Chapter 359 Mankind’s Strongest Warrior (220,000 recommended votes plus more)

Shen Cong only called Guo Shanni to help him get eggs, but the huge black iron giant bear corpse and the coercion still quickly alarmed the gold and iron men in the entire camp.

You don’t need to walk to the front, you can clearly see the hideous corpse of the bear in the camp.

“Black Iron Bear! I have seen it in the brochure, Superweight Iron Beast!”

“Big Vajra, Hu Ying’s car.”

“It wasn’t Hu Ying who killed the black iron giant bear, right?”

“How is it possible that the Black Iron Giant Bear chased the entire 31st Army. Major General Hu is very strong, but can he do it?”

“The whole world finds a good one, it is probably Hu Ying.”

“I’m a good one, it’s a big one.”

“How much does it cost?”

Onlookers talked a lot.

After a while, Ni Haiyang and other managers appeared in front of Vajra. Shen Cong’s current status, in addition to the rank of major general in the army, is still serving as the administrator of the Xinyi City camp. It is reasonable to listen to the report.

However, since the trade association was destroyed, Xinyi City has returned to the management of the management office. Everything is functioning normally. No one who has no eyesight dares to be too presumptuous. Even if arrogant, he will choose a degree, for fear of shocking Shen Cong.

Immediately afterwards, Guo Shanni brought the boss of Anshun Trading Company.

The boss was a golden man, and he came over cautiously. He saw sweat on his forehead, and he began to cry when he met: “Hu Ying, it’s not that we didn’t try our best to raise chickens, but that the old hen was too grumpy. Eat well and live and live. It’s comfortable, and it will escape from prison from time to time. It is very difficult to lay eggs in this state.”

Shen Cong frowned: “You can’t subdue an old hen without wings. Why did you undertake this business in the first place? If you don’t have the ability and lose money, I will choose another company that has the strength to take over.”

The boss hurriedly promised: “Hu Ying, rest assured, give us a little more time, we will definitely tame the old hen and lay eggs all over the world. And we raise the baby chicks very healthy, within two months, the baby hen in the baby chicks will be We can lay eggs. We will ensure that there will be a sufficient supply of eggs. In the first two months of the egg laying period, we will not collect any eggs and we will give them to Huying.”

“Remember your words, and give you another 15 days. If the old hen does not lay the eggs, you are ready to pay compensation. I don’t like to waste time bargaining.” Shen Cong waved his hand and turned to the car, “Okay, just Speaking of which, including Ni Haiyang, don’t report anymore, you are all separated, I’m in a hurry.”

The Great Vajra went back on the road, dragging the corpse of the black iron giant bear, and disappeared on the road.

While the car was on the road, Shen Cong’s mood was lowered.

The old hen he had worked so hard to catch was handed over to Anshun Trading Company to raise it. It has been almost a month since he had not laid an egg, which is totally unreasonable.

The old hen lays the eggs, and it is their negligence to not lay the eggs.

Without eggs, there is no appetite.

At eleven o’clock in the morning, we arrived in Huai’an City.

The reaction was the same as when passing through Bayi Town and Xinyi City. After seeing the corpse of the giant black iron bear, the entire upper level of the war zone was shaken. Liu Yiwu personally brought people over to receive the corpse of the giant black iron bear.

“Hu Ge, you actually killed the black iron giant bear?” Liu Yiwu touched the black iron giant bear’s hard as iron fur, and he still slapped his tongue because of his restraint, and couldn’t believe it.

Shen Cong wrote down his needs for the corpse of the Black Iron Giant Bear on paper and handed it to the supervisor of the Logistics Department.

His demand is to need several bear skins tanned according to different specifications. The bear skin is leather gold, which can effectively isolate the radiation catalytic metal of meteorite fragments, prevent metal corrosion, and can also isolate active radiation. It can also be used as a bear skin coat.

“With strength and luck, it is not difficult to kill the black iron giant bear.” Shen Cong didn’t want to say more, just answered briefly.

