Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1147


After traveling more than a dozen times, the Iceman in the state of ice crystal finally stopped.

ka ka ka!

After Iceman stopped, the path behind him began to freeze quickly, extending to his back. And in those ice cubes, wisps of black mist are frozen in and cannot escape.

After Iceman’s mutated ability was upgraded to Fifth Level, he showed more ease in battle. Even if the ice crystals are kept, there is no consumption for Iceman at this time. Moreover, his strength of Cold Ice is significantly stronger.

“The stable Fifth Level ability is indeed powerful, but the opponent is even stronger.” Iceman in the state of ice crystals moved his entire face slightly, and then thought silently in his heart.

Iceman, who fought for the first time in a cosmic environment and exerted his strength under the stable Fifth Level mutated ability, was a little surprised at his own strength, and also said to them before he understood Lin Rui for a while. About what kind of existence Dormammu is. Even if Iceman bursts out with all his strength, he thinks it is just a small problem for Dormammu.

However, since he chose to believe Lin Rui, even if Iceman knew he couldn’t deal with Dormammu, he would try. Perhaps, his strength is much stronger than he thought. Because Iceman had always been on Earth before, and Iceman, whose mutated ability was stable at Fifth Level, did not dare to test which step he could achieve with full strength. Now it’s different. Without the bondage of Earth, Iceman can boldly release that infinite power.

“Then, let me see…what is the power of the legendary Supreme limit! Absolutely frozen! Open!!” After thinking about it quickly, Iceman quickly drank it.

weng weng weng!

While Iceman drank low, an extreme cold rushed out of him within the body, and instantly enveloped nearly 100 meters nearby. position. At this moment, in the area enveloped by this ice cold aura, a little ice blue light gradually emerged. Absolutely frozen domain, open!

Compared to the original field that could only release more than ten meters on Earth, the absolute ice seal at this time is undoubtedly strengthened many times. In addition to the scope, the energy within the domain is also much larger than before. Within the bounds of the Absolute Frozen Domain, except for Iceman and the ice energy controlled by him, the black mist that has been enveloped in has all been stained with a layer of ice blue.



At the moment Iceman drank low, the black mist rendered by the blue energy of the ice instantly shattered into smaller particles, and then completely assimilated and disappeared by the ice energy. After releasing the absolute frozen domain, Iceman instantly cleared the black mist within a radius of 100 meters, and the results were remarkable.

“No! This is far from enough!” The Iceman, who was in the center of the field, did not relax at all.

weng weng weng!

Next, the ice blue field, which was already large enough, expanded again. After Iceman full strength released the power of the real Fifth Level Mutant that was hardly online, the absolute ice-covered range continued to expand, and there seemed to be a direct tendency to break this black mist!


“roar! Hulk chop!!”


There was a loud noise, and a strong shock wave swept outwards quickly in a wave pattern visible by naked eye. The black mist swept by this shock wave was completely dissipated in one round, and then it was pushed and floated further away.

In the center of the shock wave, Hulk, who has already transformed into Hulk, is stepping on a golden magic array and waving his stout arms and shouting. Although the cosmic vacuum environment cannot transmit sound, Hulk’s roar also brings out a path of spatial vibration ripples from the attached space. The Hulk Slash just now directly aroused spatial resonance, and the resulting spatial shock swept away the black fog.

In the face of an ultimate boss like Dormammu, Banner Court Academecian no longer suppresses Hulk’s nature. In addition, in order to make Hulk more powerful, Banner Court Academecian inspired another layer of Hulk’s combat form. Hulk at this time is the real humanoid nuclear bomb.

However, even if Hulk is strong, he will not be able to fly by himself like Lin Rui, Thor or Iceman. Therefore, in order to be able to exert Hulk’s strength, Lin Rui had arranged Jack for a long time, let him use magic to help Hulk fight.

At this time, Jack is wearing an Iron Man suit and hovering not far from Hulk. Behind him is a magic Space Teleportation door that he can leave at any time. The metal magic array that Hulk stepped on was from Jack’s hand, and Hulk also knew that Jack was helping him. So in addition to furious fights, he didn’t have much Jack take action. It’s just that the inexhaustible black mist around has caused Hulk Anger Value to continue to rise.

“This guy!…really strong!” Standing in front of the magic Space Teleportation door, Jack, who was able to retreat at any time, muttered in a daze when he witnessed Hulk’s performance just now.

From what Jack just saw, if the big green-skinned guy in front of him is brought close, even if he immediately builds ten magic shields, he can’t stop the opponent’s punch. Hulk has reached a level of strength that almost ignores various defense levels, unless Jack’s strength can reach the level of Ancient One’s great sorcerer. Otherwise, he can only hide in the magic Space Teleportation door.

“However, the stronger he is, the more hope we have!”


Next, Jack waved his hand to build a magic array in front of Hulk, and Hulk just stepped on the original magic array and jumped to the one that just appeared. The direction of Hulk and Jack to cooperate with the breakthrough is the center of the black mist. If they keep jumping like this, they will rush into the core of Dormammu.


puff puff puff!

In addition to the main forces of Earth working hard against Dormammu, near their battlefield, Star Lord is constantly sprinting under the black mist, constantly launching energy attack beams and throwing various energy bombs. However, apart from exploding the approaching black mist, Star Lord’s attack effect was not very good.

hong long long!

A few more energy bombs were detonated in the vicinity, and the weapons and ammunition on Star Lord were about to bottom out. Moreover, Star Lord has been swept by the black mist many times. The energy defensive shield on his body is also about to be damaged, but the Star Lord has been unwilling to retreat, and now he is stuck in the black mist and cannot break through.


Just when the Star Lords side was swept away by the shock wave of the explosion, a cloud of black mist just swept over. The powerful devouring strength gave the last bit of energy from the energy defense shield on the Star Lord Swallow clean. Next moment, Star Lord will be exposed to the universe environment!

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