Chapter 201 Yellow Chestnut Tree Small Oasis

After spending a whole day, Shen Cong cleaned up all the foreign hot peppers, dead and undead, all over the floor.

A full 100L of chilli water and poisonous burrs in three convenient bags were obtained, which were all stored on the big Vajra car.

The active cores of the fish and shrimp evolution beasts washed down by the lake have also been harvested. They are temporarily piled up in the materials, and wait for time to see how to use them. Those that can be transformed into bone golden weapons can be transformed, and those that cannot be fed directly to Vajra ants. Now that the ant force god has laid three Vajra ants eggs, the Vajra ant colony is forming, and it will definitely be necessary to feed them.

By the way, I also picked a lot of daisy flower pieces, ready to dry, and see if I can make tea.

Nowadays, there is no way to produce tea, and many things have to be done by yourself to get enough food and clothing.

in this way.

On November 22, the twenty-ninth lunar month, the Xiaoxue solar term came to an end.

Late autumn is about to pass, and winter is about to come.

Shen Cong sewed himself a leopard skin coat and replaced the driver’s seat cushion and mattress in the car with leopard skin, which looked very warm. With his current physical fitness, he can wear a single garment for several degrees below zero, but he can be warmer, so why treat yourself badly.

The inside of the semi-activated battle armor is also lined with a layer of leopard skin, flood skin, leopard skin, and metal armor, with three layers of protection.

Security is even higher.

“Unconsciously, it has been more than six months since the end of the world.” Before going to bed, Shen Cong looked at the bedside mirror, showing a pale face.

Say “good night” to myself, turn off the lights and go to sleep.

Woke up on November 23rd.

Continuing the unfinished work, rushing to the clear and dry lake before the day, there is only a small area of ​​water left in the lake, with a shallow layer of water. After a day and a half of struggle, the evolutionary beasts in this small area of ​​water have already killed each other. Little half, the blood of the dead corpse dyed the lake red.

The surrounding sand and rocks are full of shrimps, crabs and turtles.

Shen Cong continued to harvest these active cores.

Then another diversion channel was dug to bring the water from the last piece of water in the center of the lake to the mountain. As a result, the entire lake dries up. I have to say that the powerful force of the Doomsday Storm has deposited a sufficient amount of sand and rocks here, turning the mountain lakes with different depths into shallow dammed lakes.

After dredging, the barrier lake dries up directly without any drips.


In the last puddle, Shen Cong saw a big guy, a huge mussel, half hidden in the sand, about four or five meters tall.

There are also some large and small river mussels around, one or two meters large and a few centimeters small, like its descendants, surrounding this huge river mussel.

“Will there be pearls?” Shen Cong was interested, and immediately picked up a one-meter-sized mussel and felt it carefully.

Talent is 0.544H, active quantity is 0.426H, Lv0.783, talent is okay, half star.

The active core is the two-petal clam shell.

The Ape King’s dagger was inserted along the gap in the middle of the shell, and then suddenly pried open a hole, and then expanded with both hands. Click, and broke the shell of the big mussel directly.

Inside is pale yellow mucus with mucus, and on the meat wall, there are several egg-sized pearls embedded impressively.

“Oh, there really are pearls.”

Shen Cong buckled down a pearl and held it in his hand whirling. This inspection revealed an abnormality. This pearl had already left the large mussel, but there was no reaction of activity loss at all, and a strong active radiation emitted, as if it were a fresh individual, somewhat similar to an active fruit.

“Does not lose activity, that is to say, this pearl, will the effect be similar to the active fruit?”

“Regardless of whether it is or not, I will collect it first and then talk about it.”

After deducting the pearl, Shen Cong went straight to the largest mussel, which was bigger than a small truck, and its two-part shells were tightly closed. Shen Cong perceives that its talent is not strong, only 0.614H, but its activity has reached an astonishing 0.611H, that is to say, the level of this big mussel is Lv0.995, which is only one step away from Lv1.

This is the only evolutionary beast that Shen Cong has discovered that has reached Lv0.9 or higher and is so close to Lv1.

“No, don’t touch it for the time being. When you finish cleaning up the scene, take it back in its entirety, study it carefully, and see what unique changes it has evolved to such a high degree!”

“Lv0.995, it’s a miracle, how can there be such a high-level evolution beast, this place is really strange!”

Evolution is a step-by-step approach. Even Shen Cong is constantly looking for active fruits to speed up his evolution.

As for the evolution of beasts, whether it is the heavyweight Golden Dragon or the grass-weight honey bee, the level of Ascension is a very slow process.

Including the evolution of the new Hefei, the level of Ascension is also increasing little by little.

The evolutionary beasts or evolvers who have developed in the last days for more than six months and lead the ranks are generally around Lv0.8.

This old clam.

It brought Shen Cong a great surprise.

Even Shen Cong intends to raise it to see how it will change after it enters the Lv1 era.

It was transported one by one, and several piles of active cores were shipped back, almost filling the big Vajra.

Shen Cong returned to the dry barrier lake again.

Climb up high and overlook the entire Huanglishu Reservoir. He found that this place is a very interesting lake group, with 17 lakes large and small, forming a very three-dimensional effect. The dammed lake in the middle has the highest water level. Then the level was lowered one by one.

“In other words, if I blow up the gaps one by one, I can drain the entire lake group of Huanglishu Reservoir… Is it necessary to drain? The first barrier lake at present has brought me such a big surprise. What about the next few? Observe and observe first!”

Shen Cong brought the DJI 8 drone and supporting communication equipment, ready to ascending at the top of the mountain.

Take a comprehensive picture of the surrounding environment of Huanglishu Reservoir.

The drone roared up to a height of 100 meters, showing the surrounding conditions of the entire Huanglishu Reservoir into the picture in detail. Looking at these pictures, Shen Cong’s gradually discovered the problem.

“This…” Shen Cong played back the screen repeatedly, checking the map repeatedly, and then circled two circles on the map.

The first way, with the most central barrier lake as the center, encircles the entire lake group in it.

The second road, still centered on the dammed lake in the center, circled a larger circle, oval, covering the Fuxing Township, which is ten kilometers away.

And the boundary of his circle is based on the lightness of the green traces in the picture. The green in the first circle is very rich, which means that the plants around the lake are very lush. The green in the second circle is slightly lighter, the plants are a little sparse, and there is no vibrant vegetation in the first circle.

The jujube forest and the daisy garden are in the second circle.

Outside the circle, it is even lighter, and the green plants are very sparse.

Look at the two circles.

Shen Cong’s brain moved quickly.

“The Huoshan Oasis, the fertile zone, and the barren zone are distributed in a ring shape… here is also a ring distribution with clear boundaries…” The breathing gradually increased, and a bold guess quickly emerged in Shen Cong’s mind, lingering. “Could it be… this is actually an oasis?”

“I didn’t come to a new oasis rich belt, but found a very small oasis, here, if it is really as I guessed, it should be a new oasis-a small oasis of yellow chestnut trees!”

Shen Cong stood up and looked at the dammed lakes surrounded by mountains.

My heart suddenly heated up.

Oasis, there may be meteorite fragments hidden!

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