Zila la~~

In the Level 1 base of SHIELD, Brother Xi, Xinmo, sparks and lightning are everywhere at this time, like It is the same as the electromagnetic shock. Although the entire base seemed to have been attacked, the people in the base were actually in order, not at all panicking. Not many battle strength researchers quickly moved towards the outside of the base under the protection of the fighters, and the rest rushed to the center of the base while extinguishing the open flames. Obviously, this is not the first time they have experienced this situation.

hu hu ~

“Hey! I thought it could be stable for a while, didn’t expect something went wrong again, and the formidable power this time is bigger than last time!” Running out under the protection of the soldiers, a middle-aged researcher complained.

“Didn’t you have been mentally prepared for a long time? This thing is not a conventional weapon after all, and these reactions are normal. However, after such a long period of research, it has finally achieved some results.” As the middle-aged researcher complained, an old man walking in front of him spoke calmly.

“Well, I know, but I always think we may not have much time.” Hearing the words of the old man, the middle-aged researcher continued after complied.

“Dont worry, we can continue to study it when it becomes quiet again. Perhaps, before it riots next time, we have found a way to control it.” I didnt care about the middle-aged researcher. Worried, the old man continued.

Under the day and night research of this group of senior researchers, Thor left God of Thunder’s Hammer at Brother Xi in Xinmo and really found something for them. However, without Asgard’s detailed information, their research speed is very slow, and it is only 1% of the decrypted ones.

hong long long!

Just as the old man finished speaking, a violent roar came from the center of the base behind them. Then, a black object rushed into the sky in a thunderbolt.



In the violent thunderbolt, the black object flew in the direction of fast moved towards New York. Needless to say, the black object that released the thunderbolt and rushed into the sky is the God of Thunder’s Hammer that has been studied by SHIELD. After a long silence, this Asgard’s divine tool finally responded to someone’s summon.

“Old…Teacher!…The hammer flew away! It really flew away!” Watching God of Thunder’s Hammer fly away, the middle-aged researcher shouted with a trembling voice.


However, after the middle-aged researcher finished yelling, the old man who had already seen this scene collapsed in a spirit of excitement. If God of Thunder’s Hammer really ran away, their research would be completely overwhelmed. Such research results are not enough to establish a system theory.

“Teacher!!!” Seeing the old man fall straight down, the middle-aged researcher worriedly shouted to study and rushed over to support him.

“Hurry up to inform the headquarters! We need support!!” The old man breathed a sigh of excitement after being supported by his student.

“The situation here has been immediately sent to the headquarters.” Hearing the words of the old man, Captain, the escorting team, immediately replied.

Now, they dont have to retreat anymore. The culprit who caused the bases chaos and various electrical riots has left, and the base will soon return to normal. However, the S-Rank item left again, and at such a fast pace, the chance of being able to get it back is not great.

“Definitely…definitely! Get it back!” After saying this, the old man finally passed out because of his excitement.



This kind of chaos happened at the SHIELD Level 1 base in Brother Xi, Xinmo, and God has been quiet. of Thunder’s Hammer suddenly Blink Thunder Strength charge ahead. Thor in his apartment in New York is walking back and forth in the living room of his apartment. As he walks, Thor’s face is constantly changing.

“Yi! Why did Mj_lnir respond so positively to my summon this time? I have not fully recovered the power of God of Thunder!” Walking back and forth in the living room of the apartment, Tony looked at Blink in his eyes. Light blue rays of light, muttering to himself in a low voice.

Obviously, Brother Xi SHIELD researched God of Thunder’s Hammer. The God of Thunder’s Hammer suddenly rioted and then rushed out of the base and flew away. It was caused by Thor. After Jane Foster hung up Thor’s phone and blocked him again, Thor, who didn’t understand the woman’s temper, stopped contacting Jane Foster for the time being, and tried summon’s God of Thunder’s Hammer: Mj_lnir again.

And this summon also surprised Thor very much. Originally, he thought that this summon would be the same as the previous few times. God of Thunder’s Hammer would not have much response. Its just saying something like thunderbolt in the past. However, in Thor’s induction, this time his summon got a very obvious response from Mj_lnir. Now Thor can feel that Mj_lnir is coming to him quickly.

“haha! It seems that coming back to Earth this time is the right choice. Otherwise, I dont know when I will be able to update the summon and return to Mj_lnir!” Make sure that your God of Thunder’s Hammer is indeed fast After flying towards his side, Thor couldn’t help but drank it happily.

Then Thor quickly walked to the window in the living room. The direction God of Thunder’s Hammer flies from is just here, so Thor can immediately see his long-lost hammer.


While Thor was standing by the window in the living room waiting for God of Thunder’s Hammer to return, in the apartment opposite Thors apartment, she was always The team arranged to monitor Thor has also overheard Thor’s self-talk.

“Captain, what does this S target mean? He seems to be talking about summon?” He heard Thor’s self-talk with a headset, and one of the team members asked the side in a low voice. Captain.

They couldn’t monitor anything when Tony was there before, and their equipment returned to normal only after Tony was gone. In other words, Tony didn’t mind their monitoring of Thor.

“Summon what? Is he a magician? Didn’t he mean he is a friendly alien from Earth?” Hearing the answer from the team members, the bored Captain muttered. Then, he took a headset and put it on.

hong long long!

Just as this Captain just put on the earphones and was ready to listen to Thor talking and so on on the other side, there was a sudden roar from the sky above New York, as if a thunder was struck out of thin air. . Moreover, this thunder is still moving towards here quickly.

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