Hua Manman didn't know how the main god would react after discovering the Sanhuamao.

She instinctively felt nervous and uneasy.

Mr. Zhu followed the trend and looked towards the wall, but saw that the wall was empty.

He couldn't help asking: "What are you looking at?"

Hua Manman was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized——

The Lord God can't see the three-flowered cat!

Although she didn't know the reason, she was greatly relieved.

She pretended to be at a loss: "What?"

Mr. Zhu stared at her, his eyes full of discussion and examination.

"Can't you see what's on the wall?"

Hua Manman continued to pretend to be stupid: "Is there something on the wall? Why don't I know?"

Mr. Zhu: "Since you can't see it. Why do you still look at the wall?"

Hua Manman: "How do I know?"

She made up her mind to bite to death and deny it.

The expression on Mr. Zhu's face gradually became indifferent.

With a wave of his hand, the scene in front of him disappeared, and then they returned to the dark and narrow rental house.

Hua Yusen was drunk again, Song Yixian wanted to persuade him to drink less, but he slapped him.

"I'm working my ass off outside just to support you two trash, so what if I drink some wine? Why do you care about me if you don't have anything to use?!"

The young Hua Manman wanted to protect her mother, but Hua Yusen kicked her hard.

The thin body fell to the ground in embarrassment.

She curled up in pain and couldn't get up for a long time.

Even after many years, when Hua Manman saw this scene again, he still felt extremely uncomfortable.

She couldn't bear to look any longer, and turned her head to look elsewhere.

But Song Yixian and the little girl's cries continued to penetrate her ears, accompanied by Hua Yusen's beating and scolding.

Everything didn't stop until Hua Yusen got tired.

In the dead of night, Song Yixian quietly pushed open the door.

Taking the only cash in the family, she secretly left the home that made her suffer so much.

And at this time.

The young Hua Manman is standing by the bedroom window.

Through the window, she could clearly see that her mother's back was getting further and further away.

Several times she wanted to open her mouth and call out to her mother, but she held back in the end.

She didn't do anything, just watched her mother leave her.

Looking at this scene, Hua Manman's hidden emotions were stimulated, and the loneliness of being abandoned surrounded her again.

She didn't want her mother to go, but she knew in her heart that this family would only bring misfortune to her mother.

Only by leaving can mother have a chance to regain happiness.

As for her, she can only sink and sink in this quagmire.

The whisper of the Lord God came from the ear.

"Even the mother who gave birth to you abandoned you in the end.

In this world, no one will truly love you, and no one will always be with you.

Neither family nor love can be trusted.

You have to live for yourself.

What about selfishness? So what?

When you are in a desperate situation, no one has helped you, so why should you care about other people's lives? "

The little girl standing by the window was crying silently.

Tears kept sliding down the cheeks.

After a long time, she finally couldn't help her brother and called out, "Mom."

The woman outside seemed to feel something, and her footsteps paused slightly.

But she didn't look back, and soon continued to take steps, going farther and farther, and finally disappeared completely.

Hua Manman turned away, unable to bear to look any further.

Lord God: "Why did you let her go?

As your mother, she not only cannot protect you, but also abandons you.

You should wake up your father at this time and let him bring your mother back.

It's so lonely in hell alone, you have to have someone by your side, don't you? "

Its words are like whispers of demons, with a strong temptation.

It can easily evoke the most unspeakable dark emotions in the hearts of human beings.

Even though Hua Manman was fully on guard, his mind couldn't help but waver.

She felt that her thoughts were being influenced and controlled by the Lord God.

She is becoming less and less like herself.

Hua Manman hurriedly covered her ears, not wanting to hear his voice.

Too bad it didn't work.

Even though she covered her ears tightly, the Lord God's words could still be heard clearly in her ears.

She can't hear it or not.

After Hua Yusen woke up, he found that his wife had run away, and immediately flew into a rage.

He grabbed his daughter, who was about to go out to school, and questioned her fiercely.

"Where did your mother go? Tell me!"

The little girl was trembling with fear: "I, I don't know."

Unable to get the answer he wanted, Hua Yusen was so angry that he lost his mind.

For the first time, he hit his daughter without being drunk.

The little girl was beaten to the ground.

In the past, my mother helped share the firepower, but now she is the only one who bears it, and she is beaten more severely than usual.

The main god continued to whisper in Hua Manman's ear.

"See, this is what happens when you let your mother go.

She left, leaving all the pain to you.

Think about what your mother is doing right now?

She should have gone to a new place and started a new life.

Maybe she will have a new family in the future and have a well-behaved child.

She will completely forget that she has a daughter who is suffering. "

Hua Manman tightly covered her ears: "Stop talking."

It wasn't until the neighbor broke in that Hua Yusen had to stop.

The little girl who was seriously injured was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

The police notified Hua Manman's grandparents.

