Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1081

Searching for memories not long ago in his mind, Strange quickly determined what Eye of Agamotto really was. Therefore, he was as surprised and unexpected as other young sorcerers. However, compared to the awe of Eye of Agamotto by other sorcerers, Strange has no scruples in this regard.

“Can this Eye of Agamotto really be studied for us?” In order to make sure what Wang said was true, Strange asked again.

After all, Strange just stole some magic forbidden books and was smashed and talked about it, almost causing a huge space magic crisis. In the legend, Eye of Agamotto is a magic item of a holy god. Compared with the Advanced magic recorded in those few magic forbidden books, the ability of Eye of Agamotto is undoubtedly more terrifying.

“Well, this is what Ancient One sorcerer said, you can rest assured to study, I won’t stop you.” Knowing that Strange must have some concerns, Wang nodded replied.

Getting Wang’s affirmative answer, Strange’s gaze shifted again to the Eye of Agamotto behind him. On that stone shelf, the Eye of Agamotto, which seemed to be randomly placed, faintly revealed a bright green rays of light. When Strange saw the green rays of light, his heart seemed to be hit.

“I think I can try…” Next moment, Strange said with a flash of eyes.

Then, he walked past the king, slowly approached the stone platform, and finally walked to the side of Eye of Agamotto.

And when Strange came over, the young sorcerers who had already dispersed were approaching this side intentionally or unintentionally. Even if they didn’t approach, they were all paying attention to the situation here. Every time someone comes to try to contact Eye of Agamotto, other sorcerers will pay attention. After all, it is a legendary magic sacred relic.

After approaching Eye of Agamotto, Strange stopped. As he approached, his gaze never left the quaint necklace in front of him. Then, Strange took a deep breath and raised his hands.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ~

Under the gaze of Wang and the young sorcerer around, Strange waved waves of magic before his hands. Obviously, he has already started trying to establish communication with Eye of Agamotto. As Strange’s eyes became more serious, the wave of magic in front of him became more and more intense, a path of golden rays of light surrounding the Eye of Agamotto, especially magical and gorgeous.


The golden rays of light right in front of Strange circled the Eye of Agamotto. After a while, a sound was uploaded from the Eye of Agamotto. It was Eye. of Agamotto is about to open the sound.

Hearing this voice, Wang and the young sorcerers who were watching this scene showed a little surprised expression in their eyes, but they were not so shocked. Because, in the few sorcerers I just tried, two of them successfully made Eye of Agamotto react a little.

ka ka!

Following the first sound, two more sounds came out, and the Eye of Agamotto placed on the stone shelf slowly opened A tiny crack, the Time Stone sealed inside also revealed a trace of green rays of light. Seeing this scene in front of him, the rays of light in the eyes of Strange cast the spell, and then he worked harder to release the magic energy to completely open the Eye of Agamotto.

ka! pu pu!

However, just after Eye of Agamotto opened a crack, it seemed to have a rejection reaction to Strange’s magic. After a light sound, the crack that had been opened instantly returned to its original state. As the crack closed, Eye of Agamotto also released a magical shock, and the magical energy released by Strange was instantly dissipated.


When this happened in Eye of Agamotto, Strange stepped back several steps in succession because of the magic being broken. Strange stopped with his hands still held up, but they were already shaking slightly, and his eyes were filled with expressions of surprise and a little fear.

“So it turned out to be the same…” Seeing that Strange’s magic was broken and people were also repelled, the Wang who had been watching this side shook his head and muttered.

Stephen Strange’s previous encounter was the same as the previous youth sorcerers who tried to communicate with Eye of Agamotto. They were all broken and repelled in the process of communicating with Eye of Agamotto. Although Strange opened a little Eye of Agamotto just now, someone did this step before.

The repulsed Strange took a deep breath and slowly lowered his hands. I don’t know if it was because of the shock of the magic power released by Eye of Agamotto just now, Strange, who withdrew his hand, stood there and didn’t move.

“Its okay, this is normal. Several other excellent sorcerers before you are like this, dont care too much.” Seeing Stranges state, Wang thought he was affected. Shocked, so I spoke a few words of persuasion.

“I’m fine.” Hearing Wang’s counsel, Strange’s eyes flashed while standing there and he returned to normal.

“Well, I know you are okay. Although Eye of Agamotto will magically reject people who dont recognize it, it is just a simple warning and will not hurt you.” Hear Strange Wang Nodded continued to answer.

Strange, who failed the first attempt, looked at the Eye of Agamotto, which was regaining silence. Finally, he stepped back and walked off the stone platform. It seemed that he was not ready to try again.

“Eye of Agamotto itself has a very powerful magical power. The magic contained in it not only has a deep guarding and sealing magic, but also has a strong demon method that you can’t imagine. Therefore, now you can’t and It is normal for it to establish communication. However, Eye of Agamotto will be placed here during this period. You can try it many times, and maybe you will gain something.” After Strange stepped off the stone platform, Wang looked Look at the other young sorcerers around and speak loudly.

“Well, yes, such a magic sacred relic, it is normal that we cant communicate now…”

“I still have to work hard! I even have the courage to try in the past No.”

“It seems that this is also a test for us. This selection is really not simple!”

After Wang said that, the young people around The sorcerers all showed different expressions in their eyes, and they discussed with each other in a low voice. Obviously, because of Wang’s words and the existence of Eye of Agamotto, they both regarded establishing communication and contact with Eye of Agamotto as a test of selection. However, this is also a good thing.

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