When everyone was gone, Sanhuamao dared to get out of a hole in the ice.

It looked at the empty ice coffin.

Hua Manman, who was supposed to be lying in the ice coffin, has disappeared.

Sanhuamao was so anxious that he turned around twice, and finally decided to ask someone for help first.

It is just a kitten now, even if it chases after it, it will not be able to snatch back Manman, so it can only turn to people for help.

It ran wildly all the way, and quickly got out of the secret passage.

After leaving the Prince Regent's Mansion, it found out that Li Ji had already brought 500,000 soldiers and horses to the outside of Tianjing City.

People in the city were panicked, and the people were afraid that they would be affected by the fish in the pond, so they all hid at home and closed their doors.

The usual busy streets were deserted.

Sanhuamao wanted to go out of the city to find Li Ji for help, but when it ran near the city gate panting, it realized that the city gate had been blocked.

It can't get out, let alone see Li Ji.

In addition to disappointment, it is also somewhat fortunate.

Fortunately, the gate of the city was closed, so Ah Qi could not leave Tianjing with Man Man in a short time.

As long as people haven't left the city, they still have a chance to take Man Man back.

It was completely dark by now,

In the dark night, a bright moon hangs quietly.

There is a row of torches on the top of the city wall, looking from a distance, it looks like a long dragon winding and circling in the night.

Just when Sanhuamao was about to leave, he suddenly heard the soldiers guarding the city whispering gossip.

The content of their chat happened to be related to Li Ji.

"The regent has been in the city for a long time, why is there no news yet? Do you think the saint has given the regent to..."

When the soldier said this, he quietly made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Sanhuamao's footsteps stopped suddenly.

It was extremely surprised that Li Ji had already entered the city?

Another soldier whispered: "I always feel that the regent is not that easy to deal with. Don't say anything else, just the half a million troops outside the city are enough for us to drink a pot."

The companion immediately retorted: "As long as the regent dies, the rebel army will be leaderless. Even if they have an army of half a million, so what? Once there is no one to command, it will be a mess in the end."

"There's some truth to what you said... Never mind, let's take a look and hope this damn war ends quickly."

What else did they say after that, Sanhuamao couldn't listen anymore.

It has only one thought in its head now——

Go into the palace to find Li Ji!

Sanhuamao went straight to the palace.

Not long after it left, the sentinel above the city wall suddenly shouted.

"There is an enemy attack!"

Immediately afterwards, someone blew the horn, and the beacon smoke was also ignited.

All the soldiers above and below the city wall took action, and running figures could be seen everywhere.

Outside the city, Bian Ziming led a team of cavalry, holding huge shields, and rushed towards the city gate quickly.

Arrows flew towards them like rain.

After a while, the shield was filled with arrows.

Unfortunately, the war horse was shot by an arrow, and Bian Ziming, who was riding on the horse, was forced to roll to the ground. He erected his shield on the spot and moved closer to the surrounding soldiers.

They used their shields to form a protective wall, and braved the rain of arrows and continued to move forward with difficulty.

Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to the city wall, the general standing above the city wall shouted immediately.

"The trebuchet is ready!"

Inside the palace.

Princess Ningyang saw the dazzling beacon fire in the night sky, and the sound of horns one after another, and she turned around anxiously.

Not only her, but all the civil and military officials and the royal family members were also very anxious.

Prime Minister Zuo couldn't help but said: "Your Highness, now that we have surrendered to the Regent, why is the Xuanjia Army attacking the city?"

When one person spoke, the others followed suit.

"If this battle breaks out, not only will the soldiers suffer countless casualties, but the common people in the city will also not be spared."

"This world has already belonged to the Regent, so there is no need to increase the killing."

"Our family is still in the city. If we really want to fight. What about the old and weak women and children in our family?"

"Your Highness, please speak quickly!"


Princess Ningyang was quarreled with each other until she got older.

She yelled sharply: "Okay! This palace has sent people to find the regent. Without him, this battle cannot be fought."

Prime Minister Zuo spoke again: "But the person you sent out came back and said that the regent has left the palace. How can he leave the palace at this juncture?"

Immediately afterwards, Prime Minister You also echoed.

"It's fine for him to go out of the palace, how can he not say hello? We don't know where he went, and we can't even find him."

Others also complained quietly.

Princess Ningyang is very annoyed now, she is not in the mood to listen to their complaints, she said impatiently.

"Go and call Zhong Amber over."

Soon Hua Dingzong was brought in front of Princess Ningyang.

Princess Ningyang asked him carefully what did Li Ji say and do before leaving the palace? Let him be sure to explain everything clearly.

Hua Dingzong tried his best to recall, while describing the scene to everyone.

From the beginning to the end, Li Ji never said what he was going to do, let alone where he was going.

At the critical moment, the regent could not be found, and everyone was devastated.

In the end, Princess Ningyang broke the deadlock.