After receiving the news, the old couple said they would come immediately.

Hua Manman looked at the door of the hospital.

She hasn't seen her grandparents for a long time, and she hopes to see them again.

Because of this expectation, her mood became more stable.

A taxi pulled over.

The car door opened, and the two old men walked down supporting each other.

The moment Hua Manman saw them again, his eyes lit up immediately.

Knowing that the other party couldn't hear her, she still couldn't help shouting.

"Grandpa, grandma!"

Concerned about the safety of their granddaughter, the old couple hurriedly crossed the road and walked quickly towards the hospital.

The whisper of the Lord God came from the ear again.

"What are you expecting? Are you expecting redemption? No, you have never had redemption in your life."

The moment the voice landed.

A truck came galloping and knocked the two old people to the ground.

There were screams and blood everywhere.

Hua Manman stopped breathing in an instant, and her whole body was cold.

Soon, doctors and nurses rushed out, lifted the two old people, and sent them to the emergency room for rescue.

It's a pity that the rescue was ineffective, and the two old people eventually died on the cold operating table.

Hua Manman hugged her head, and slowly squatted down.

"It's impossible, it's not true, you're lying to me."

Lord God: "This is your destiny, no one will come to save you."

After a period of detention and education, Hua Yusen was released, and he came to the hospital to pick up his daughter home.

The Lord God asked in Hua Manman's ear.

"Do you want to go back with him? Do you want to continue to endure his violent abuse?"

The moment she saw her grandparents die with her own eyes, Hua Manman's spiritual world collapsed.

At this moment, she looked blank, shaking her head mechanically like a marionette.

The Lord God smiled slightly: "Since you don't want to go back to your previous life, then kill him."

Hua Manman repeated the last three words blankly.

"kill him."

At some point, she turned back to her childhood appearance. She was wearing an oversized hospital gown, her limbs were slender and thin, her body was covered with scars, and she even had a fruit knife in her hand.

The blade is sharp and sharp.

And Hua Yusen's back was facing her, he was bending over to pack his things, completely defenseless against everything behind him.

The Lord God gave Hua Manman a gentle push and said in a gentle and kind voice.

"Go, you can only be freed by killing him."

At this moment, Hua Manman's mind was blank, only three words remained——

kill him.

kill him.

kill him.

Hua Manman took the knife and walked towards Hua Yusen step by step.

The blade was getting closer and closer to his back.

At this moment, a familiar meow suddenly sounded.


Huamanman's mind cleared up for a moment.

She stopped abruptly.

"No, I can't kill him."

Even if Hua Yusen is not a thing, she can't let her hands be stained with blood because of this.

Grandpa and grandma once said that they hope she can live happily.

She couldn't let her grandparents down.

She cannot be a murderer.

The Lord God held her hands from behind, and the devilish whisper sounded again, drilling into her ears, devouring her sanity.

"Why can't you kill him?

Just because he's your father?

From the moment he hit you, he is no longer worthy to be your father.

He is the biggest nightmare in your life and the source of all your misfortunes.

Only by killing him can you be freed.

Don't be afraid, killing people is actually very simple, just need a little force..."

Hua Manman seemed to have fallen into a dream, and her expression became dazed again.

Her hand pushed forward along the strength of the main god.

At the moment when the tip of the knife was about to touch Hua Yusen.

Hua Manman suddenly slammed back forcefully, and stabbed the blade into the main god's chest with his backhand!

All this came too suddenly.

The main god was caught off guard, and his chest was directly pierced.

It whimpered unbelievably.

"how come?"

The trance look on Hua Manman's face had completely disappeared.

She turned around, looked at the main god in front of her coldly, and said slowly.

"The source of all misfortunes in my life has always been you."

Full of unwillingness, the Lord God quickly shattered and turned into a handful of quicksand, which disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Everything around, including Hua Yusen, hospital beds, doctors and nurses...

They all disappeared completely.


In the palace.

Prince Li Qiong looked at Mr. Zhu lying on the bed, and asked with a frown.

"Mr. has been in a coma for three days and three nights, why hasn't he woke up yet?"

The Imperial Physician said sincerely and fearfully: "I have already checked Mr. Zhu carefully, and I have not found any symptoms, neither sickness nor poisoning, and there is no internal or external injury on my body."

Li Qiong asked: "Then why is he in a coma?"

The imperial physician ordered Na Na to be unable to answer.

Li Qiong suppressed his anger and asked again: "Where is that woman? When will she wake up?"

The woman he mentioned refers to Hua Manman.

Three days ago, Li Qiong was so angry that Hua Manman walked away, and he handed Hua Manman over to Mr. Zhu to deal with it.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhu and Hua Manman fell into a coma inexplicably. The imperial doctors tried many methods, but they couldn't wake them up.

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