Liu Yiwu nodded to express understanding and stopped asking further.

Then he said: “After the rat people’s hardest hit area was cleared, the first batch of exchange materials in New Hefei was transported today, along with some new Hefei staff, maybe there are acquaintances you know, do you want to meet? They are by Zhu Li The colonel leads the team and now lives in the guest house.”

An acquaintance in New Hefei.

Shen Cong’s eyes didn’t fluctuate: “No, I need to deliver the Black Iron Giant Bear as soon as possible. I need to exchange for some supplies. I have something to do when I look back.”

The shock of the black iron giant bear was huge. After the corpse was delivered, Liu Yiwu immediately instructed the propaganda department of the war zone to focus on this matter and boost morale.

He personally delivered a speech on the radio: “The 310,000 brothers and sisters in the war zone, today, there is a great news to announce to you. Twenty-eight days ago, our 31st Army encountered the greatest difficulty in history. A superweight iron beast, the Black Iron Giant Bear, rushed them into the foggy area of ​​Xuzhou, causing many deaths and disappearances.”

“Just today, this evil black iron giant bear has been given the first to punish it. It was beheaded by the most powerful warrior in our eastern theater, Major General Hu Ge, and the corpse has been hauled back…Last year, we humans encountered unprecedented Everyone has lost their closest relatives…”

Liu Yiwu expressed his emotions, and finally exhilarated: “We will finally overcome the disaster, wipe out all the golden beasts, and restore human civilization!”

In the speech, Shen Cong was not mentioned too much.

Unlike the new Hefei who wanted to build a hero to inspire people and give Shen Cong the title of “Evolutionary Front”, the Eastern Theater District currently exercises an equal policy. For the sake of harmony between ordinary people and evolutionary people, it does not overly highlight the golden people, The powerful fighting power of Iron Man.

However, neither official propaganda nor propaganda could stop Shen Cong from killing the Black Iron Giant Bear, which brought a huge shock to the survivors.

For golden beasts, every human being has seen their ferocity and power.

What is the concept of superweight? It can only be killed by overwhelming artillery fire and missiles. This is still in the early days. As the golden beast gets stronger and stronger, unless a nuclear warhead is used, it is already difficult to kill the superweight golden beast. The 1st Army has been defending the Luoma Lake Oasis for a long time because it dared not move the big lynx and green frog.

Officials don’t know how many times it has been publicized. The big lynx and the green-skinned frog are not easy to deal with, creating a super-weight reputation.

In fact, the death of the black iron giant bear is indispensable for the right time, the right place, and the harmony of people.

It is the fog area that limits its field of vision, and Li Xunhuan’s kite tactics are available; the geographical advantage is the pit-killing of the big pit and the sudden appearance of the big earthworms. , Pave the way for Shen Cong to behead the beast.

This series of cooperation made the black iron giant bear hate on the spot.

However, the Eastern Theater District did not know these details. The survivors only knew one thing-Major General Hu killed the Black Iron Giant Bear, the big bear that defeated the 31st Army.

Suddenly, “Major General Hu” became the strongest pronoun of mankind.

There is no need for the war zone to name something “Evolutionary Front”, everyone will automatically give Shen Cong the strongest name.

Of course, although Shen Cong is not as strong as the survivors imagined, he is still the strongest in the Eastern Theater. This is clear. Soon after coming to the Eastern Theater, his strongest name has spread. He killed the heavyweight hexagonal dragon alone. This record is currently no one can surpass.

Now it’s just using the corpse of the black iron giant bear to consolidate its status.


In the guest house, hearing the news of the black iron giant bear bombarded on the radio, a group of people in New Hefei were all excited and inexplicable. Major General Hu Ge from New Hefei is still strong and dazzling, and he is still the strongest evolutionary of mankind. They are very proud of him.

Wang Yingying, who was already married, showed a faint smile while listening to the radio.

It seems to remember that in those first days, someone called himself Huang Xiaoming, and now his name is Hu Ge.

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