appear that low in IQ.

Knowing to run away is a sign of improved IQ.

After a few minutes.

The number of thieves and crows has dropped sharply by one-third, and the remaining one-third fled the battlefield and flew back to the west. There was one third left, and he was unwilling to leave Yin Grape Grove, but he didn’t dare to approach the blood-stained Shen Cong, hovering in mid-air. The ahhhh was so noisy and annoying.

“It’s so fierce.” Fu Jianguo, who was hiding by the side, swallowed and spit.

Li Weijun sighed and said nothing.

Zhu Haifeng considered his words: “Boss Huang’s output… is indeed very violent.”

“I know he is very strong, but how could he be so strong.” Zhao Yalan couldn’t believe it. She went to test the depth of Shen Cong that day, but Shen Cong directly choked her neck, without backhand ability.

I thought that was Shen Cong’s true combat effectiveness, but after seeing the current situation, I realized that Shen Cong was far stronger than she had seen.

“That suit of armor, I guess, none of us can break it.” Xu Wanxian figured out a sentence for a while.

Chen Song also exclaimed: “They are good as iron men. They can strengthen their bodies just like our mutants, and they can also control cars and metals. Not to mention his suit of armor, which is the car. Who of you guys can say it is broken? This boss Huang is not an ordinary person, he is more capable than Liu Zheng.”

Zhao Yalan shook her head and looked very frustrated: “How can a person be so strong?”

Li Weijun patted her arm: “Anyway, boss Huang is strong for us and for the camp, it is not a bad thing. I would rather humans have such a strong one, so that we can hope to resist the evolutionary beast. Moreover, Although Boss Huang is a little less human, he is not bad in nature.”

Zhu Haifeng asked: “The crow dare not attack anymore, should we go over and help?”

“Be careful, pay attention to defense, and go together.”

When Zhu Haifeng and the others rushed past, Shen Cong had put the crocodile warhammer on his back, then took out a slingshot and shot the thief crow with a steel ball that was unwilling to leave. The defensive power of the evolution beast is much greater than that of the ordinary animal. Unfortunately, I encountered Shen Cong with an active amount of 1.184H.

With a force of seven cows, a slingshot with twenty strands of rubber bands, the steel balls shot out are actually not much different from the bullets.

After the crowd shot and killed more than fifty thief crows, the group of unwilling thief crows all ran away and flew back to the west.

The grape grove was filled with a stench.

The corpses of thieves and crows were all over the floor.

Black feathers and red blood stains mixed into a disgusting picture.

Li Weijun wiped the blood splashed on his forehead, and said to Shen Cong, “Thank you, Boss Huang, for your help.”

Shen Cong quickly jumped in the corpse and recovered the two arrows. The recovered fangs arrows had broken and could no longer be used. Shen Cong did not regret it either. He retracted the arrow shaft, and then stringed the corpses of the largest thief crows on the ground and a normal-sized thief to the ground.

Turning around and saying to Li Weijun and the others: “For the thieves and crows on this ground, I want 80% of the bone gold, and you will send it to me after you clean it up.” With such a great effort, the harvest will inevitably account for the bulk.

The flesh of the corpse is no longer needed, and it rots if it can’t be eaten.

He doesn’t have too many active cores.


Li Weijun nodded directly. These thieves and crows were almost all killed by Shen Cong. It was kind enough to be willing to keep the meat and leave some bone gold to the Provisional Government.

No matter how careful it is, it is likely to damage the cooperative relationship between the two parties.

In many cases, he is more like a district mayor than Zhu Haifeng, and unknowingly dominates the behavior of the management.

“In addition, take me to find meteorite fragments at night.” Shen Congfu confessed again.



“That’s good.” Li Weijun thought for a while and thought that Shen Cong was strong enough, so let’s go to night at night.

The reason why Shen Cong didn’t look for the meteorite fragments immediately was mainly because he was preparing to go back and adjust his state. Fighting against the thieves and crows is still very exhausting.

He must adjust to the best state to prevent possible conspiracy and danger.

Moreover, it doesn’t make any difference for him during the day at night. On the contrary, for others and evolutionary beasts at night, there will be visual suppression, which indirectly improves Shen Cong’s safety.

Without much words, Shen Cong dragged the corpses of a few huge thief crows and quickly returned to the Vajra.

When fighting outside, there is always a little nervousness.

After returning to the Vajra, I was completely filled with a sense of security.

Drained water from the trench, blasted the super-explosive into a battle armor clean, and took a bath.

He cast his eyes on the corpse of the thief crow.

The thief crow timely provided Shen Cong with the active meat that was about to be eaten, and also enriched his apocalyptic research materials.

The level data of the thief crow is not the same. Among them, the biggest one is the giant thief crow, which has a level of Lv0.516, an active capacity of 0.176H, and a talent of 0.341H; the thief crow with an ordinary rooster has a level of only Lv0.5 and an active capacity of 0.154. H, talent is 0.308H, the difference is still very big.

There are many active core parts of the thief crow. The active core of the largest giant thief crow is the left paw, which is twice as large as the right paw.

Especially the three front and one back nails at the tips of the claws are very sharp. Shen Cong judged based on the shape that they can be ground into arrows. These are the four thieves’ claw arrows that are stronger than the fang arrows.

In addition, the thief crow the size of an ordinary rooster also has its paws as the active core, but the nails are too small to be ground into arrows.

In this way, Shen Cong has 1 rhino horn arrow with an activity of 0.236H, 4 thief claw arrows with an activity of 0.176H, 7 fang arrows with an activity of 0.158H (severely worn), and 10 with an activity of 0.074. Jaw arrows around H, 40 Jaw arrows with activity of 0.06H.

And some ordinary alloy arrows.

After packing up, Shen Cong looked at the black sky and thought about it: “What do you have for dinner? Let’s blow up the thief and crow’s legs.”

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