Collapse! Reshape! Collapse!

Worldview, values, outlook on life.

Three views are shattered!

Hearing Ye Fei admit that there were other wild fighting heroes, everyone slapped their horses!

Have to say! After the special abilities and attributes of the Proud Stalker-Raingar.

There is even more a strong and majestic, violent and bloodthirsty aura on his body!

Whether male or female…

They were all attracted by this breath on Ye Fei’s body!

Charming and dangerous!

Younger generation ADC: “MD! It has to be Ye Fei! ”

Man in a suit: “What? Hole Hero? ”

High school student Zhongshan: “I know that Big Daddy Ye can still C!” ”

“him XXX, him XXX!”

As soon as the irascible old brother spoke, he knew if there was a match!

I have to say….

Ye Fei’s words were like a shot in the arm!

Calm everyone’s emotions!

“It really scared me just now! After Reingar was disabled, his mood plummeted! ”

“The roller coaster mood swings are fascinating!”

“Then the summoner skill chooses to teleport and flash!”

High school student Zhongshan said with confidence.

Xiaodai ADC, suit man, and irascible old brother looked at each other…

Suddenly understood the meaning of a single word among high school students!

“Then my summoner skill also brings teleportation plus flash!”

The man in the suit made up his mind and looked firmly!

Sacrifice your online advantages and protect the road!

Ye Fei suddenly realized…

“Are you going to play some tricks in this game?”

“Global Stream?”

“HH, Ye Fei, you also said that your QQ magic war is a golden rank, the routine can obviously be seen at a glance, and you still put that modesty!”

“At least it’s also the peak area diamond rank up, right?”

The little generation ADC seems to have discovered a new continent, that hot eyes….

Don’t mention more GAY!


“This one! Just play Global Stream! ”


After a short time, several of Ye Fei’s teammates calmed down.

“The signal before the next road ADC and auxiliary fight must be timely!”

“Or voice communication in advance, don’t go ahead!”

“There is something on the other side, and when you change blood, it will give you the illusion that you can beat them!” But this is just a trap! ”

“Listen to the signal of Ye Fei!”

High school students in single placement tactics…

Think quickly and think clearly.

Your own hero selection is also very talkative!

At the moment….

Everyone’s eyes were on Ye Fei.

“What kind of hero is it?”

“And a hero who can match Raingar?”

“Looking forward to ing!”

“Shouldn’t it be a fierce beast hero too?”

The four stared intently at Ye Fei…

Expect, guess, imagine!

The two fists are clenched, and the two strands shake.

Ye Fei will no longer sell Guanzi, and the ugly mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will finally see her in-laws!

The mouth squirms slightly, silently reciting that classic language!

“This world is delicious!”

“Void Marauder – Kazik!”

The Void Force shattered the canyon space barrier, for some reason…

All summoners feel that the heroes who are about to appear this time are so strong that they explode!

Bursts of darkness gathered, and the power of the void continued to surge…

An invisible threat from another world, filling the entire sky of the entire Alliance Continent!

“Change!! It’s a good thing! ”

The darkness faded, and a very dangerous figure appeared….

Finally appeared in front of everyone’s eyes!

The mouth is constantly shedding deadly saliva.

The sickle-like claws emanated the threat of death

Bone spurs attached to both shoulders, extremely sharp!

“They never imagined it would be like this!”

“They don’t know what attacked him!”

At this moment, the teammates all opened their mouths slightly, looking at the place!

“Really: Handsome! ”

“Well… Cruel! ”

Mid-Autumn Festival reading every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 10th to September 12th)

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