A few hours later, Scott, who took the plane again, has flown back from New York. On the way home, Scott did not talk to Professor Pym about what his Quest experienced after entering the warehouse. Therefore, Professor Pym and Hope have always thought that Scott just escaped by chance, not at all to complete the Quest.

“You are messing around! Do you know how stupid it is to expose Antman battle clothes like this?” Soon after Scott returned to Professor Pyms private villa, it was reported that Professor Pyms Angry.

Obviously, Professor Pym was very angry that Scott did not listen to his retreat order and insisted on making Quest’s decision even if he was discovered by the other party. This time Scott was lucky and finally escaped. If he did not escape but was caught by Stark, then the technology of Antman battle clothes and the secret of Pym particle might fall into Stark’s hands. This result is Pym. The professor is also unacceptable.

“Hank, don’t say any more, Scott is safe to come back, better than being caught. Quest and so on, we will think of other methods.” Seeing Professor Pym’s angry look, Hope persuaded from the side.

Hope doesn’t think that Scott’s decision was wrong. If it were Hope, she would definitely choose to fight once. However, their bad luck this time, the place that was supposed to be an abandoned warehouse turned out to be a tightly defensed base, with two such powerful fighters guarding there. With this level of defense, even Avengers had no chance in the past.

“Also, this time our information is incorrect. Otherwise, Scott should be able to complete the Quest.” While comforting Professor Pym, Hope also reminded him.

When Hope said that, Professor Pym’s anger a little bit. Obviously, he also knew that he was also responsible for the failure of Quest. However, without the signal disguise now, it is not that simple for them to quietly invade the tightly defended Pym technology. Moreover, Scott has already been to Scott’s base once, and the opponent is impossible to invade him again.

Listening to the conversation between Professor Pym and Hope before him, Scott’s eyes were silent with Blink. When Professor Pym and Hope finally finished talking, Scott spoke.

“Although I was a bit reckless on Quest this time, but…who said that my Quest failed?” While talking, Scott reached out and took out something from his waist.

In the surprised expressions of Professor Pym and Hope, Scott directly took out the signal pretender invented by Professor Pym in his early years. The small signal pretender dangled twice in front of Professor Pym and Hope, and then Scott put it on the table and stopped talking.

“This!…” Looking at the signal pretender Scott brought out, Professor Pym couldn’t believe it.

“Scott, you really did it!” Seeing Professor Pym’s expression, Hope knew that this small device in front of him was their goal for this Quest.

“Fortunately not insulted!” Seeing Professor Pym’s expression and then hearing Hope’s words, Scott said with a smile.

“How did you do it?” After holding the signal disguise in your hand and carefully observing it for a long time, after confirming that it was the one he invented back then, Professor Pym looked at Scott and asked in surprise.

Judging from the situation at the time, Scott should have no chance to get this signal pretender. After all, no one knows what the warehouse was transformed into. How could Scott without the slightest clue find such a small thing?

“Luck, and I have noble people to help.” Hearing Professor Pym’s words, Scott replied in a flat tone.

“Your help? At that time, our communications have been cut off. Who else can help you? Not to mention that Stark suddenly let you go. From the scale of which base, that The secret inside is certainly not small, maybe it is the manufacturing base of the new Iron Man suit.” Hearing Scott’s answer, Professor Pym said with a look of disbelief.

“I dont know if the base is the place where the new Iron Man clothing is manufactured, but it is indeed a part manufacturing plant. Moreover, the manufactured parts are all high-precision high-tech equipment.” Without intending to tell the whole story about Lin Rui’s help, Scott briefly talked about the situation in the warehouse.

“Are you high-tech equipment? Did you record them?” Professor Pym asked with some interest when he heard Scott’s answer.

Although Professor Pym once criticized Tony’s Iron Man suit as an extremely fancy technique in a disdainful tone before, he actually felt that Iron Man suit had its merits. So, after Scott said that the warehouse was now converted into a factory building, Professor Pym still wanted to know what high-tech equipment parts looked like.

“I simply took a few photos, and they are all here.” Knowing that Professor Pym would definitely be interested in the parts in the factory, Scott took out the U disk that he had prepared. Said.

Quickly reached out and took Scott’s USB flash drive, Professor Pym turned around and walked to the underground laboratory. The signal pretender has been taken back, so their plan can proceed smoothly to the next step. Now, Professor Pym still wants to see what the high-tech parts that Scott photographed are like.

Looking at the back of Professor Pym leaving quickly, Scott and Hope looked at each other in blank dismay helplessly, and in the end they had no choice but to follow along quickly, and they had to discuss the next plan. Darren Kross’ experiment is very close to success, and their plan must begin.

That night, Scott left Professor Pyms villa and returned to Luiss apartment. Luis and several other friends were very curious about the past few days when Scott unfathomable mystery left. However, when Scott told them that they were about to make a big vote, everyone was excited.

“Scott, did you lie?! We really want to take action on Pym technology this time?” Luis asked excitedly, looking at Scott who was sitting on the sofa preparing to rest.

“It’s the Pym technology of Pym technology? Our city’s largest and highest technology company?!” After Luis spoke, another good friend also asked repeatedly in shock.

“Yes, it’s the Pym technology. And, this time we are cooperating with the founder of Pym technology: Hank Pym.” In order to rest early, Scott once again released a surprise .

“Me!!! Damn!!!”

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