Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1179

Although Dormammu also sensed the special energy fluctuation that instantly filled the entire Mirror Dimension, his take action did not stop. Because, as long as he kills those dozens of positions, the Mirror Dimension will be instantly broken. So, no matter what the energy that just appeared, Dormammu will get out of trouble.

puff puff puff!

Without any accident, dozens of Earth sorcerers guarding a fixed position were instantly destroyed into scum under the attack of Dormammu. As the dozens of sorcerers died, the space magic energy emitted from those dozens of locations kept dropping. Then, the complete Mirror Dimension began to slowly crumble. Soon, there was a broken space in that corner.

“hmph! Want to trap me?!” The Mirror Dimension was broken in an instant, and Dormammu’s disdainful coldly snorted was about to leave the expanding gap.

hu hu ~

However, just when Dormammu was about to reach the rift and then go out, a special energy fluctuation just appeared again, but it was even more cryptic, even Dormammu Could not sense it.

With the emergence of this energy fluctuation, Dormammu’s huge body returned along the original path just traveled, and soon returned to the center of this Mirror Dimension again. While Dormammu returned, the broken Mirror Dimension was quickly recovering piece by piece.

Then, the dozens of dark energies that had been withdrawn by Dormammu before reappeared from him, and quickly shot to the broken position of Mirror Dimension, after “resurrecting” dozens of sorcerers there. , Dormammu recovered the dark energy.

In less than a second, what had just happened happened again, but it was completely backward. The sorcerers killed by Dormammu are alive, and Mirror Dimension has not been broken, and Dormammu, located in the center of Mirror Dimension, is still looking for the weakness of Mirror Dimension.

“A dimensional space, do you really think you can trap me? It’s just to buy Earth a little time, it’s in vain!” Dormammu, who carefully sensed Mirror Dimension, quickly discovered the problem and said disdainfully After this sentence, an attack was launched.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

next moment, dozens of dark energies shoot towards the edge of this continent. In a roar, Mirror Dimension was broken, Dormammu coldly snorted moved towards Mirror Dimension and the broken rift passed. However, under the influence of that special energy fluctuation, time went back again, and it was back when Dormammu discovered the key position of Mirror Dimension.

“A dimensional space, do you really think you can trap me? It’s just to buy Earth a little time, in vain!” Dormammu said disdainfully, staring at the edge of the continent.

Next, Dormammu launched an attack. However, when attacking those dozens of positions, Dormammu always felt that something was wrong. However, he couldn’t figure out what was wrong for a while. In this way, two seconds later, time went back again, and Dormammu returned to before launching the attack.

“I found it again! A dimensional space, do you really think you can trap me? Just buy Earth a little time, in vain!” Same as the previous two times, Dormammu said disdainfully Such a sentence. However, before this sentence, Dormammu said a few more words.

“en? Why should I say it again?” After saying this and attacking, Dormammu suddenly noticed something was wrong, and he added something unconsciously.

puff puff puff!

“What’s wrong!” While watching the hidden sorcerers being destroyed directly by himself, Dormammu was also feeling what was wrong.


As the Mirror Dimension shattered, an almost imperceptible energy fluctuation appeared again. This time, Dormammu finally sensed it. However, he couldn’t stop the influence of this energy fluctuation on him.

“It’s time!…” Dormammu yelled abruptly before time went back again, but it was too late to say the rest.

Time goes back again, the broken Mirror Dimension is repaired again, and the dead sorcerer is resurrected again. The problem that Dormammu just discovered was also washed away in the back of time. Dormammu, who lost his memory, took action again to attack those sorcerers. However, this time he still discovered the problem and woke up before the time went back.

“Time that keeps going back! Damn!” This time, after yelling these words, Dormammu was once again pulled back by time.

In this way, Dormammu, who was originally shrouded in Mirror Dimension, is once again trapped in the prison of time reincarnation. Although Dormammu has been able to wake up quickly with the constant flow of time, there is still no way to stop the flow of time.

Later, every time Dormammu woke up, he would try to destroy the Mirror Dimension in different ways. This time I attacked the location on the mainland, and next time I attacked another location. However, no matter where the Mirror Dimension is broken by the attack, time will always flow back at that specific moment. Even if Dormammu does nothing, time will still flow back at that point.

It’s like this period of time is set to infinite replay, no matter what Dormammu does in this setting, it will ultimately be affected by time. In this way, Dormammu, trapped in the prison of time reincarnation, went through the time from searching for the weak spot of Mirror Dimension to attacking the sponsor and then Mirror Dimension breaking.

Although Dormammu’s life is infinite, such infinite repetition is also a kind of torment for him. Perhaps, because of the infinite life, being trapped in such an infinitely repeating time cage makes it even more crazy.

And while Dormammu is repeating those few seconds, in a special space on this continent, Lin Rui and the others who disappeared before are gathering together. The space here is not at all affected by the cycle of time outside, so they all know what is happening outside. If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, apart from Lin Rui, no one would believe that in this world really has such a thing as turning back time.

“Jackson, can Dormammu be completely trapped in this way?” Seeing that Dormammu had just gone through the thirty-fifth time reincarnation, Jack couldn’t help but ask when standing on Lin Rui side.

Compared with the previous fight between them and Dormammu, this kind of Strength of Time is undoubtedly something that no one can resist. However, Jack is still a little worried when Dormammu has seen through the prison of time reincarnation.

“If Strange can keep him steady, theoretically we can keep him trapped in it. However, what we want is not to trap him, but to completely solve his threat to Earth. “Hearing Jack’s question, Lin Rui was silent for a while before replied.

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