Hell App

Chapter 70:


The man in the cap hates himself for just complaining, and he is now blue with regret.

He understands that he must be the first to intervene to let the female ghost stare at him!

Why is he so cheap!

However, no matter how reluctant he was, he did not dare to resist the female ghost who was constantly laughing.

The capped man glanced at the other three people. They were still **** with hair, only one head was exposed.

Seeing the other three people's expressions of sympathy, indifferent, or gloat, he couldn't help getting even more angry. If it weren't for his cheap mouth, a quarter chance, I don't know who is unlucky!

He glared bitterly at the gloating one, cursing that the next hapless one must be him, and then drew towards the table.

In the glass jar in the center of the table, half of the jars filled with human heads looked at him bitterly, their eyes moving with his movements.

Being stared at by a jar, even after six games, the cap man feels unwell instinctively.

Picking up the chopsticks tremblingly, the cap man slowly took hold of the chopsticks.

Seeing the rolling heads in the jar, he couldn't help but feel a little trembling-such horrible things, if he first entered the game, he would definitely not dare to touch them with chopsticks.

However, he is no longer the weak one when he first entered the game.

As soon as the man in the peaked cap had his eyes condensed, he stretched out his hand and picked up a "bean" at the top.

As soon as the head was clamped, he let out a sharp scream.

"Fuck, you guys can talk?"

Shocked by the sound of the screaming chicken, the capped man almost threw away his chopsticks.

Fortunately, he has quite a lot of experience in using chopsticks. As soon as he changed his hand, he stabilized the chopsticks and quickly threw the "beans" into another glass bottle.

Although the first "bean" has twists and turns, it is still smooth.

The first attempt gave the capped man confidence. As long as he ignores the sudden howl of the head, it may not be that difficult to pinch beans.

The man in the peaked cap counted the heads left in the jar. There were a lot of heads in the jar. It would take five minutes to finish clamping them all.

However, this is not a test at all for those who are used to chopsticks.

The man in the peaked cap cheered himself up, ready to puff up all these **** beans at once.

He carried chopsticks like flying, and the wind carried the head into the empty jar.

Soon, he transported half of the head in the glass jar, and as he continued to clip it down, something happened.

He was halfway through the air, and the head in the chopsticks suddenly began to struggle violently!

It turns out that besides screaming, these heads can move!

You only have one head left, how did you move it?

The duck tongue man trembled in his heart, and quickly threw it into the jar when the head didn't break free.

He paused, stopped pinching the head, and began to think about what to do next.

The game is generally more difficult as it goes to the back. Although this is a small game, it is also included in the App, which is definitely in line with this law.

Next, these **** heads will definitely be more dishonest.

If they escaped in the air, then he...

The man in the peaked cap shrank, and the look in his head became more fierce.

Mad, these people's heads are so honest, he can't clamp it so gently!

He looked at these people's heads up and down, and found that their mouths were closed together, and he had an idea.

As soon as he stretched out his chopsticks, he pierced the thin end through his mouth, and pierced the chopsticks to his head at once!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The human hair screamed sharply, and countless curses spewed from its mouth. The man in the peaked cap could hardly imagine that there were such vicious words in the world.

But no matter how the head was cursed, he turned a deaf ear to it, and pinched the head one by one.

Slowly, there were fewer and fewer heads in the jar, and the man in the peaked cap felt looser, thinking that these heads could not make any other moths.

Seeing that there were only a few heads at the bottom of the jar, he picked up one and sent it to another jar that was almost full.

As a result, this time, as soon as he was caught in the air, he saw an unkind grin on the head-chopsticks suddenly broke!

Immediately, the head and chopsticks hit the floor, and rolled a few times on the table until they hit the ground.

Upon seeing this, the cap man became stiff, he turned his head abruptly, and stammered towards the female ghost: "There is still a head in the jar, I can still clip it! Only one is lost, I only lose one! Give it again! I have one chance!"


The female ghost burst into laughter, and she gritted her teeth as if she was aftertaste.

Seeing that the female ghost didn't answer his words, the expression of the man in the peaked cap suddenly became stiffer.

He stopped begging for mercy, and tightened his chopsticks to remedy it.

He put his chopsticks into the jar, wanting to quickly clamp the remaining heads.

Unfortunately, the female ghost did not give him this opportunity.

Her smirk stopped suddenly, and the cap-cap man was sweating with a fluke in his heart.

Soon, he can finish the clip immediately, as long as he can finish the clip, the female ghost can't do anything to him!

However, as soon as he picked up a person's head, countless black water-like hairs rolled towards him!

The fine hair was like a steel wire, entangled him tightly, and strangled the cap man with pain!

However, he just yelled.

In an instant, the sharp-wired hair cut his neck, and the man's huge head tilted to the left and rolled between the thick hair.

Soon, the man's head was wrapped in thick hair. His unwilling eyes and distorted expression were all covered by the hair.