"If it doesn't work, let Ben Gong go up the city wall and have a chat with Duke Zhen.

Anyway, Ben Gong is also his mother-in-law, so he will give Ben Gong some face. "

At the end she paused, and took a special look at Li Qiong who was still in a coma.

"Take the little emperor with you."

Everyone looked at each other and felt that this move was very risky, but right now they had no other better way, so they could only take a risk.

The left and right prime ministers took the initiative to stand up and expressed their willingness to go with Princess Ningyang.

Princess Ningyang looked at them: "Swords have no eyes on the battlefield, do you really want to go on an adventure with me?"

The two prime ministers responded without hesitation.

"The minister is willing!"

The reason why they choose to do this is not impulsive, but deliberate.

They want to see with their own eyes whether Zhen Guogong is really alive?

If Zhen Guogong is really alive, these shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the city will definitely be difficult to stop, so they can only obediently open the city gate and surrender.

But if they can't see Lord Zhen, it means that what the regent said before is likely to fool them, and then don't blame them for being ruthless.

Accompanied by the two prime ministers on the left and right, Princess Ningyang left the palace with the little emperor in a coma, and went straight to the city gate in a carriage.

at the same time.

Li Ji has returned to the Prince Regent's Mansion.

When he rushed into the bedroom and saw the open wardrobe door, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Could it be that someone entered the secret passage before him?

When he entered the secret passage and saw the empty ice coffin, his mind went blank.

What about manman?

A huge panic hit his heart, almost completely swallowing his reason.

He held his forehead and forced himself to calm down.

The more critical this moment is, the more he can't mess himself up.

He tried his best to suppress the bad thoughts in his head, forcing himself to think.

Now Manman is gone, there are only two possibilities——

Either she woke up and left here by herself.

Either someone entered the secret path before him and took Man Man away.

It's fine if it's the first possibility, but it's bad if it's the second possibility.

Numerous life experiences have told Li Ji that everything must be prepared for the worst.

Assuming Man Man was taken away by someone, they must still be in the city now.

They couldn't get out because the city gate was blocked.

But then Li Ji remembered that before he left, he had told Li Liao that if he hadn't returned to the camp before dark, he would let Li Liao attack the city according to the original plan.

With the defensive force in the city, it would definitely not be able to withstand the iron hooves of an army of 500,000 troops.

Once the Xuanjia army invaded the city, the city gate was broken, and there would be chaos inside and outside the city.

At that time, those who stole Manman will be able to take advantage of the chaotic waters and sneak out of Tianjing City.

Thinking of this, Li Ji immediately turned around, rushing out of the secret passage like the wind under his feet.

He must rush to prevent the Xuanjia army from attacking the city as soon as possible.

However, when he ran out of the Prince Regent's Mansion, he looked up and saw the flames lit up in the sky.

That's when the flames were lit.

Li Ji's heart trembled, the Xuanjia Army started attacking the city so soon!

He didn't care about thinking too much, and used his lightness kung fu to run straight to the direction where the beacon was lit.

On the way, he happened to run into a three-flowered cat who was also in a hurry.

One person and one cat emergency brake.

Li Ji recognized the cat as Manman's pet, and also knew that it looked like a cat but inside it was a system. It had the wisdom to communicate with humans.

He immediately asked, "Do you know where Manman went?"

The three-flowered cat meowed at him.

Li Ji has the ability to read minds and can hear anyone's voice.

But he couldn't understand what a cat was saying.

Without Manman being present to help translate, the communication between one person and one cat fell into a dead end.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Sanhua Mao simply twisted its body and ran two steps towards the city gate, then it stopped again, turned to look at Li Ji, meowed at him twice, and swung its tail at the same time.

Li Ji asked, "Are you taking me to find Manman?"

Sanhuamao nodded.

Although it can't stop Ah Qi from taking Manman, it knows how to find Manman.

Because it left something on Manman.

It can follow the smell of that thing to find the long, but the smell is time-sensitive.

The longer it drags on, the harder it is to find Manman.

So they must hurry up and find someone quickly.

Li Ji naturally knew the preciousness of time.

He didn't ask a word, and immediately raised his heels.

In an inn near the city gate.

Ah Qi sat by the bed, silently watching Hua Manman who was still sleeping peacefully.

With the recovery of breath, her complexion gradually became rosy, more and more like a normal living person.

Soon they will be able to leave here and be together forever.

Thinking of this, Ah Qi tasted what happiness is for the first time.

Knock knock.

There was a knock on the door.

Ah Qi came back to his senses: "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and a general walked in.

He saluted Ah Qi, respectfully.

"The Xuanjia army has launched an attack and is attacking the city. After they break through the city gate, we can take advantage of the chaos and get out of the city."

Ah Qi ordered in a low voice: "You lead people to help the Xuanjia Army, so that they can break through the city gate as soon as possible."

He wanted the city gate to be breached as soon as possible, so that he could quickly fly away with Man Man Yuan.

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