Silently followed the Nightcrawler squad to their secret location, which was different from Lin Rui’s expectations. Their residence turned out to be a fairly luxurious villa. Compared with Lin Rui’s underground bunker, it should not be too tall and obvious!

“Where did you get the funds?” Walking on the solid wood staircase of the villa, Blade asked a question that Lin Rui also cares about. Although Lin Rui is satisfied with their base, the living environment here is obviously much better.

“I accompany a lot of old fogey dates!” Hannibal Jin as it should be by rights replied walking beside Lin Rui. The Nightcrawler squad on the road has already introduced himself. He is really not Wade Wilson, but a real Vampire hunter: Hannibal King. Although he and Wade have the same handsome face and the same nonsensical character.

Lin Rui, Matt, Jack: “…”

Blade: “…”

Although Hannibal Jins answer should be a joke, But with his face and figure, if he wants to, this is a very rich way.


Soon, Hannibal Jin brought Lin Rui and a few people to the inside of their station and saw the remaining team members. It turns out that they are not only Vampire hunters who are in charge of combat, but also weapon experts and scientists who research the ultimate solution as backup technical forces.


After introducing the rest of the Nightcrawler team, Albert picked up a strange-looking metal product from the table. In the doubtful eyes of Lin Rui, the metal that couldn’t see what it was suddenly began to change. The original short ends quickly extended to form two curved corners, and the middle was also contracted and recessed. Soon, a metal bow without strings appeared in Albert’s hands.

“…” Lin Rui they looked at the metal bow a little unclear.

Albert posed with a metal bow, and Hannibal was also beside both hands crossed near chest, waiting for Blade and Lin Rui to ask. However, to their disappointment, neither Blade nor Lin Rui meant to speak, which was very embarrassing.

weng weng!

As if unable to bear the silence, Albert’s hand holding the metal bow moved slightly. Then, a purple beam of light was instantly emitted from the two corners of the metal bow, and finally converged into a bowstring in the middle.


“The light beam in the middle is a high-intensity polymerized ultraviolet light, which has direct lethality on Vampire.” In order not to continue the cold field, Albert continued to explain.

“Oh! It’s amazing! It turns out that you really need something to kill them. It’s no wonder that the Vampire I fought with before was cut by a knife and bombed by a missile. “Lin Rui finally won the match when he saw the equipment dedicated to Vampire.

In fact, the last time Lin Rui encountered in Frankenstein Family manor Housley has been a part of Vampire old patriarch, general UV weapons of his injury was not so deadly, unless he let Suffered from high-intensity ultraviolet rays for a long time.


“Are you not Vampire hunters? You don’t even know this?” Withdrawing the metal bow, Albert curiously asked.

“Vampire hunters? Of course we are not, and we didn’t know how long there was a creature like Vampire.” Lin Rui shook the head replied after hearing Albert’s words. Of course, they were referring to him and Matt, and Jack knew about Vampire this thing before.

“However, since we have been involved in this matter, of course we have to solve the problem of Vampire. Otherwise, they will bring great danger to the life of the ordinary person.” Lin Rui continued Said.

“Then we have the same goal. However, since you have decided to eliminate Vampire, you must know what methods can completely kill them.” Hearing the words of Lin Rui, Albert nodded, they The battle with Vampire has reached the most critical moment. It is of course the best to have someone like Lin Rui join in.

“Of course, I think we will learn quickly.” Glancing at the Nightcrawler team’s equipment warehouse, Lin Rui assured.

“Well, lets talk about the common sense of popular science Vampire later. You said in the police station that the most powerful master Vampire is resurrected. What is going on?” Wait for Lin Rui and Albert After the special words were finished, Blade asked from the side.

“OK, we’re going to end this.” Waved, Hannibal Kim took Blade and the others to another room.

“We received news a few days ago that the Vampire clan has awakened Dracula, the master of Vampire who has been sleeping for thousands of years. He is a very powerful Vampire, and generally weapons against Vampire can’t deal with him. I I think his awakening should have something to do with the recent big moves of the Vampire clan. Under the leadership of Master Vampire, they are about to start occupying this World.” While walking, Hannibal Jin shared with Lin Rui what his team had obtained. intelligence.

“Since this Master Vampire is so powerful, how can we kill him?” This time it was Jack who was next to Lin Rui who raised the question.

“Although ordinary weapons are useless to him, there are ways to deal with everything. We have developed a solution that can kill Dracula. Moreover, just inject this solution into Dracula within the body, the powder that dissolves will destroy all Vampire in this world.” Taking Lin Rui and the others to the next room, Hannibal Jin said proudly.

“So, this Dracula is still the fate of the entire Vampire race?!” Lin Rui felt a little funny when he heard Hannibal Jin’s words.

This master-level Vampire has such a fatal weakness. Even if you die alone, you still die with the entire race. It really kills the entire race. Lin Rui did not ask Hannibal Jin how they knew that Dracula Jin had been resurrected, nor did they ask how they made this solvent that can wipe out the entire Vampire race. Anyway, this thing itself should be in the setting, Lin Rui didn’t bother to ask.


“This is the ultimate solution that can kill Dracula, thereby destroying the entire Vampire race.” Picking up a small glass bottle with green solution from the table, Albert Specially introduced to them.

“Well, I already know the matter. But, do you have any plans? Regarding dealing with this Dracula, do you know where he is?” Knowing the current situation of Vampire, Blade then asked . He has no other goals, he just wants to wipe out Vampire in this world.

“We have been tracking a Hagui tribe. They have been doing things for Vampire. From here it should be a breakthrough.” Putting down the ultimate solution, Albert continued.

“then what are we waiting?” Since there is a clue, Blade can not waste any more time.

Turning around, Blade has moved towards the previous weapon storage. His weapon was gone when he was caught, and now it just happened to be added to the Nightcrawler team.

“Of course we won’t waste time. Isn’t this analyzing the situation for you?” Following Blade back to the weapon arsenal, Hannibal Jin said lightly.

Swipe! Ignoring Hannibal Jin’s muttering on the side, Blade has quickly armed himself. The opportunity to completely wipe out Vampire is here, and he won’t wait another second. Even if the ultimate solution would destroy all Vampire, he would kill Dracula without the slightest hesitation. As a half-Vampire Blade, he may also be affected by the ultimate solution.

“Well, we also need some equipment, don’t you mind recommending it for us?” Lin Rui, who was hanging aside, suddenly said when Blade had already armed himself expertly. Knowing that his weapons can’t deal with Vampire, Lin Rui certainly wants the Nightcrawler team to give him some help.

“Well, come here. I will tell you which weapons are suitable for you, and what are you good at usually?” Hearing Lin Rui’s words, Albert took them to a row of weapon racks and asked Tao.

“The three of us are all in close combat…”

In this way, Lin Rui’s team and Blade are quickly arming themselves at the nightcrawler squad. They will deal with it. The most powerful Vampire is also an action to solve Vampire forever.


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