Shen Gongbao's expression changed. He knew that Huang Jing already had conclusive evidence and could no longer hide it.

General, I did have contact with the enemy general, but I have absolutely no intention of rebelling! Shen Gongbao explained bitterly.

Huang Jing frowned and looked coldly: Then what is your purpose? Why work with them?

Shen Gongbao took a deep breath and made up his mind. He knew that the matter had reached a critical moment and the truth must be told.

General, I saw a letter in the hands of the enemy general. The letter stated that Zhu Wen was willing to reach an agreement with Huang Jing on internal and external collusion to deal with us together. He wants to use my support to further weaken the rebel army. I don't know Zhu Wen's real purpose, I just carried out his instructions." Shen Gongbao defended.

Huang Jing's heart aroused huge fluctuations. He could not accept the fact that Zhu Wen betrayed him. His heart was in chaos and he needed time to sort out his thoughts.

Zhu Shouyi caught up and he saw Huang Jing's heart Feeling entangled, he comforted softly: General, we should not jump to conclusions hastily. Shen Gongbao may have been forced to behave like this. We must consider all possibilities, and we must not rush to make a judgment before it is clear.

Huang Jing After thinking for a moment, he finally calmed down. He realized that what Zhu Shouyi said made sense and he should not be too impulsive.

You are right, Zhu Shouyi. This matter is too complicated and I cannot make a one-sided judgment. We must be more vigilant, but we must not lose trust.. I will make a decision after I find out the truth.

When the generals saw this, they all nodded silently. The development of this incident made them very worried, but they believed in Huang Jing's wisdom and decisiveness.

A few days later, Huang Jing During the inspection, a secret letter was found hidden in Shen Gongbao's pocket. He opened it carefully and read it.

The letter read: Shen Gongbao, I know you are not stupid, so you should have seen through this matter long ago. But I hope you Can you understand the intention of my move. We lack strong assistance, and I hope to achieve greater victory through internal and external coordination. I hope you can think about it, is it worth our cooperation?

Huang Jing clenched his fists, and his heart was full of He was angry and disappointed. He always regarded Zhu Wen as a common enemy and never thought of cooperating with him.

"I will never betray the cause of the rebel army! Huang Jing said through gritted teeth.

He folded the letter, carefully put it back into Shen Gongbao's pocket, and ordered Shen Gongbao to be placed under house arrest and closely monitored his every move.

Huang Jing calmly thought about how to deal with Zhu Wen's challenge next. He realized that a more thorough plan must be made to fight Zhu Wen's conspiracy.

Zhu Cun was imprisoned by Huang Jing in a cell in Bianzhou City, and his hands and feet were tied tightly.

The cell was dark and damp, and Zhu Cunwang Staring at the surrounding walls, his heart was filled with endless anxiety and trouble. He knew that his situation was very dangerous, but he was not discouraged.

Huang Jing, I will not forgive you for your betrayal! Zhu Cun gritted his teeth, and a wave of anger ignited in his heart. A group of angry flames.

He recalled his interactions with Huang Jing again, and various signs made him doubt Huang Jing's loyalty. Zhu Cun had seen Huang Jing talking secretly with Shen Gongbao many times, and Huang Jing was always procrastinating about the cooperation plans he proposed.

Zhu Cun knew that the most important thing now was to get out of the predicament and find the truth. He began to observe the surrounding environment and tried to find opportunities to escape. Just now, a guard approached the cell.

He looked at Zhu Cun who was tied in the cell and sneered. : Zhu Cun, do you think you can escape?

Zhu Cun looked at the guard calmly, with a hint of determination in his eyes: Now that I have been arrested, it means that the battle is not over yet. I will find a way to break free and fight for Pay any price!

The guard laughed disdainfully: You traitor, how dare you be so arrogant! Your luck has run out, don't expect to escape!

Zhu Cun smiled slightly, knowing that words could no longer change the status quo. So, he Observing the surrounding environment attentively.

There was a small iron window in the cell, and the outside was the inside of the city wall. Zhu Cun understood that as long as he could get rid of his bonds and escape through the window, he would be able to regain his freedom.

Time passed by. , Zhu Cun pondered, looking for a breakthrough to escape. He found that the walls of the cell were made of solid stone, and he could not break out directly.

But when his eyes moved to the corner of the cell, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

There were piles of Looking at the damaged furniture and old wooden boards, this gave Zhu Cun a glimmer of hope.

He opened his mouth and said to the guard: Have you noticed the pile of seemingly useless things in the cell?

The guard curled his lips impatiently: You Do you think I care about these wastes?

Zhu Cun smiled and deliberately tried: Don't forget, we were friends. Are you willing to let me go and get freedom?

The guard frowned, but he did not respond. Zhu Cun He continued to talk and said: If I can use those wooden boards to make a mask that hides your true identity, you can escape and start a new life! The guard hesitated for a moment, raised his head and looked into Zhu Cun's eyes, and then nodded.

Okay, let me out, and I will make a new mask for you. The guard said softly.

Zhu Cun smiled and nodded. He knew that this was just the first step, and there were more difficulties waiting for them.

A few days later, all night long, With his efforts, Zhu Cun finally completed an exquisite mask. He handed the mask to the guard and analyzed the details of how to use the mask to escape from the prison.

When late night fell and the lights in the cell dimmed, Zhu Cun and the guard began their plan.

The guard quietly took off his mask, put it on, and completely changed his appearance. Taking advantage of the darkness, he quietly opened the cell door and walked lightly through the dark corridor.

Zhu Cunze played the role of being kidnapped in the cell.The character waits for the guard to successfully distract the guard before taking action.

After a while, the guard returned to the cell, opened the rope that tied Zhu Cun, and whispered: I have successfully deceived the guard, you now have a chance to escape. Remember, you must stay calm and get out of here as soon as possible!

Zhu Cun nodded, turned and walked towards the window. He carefully climbed through the window, gritting his teeth and holding on to a faint hope.

He climbed up the city wall and, guided by the moonlight, began his arduous journey to escape.

Huang Jing and the other generals realized that the guard was missing, and they exchanged worried looks.

Zhu Cun escaped! We must launch a manhunt immediately! Huang Jing ordered.

The generals responded one after another, knowing that they could not let Zhu Cun escape, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The rebel army moved quickly and orderly. The soldiers in the camp quickly prepared themselves and started searching in all directions.

Zhu Cun finally escaped back to Zhu Wen's military camp, where he lay exhausted in the tent. His heart was filled with the joy of victory, but also mixed with distrust of Huang Ying.

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