The hair was tightened, compressed, and quickly gathered into a small ball.

When the hair was opened again, the man's head had been compressed to the size of Dongzao.

He kicked the remaining three people bitterly, his eyes were the same as the others' heads.

"Sure enough." Bai Yanxin said: "People will become beans when they die, and other'beans' are also the players' heads."

The man's head is lying in his thick hair, his mouth is wide open, as if he has not accepted the fact that he has died.

But the female ghost doesn't care whether the newly deceased person's head has adapted to the new life after death. When her hair curls, she throws the man's head and the head of the person who just fell off the table into the jar.

The female ghost poured the remaining heads into another jar, and then opened a small slit in the hair covering her face.

A long tongue stretched out, and the man's headless corpse was rolled into the mouth by the tongue, followed by a horrifying sound of chewing, crunching, causing the remaining three people to stretch their bodies...

"Who is next? It shouldn't be me, right?"

As soon as this thought flashed through Bai Yan's mind, he heard the female ghost chirp and chuckled, "Next! Hurry up, don't make me starve!"

As soon as the voice fell, the hair wrapped around Bai Yan's body disappeared.

Obviously, he is the lucky one who was newly selected.

Faced with this situation, Bai Yan didn't want this kind of luck.

He turned his head to look at the female ghost, deeply suspecting that she has mind-reading skills.

Isn't it? Can you hear the thoughts in your heart?

Bai Yan felt that he must be too unlucky, and he didn't think it was the retribution that he had just watched the duck-tongue man being picked by the female ghost.

Bai Yan moved his hands, walked to the table, picked up the chopsticks and began to look at it.

He was far away and couldn't see it. When the distance got closer, he found that the chopsticks were full of fine and dense tooth marks.

Presumably those people's heads were very dishonest, they were still biting with their tiny teeth desperately when they were inserted into their mouths, trying to get rid of the chopsticks running through their mouths.

The man in the peaked cap was careless, the bite force of the head in front was very small, so the chopsticks were helpless.

Fortunately, the last few heads were so good that they snapped off the chopsticks as soon as they were clamped.

Just like that, he died aggrieved, and the man with the peaked cap died quite unjustly.

Bai Yan squinted his eyes and scanned the head in the glass jar. This time the best teeth were stacked on top. It seemed that there was going to be a tough battle from the beginning.

Among them, the man’s head is stacked on the top of the jar. This new “bean” slams viciously, his mouth is whispering, and his mouth wiggles more frequently than other heads. It seems to curse and abuse the player who just gloated at him. .

Isn't it, such a grudge?

Bai Yan murmured in his heart, and said, "Be louder, I can't hear you."

"There is a kind of you cry out."

Hearing this, the man's eyes suddenly became even more bitter.

His expression was distorted, and the degree of distortion instantly exceeded that of other human heads.

If the expression on the face can represent the status of this dry head, then Bai Yan believes that the status of the man among the heads has improved and he has become the leader in the head.

Probably it was stimulated by Bai Yan, and the man cursed when he was still in the glass jar.

His curse is more vicious than other people's heads, and it seems that he had beaten up in his heart while he was alive.

"Come on, don't persuade."

The head cursed vigorously, but Bai Yan showed a shallow smile.

However, he said so, but he was extremely cruel, because the man's lesson learned that he did not use the chopsticks to poke his mouth, but directly pierced the two chopsticks into the man's eyeballs.

"I'm sorry, buddy." Bai Yan apologized insincerely: "You said that you died and gave us so much trouble. The chopsticks are broken. It is very inconvenient for you to clamp us, but I forgive you. Up!"

Hearing the plain words, the man suddenly burst out screams piercing the eardrum.

Ye Shangyu and another player Tom, because they were **** with their hair, couldn't cover their ears with their hands, and their ears were almost deaf.

Ye Shangyu is okay, she has known Bai Yan's virtues a long time ago, and she only talked about it, saying that you don't involve the unrelated people, this is very lacking in quality.

And tom, this foreigner is already dead.

He had been unlucky enough to match a group of unfamiliar Eastern players, and he was particularly frightened when he saw the utterly unremarkable words.

When his companions were still dead, the young man from the East began to ridicule mercilessly. He had no humanity at all. Are the Easterners so indifferent?

Or their western players have a human touch!

In tom, prayed silently for this hapless player, hoping that he could ascend to heaven, and never have to suffer.

Bai Yan had already thrown the stringed ‘beans’ into another jar, and everything went smoothly.

Facts have proved that no matter how compressed, the eyes are the key to the human head.

No matter how hard the eyes are, they won't grow thorns.

Of course, if these eyes grow fangs, perhaps a strong acid may suddenly mutate to melt the chopsticks, then the words will be convinced.

Ignoring the man who was caught in the glass jar and was still verbalizing and cursing, Bai Yan's chopsticks moved, and another sharp thorn was picked up.

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