Huang Ying patted her chest and promised: But it doesn't matter, we will continue to move forward and will not be swayed by any illusion!

So they continued through the maze of ventilation ducts, looking for clues. oops! Almost slipped. Huang Ying stepped on the slippery ground and almost fell.

Medical Officer Bian Yong grabbed the wall to stabilize her body: Be careful, we can't be distracted by a small accident, she is a cunning guy!

Zhu Dali reminded everyone while looking around carefully.

Listen, there is a sound! Huang Ying suddenly stopped and concentrated.

Medical officer Bian Yong rubbed his ears: There is indeed, it seems like...crying?

Everyone followed the sound and finally came to a dark room.

Zhu Dali took a step forward, opened the door and went in. The door creaked, and there was an obstruction sound.

Shh! Don't let her notice our arrival, stay vigilant, we have to be careful. Zhu Dali warned.

The lights on the walls were dim and there was an air of sadness and despair in the room. oops! I hate myself, I hate myself so much, why is this happening to me? a female voice cried.

Huang Ying gently stroked the wall and comforted: Don't be sad, we will help you solve the problem!

Medical officer Bian Yong leaned closer and listened to her cry. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he laughed softly.

What's wrong? What clues did you find? Zhu Dali asked curiously.

After listening to the female voice crying, medical officer Bian Yong forced out a smile: the story finally became interesting. This lady seems to know something.

Huang Ying shrugged: Then let us listen to her story! Maybe you can find key clues there.

They turned to face the voice, waiting for the woman to reveal more information.

Through the door, Zhu Dali asked: Can you tell us what happened? We are here to know the truth and help you.

After a moment of silence, the woman's voice cried again: My child... My precious child was taken away, and I am desperate... Who can believe my words?

Medical officer Bian Yong took a deep breath and said slowly: We believe in you, and we also believe that the criminal who kidnapped your child will get his retribution. Please tell us more details and we'll do our best to resolve the issue.

There was a glimmer of hope in the woman's voice: They are in the hands of the Guardians, an organization that maintains order. It is said that they hold important secrets. I want to find them and take back my child!

Zhu Dali clenched his fists, and his eyes flashed with determination: OK, we share the same hatred and hatred with you, and we will find your answer together.

Huang Ying stood up straight, and the power of the wind began to gather: We will bring those who wantonly destroy to justice and give you justice!

Medical officer Bian Yong smiled and nodded, his eyes flashing with determination: Not only those criminals, we also want to reveal the truth hidden in the darkness!

They left the room and headed to the Keeper's Hand's headquarters. Through various means and clues, they tried to find the place where the child was imprisoned.

This headquarters is really well-defended. It seems that they are very strict about secrets. Zhu Dali said with emotion.

Huang Ying frowned, with hesitation in her eyes: How should we get in?

Medical officer Bian Yong rubbed his chin enthusiastically:"But don't forget that I am a medical officer. I have a special skill that can help us sneak in." Hahaha!

Zhu Dali and Huang Ying exchanged glances with expressions of sudden realization.

It turns out that’s the case, he really has a face that’s trying to catch thieves and seize stolen goods! Zhu Dali couldn't help laughing.

Medical officer Bian Yong wiped his sweat and said with a smile: Stop joking, hurry up and follow me, I will bring you a surprise!

Everyone began to carry out covert operations, quietly passing through the heavy defense lines of the Guardian's hands.

Shh! Don't make any noise! Zhu Dali used his hand to signal everyone to stop.

Medical officer Bian Yong used magic to form an invisible barrier to cover them.

Huang Ying silently walked around to the side of the guard and launched a power attack.

Click! There was a sound of a broken neck, and the guard fell to the ground silently.

Everyone quickly passed the patrolling guards and continued moving forward without stopping.

Look, there's a door over there! Huang Ying noticed a gate and signaled to everyone.

Zhu Dali quickly approached the door and gently pushed it open with his hand.

What! Nothing? After entering the room, Zhu Dali pointed to an empty room in surprise.

Medical officer Bian Yong frowned and thought: This was supposed to be an important hiding place, and they might have removed important items in advance.

Huang Ying looked around and gradually felt nervous: Have we just been exposed? Could someone have discovered our whereabouts?

Just when they were worried, a projection appeared out of thin air on the wall.

You are very clever, and you were able to enter our base. The voice in the projection is full of sarcasm.

Zhu Dali stared at the projection with a sneer on his lips: Sure enough, I had expected that you would be well prepared. Come, show your true self!

The projection gradually dissipated, and a tall figure appeared in front of everyone. This is an elegantly dressed man with a cold light in his eyes.

Although it is regrettable that you discovered the truth, it is also expected. The man said coldly.

Huang Ying breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: Finally, we found the mastermind! Tell us, for what purpose did you abduct that woman's child?

The man smiled mysteriously, with a hint of cunning in his voice: I won't tell you easily. However, since you are so persistent and want answers, then lose to me and I will tell you everything!

Zhu Dali clenched his fists, exerted his full strength, and shouted indignantly: Let us see your strength!

Huang Ying's wind power surrounded her body, preparing for the upcoming battle.

Medical officer Bian Yong smiled and waved his staff, bursting with spiritual energy to provide support to everyone.

Let's see what kind of abilities you have! Zhu Dali puffed out his chest and took the first step.

The man sneered, a hint of fighting spirit flashed in his eyes, and their duel was about to begin.

Everyone fought fiercely with the man, using fists to the flesh and martial arts skills. The sound of swords clashing filled the air.

Whoosh! Huang Ying quickly punched with lightning.

The man dodged sideways, made a backhand move, slashed the air with his palm, and let out a sharp whistle.

Boom! Zhu Dali exerted earth-shaking palm power and instantly resisted the man's attack.

Medical officer Bian Yong moved quickly, deftly avoiding the man's precise attacks, and at the same time used unique magic spells to provide support for his partners.

The battle was in full swing and the atmosphere became increasingly tense. The strength of men made them feel great pressure, but they did not flinch and always maintained a firm will. watch out! Huang Ying concentrated her concentration and launched a series of attacks with her agility.

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