We approached the cave, as long as we found their location, Li Keyong would be saved! Zhang Side controlled the rhythm and led the crowd to approach the lair.

The generals entered the lair, their attention highly focused, and a trace of tension filled the air.

Be careful! There is an ambush! Li Siming roared and quickly launched a counterattack, knocking back a flying tiger hidden in the shadows.

The other generals followed, using their respective strengths to probe in the depths of the lair.

Liu Yueying,

you can't escape! Li Siyuan's eyes were cold, and he kept looking for Liu Yueying's figure.

Finally, in the

deepest part of the lair, Liu Yueying was trapped in an energy curtain wall, she could not escape, and stared at the generals with anger on her face.

Where is Li Ke used?!" Li Siyuan's voice was full of anger.

Liu Yueying looked at the generals with a sneer, and sneered: "Do you think I will tell you?

Zhang Side took a step forward, his brows furrowed, "You'd better explain clearly, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"

Liu Yueying looked at them and gritted her teeth, "Even if you find him, you won't be able to save him! It's already too late!".

The generals were in their hearts, but they did not give up, they knew that as long as there was a glimmer of hope, they had to persevere.

Suddenly, the energy curtain wall behind Liu Yueying fluctuated violently, and a figure appeared beside her.

"Liu Yueying, your time is up. The figure said, his voice cold and resolute.

is a mysterious figure wearing a black cloak.

Liu Yueying's eyes widened and she looked at him in shock.

"Why are you here?!" she stammered.

The mysterious figure smiled and looked at the generals, "You don't need to worry about him. "

The generals stared nervously at the mysterious figure, still full of doubts.


mysterious figure raised the black staff in his hand, and a dark energy was released, quickly dissipating the energy curtain wall around Liu Yueying.

Who are you? Liu Yueying asked in horror.

The corners of the mysterious person's mouth rose slightly, his eyes inadvertently swept over the generals, and said slowly: I am the messenger of justice, and I am here to save Li Keyong for the last time.

The generals' hearts were shocked, and they could see that the mysterious figure exuded an extraordinary aura, and it was unimaginably powerful.

Do you know where Li Ke is used? Zhang Side asked expectantly, staring at the mysterious figure tightly.

The mysterious figure nodded, and said with a solemn expression: Li Keyong is trapped in a very dangerous place, and only by passing a trial can he be saved.

Tell us that we are willing to risk our lives to save him!" Li Siming said firmly.


mysterious figure was silent for a moment, then raised his staff and pointed at the generals, and said with a solemn expression: "Are you willing to accept the trial?" But be prepared, it will be difficult and dangerous.

The generals exchanged glances, and they all agreed that the mission of saving Li Keyong was more important than their own life and death.

We are willing to accept the trial! Please tell us the specific task!" Zhang Side replied solemnly.

The mysterious figure nodded, his voice solemn.

You need to go to Jiuqu Mountain and find the 'Fountain of Eternal Life' at the end of the

mountain, and only through the baptism of the 'Fountain of Eternal Life' can you gain enough strength to rescue Li Keyong. But keep in mind that the task is difficult and dangerous, and once you decide to enter Jiuqu Mountain, you must prepare for the worst.

The generals were silent, they knew that this might be their last chance, and only by facing the challenge could they hope to save Li Keyong from his predicament.

We will succeed!Please tell us the specific location of Jiuqu Mountain. Zhang Side said firmly.


mysterious figure pondered for a moment, then pointed to the mountain peaks in the distance.

The Nine Curved Mountains

are there, but remember that upon entering the Nine Curved Mountains, you will face countless trials and dangers, and only through these tests will you reach the Fountain of Eternal Life.

The generals were silent for a moment, and then said in unison: We must go!

They clasped their fists together and saluted, expressing their determination.

Crossing cliffs

and dense jungles, the generals came to the foot of Jiuqu Mountain.

The mountain is steep and has a mysterious and menacing atmosphere.

There is Jiuqu Mountain ahead, everyone is ready to meet the challenge! Zhang Side boosted morale.

The generals were ready to embark on the journey of Jiuqu Mountain step by step.

The mountain roads of Jiuqu Mountain are narrow and rugged, and there are often rocks rolling down and thorns in the shadows.

Sometimes they have to

climb cliffs, sometimes they have to cross dense forests, and every step is fraught with danger.


Suddenly, with a crisp sound, a boulder rolled down from the mountain and smashed it swiftly towards the generals.

Get out of the way!" Li Siyuan hurriedly shouted, and they jumped to both sides.

The boulder crashed down, sending a splash of rolling stones and suffocating dust filling the air.

The generals did not dare to be careless, and cautiously continued to move forward. They understood that this was only the beginning of the trials of Jiuqu Mountain.

Entering the danger zone of the first level, everyone should pay close attention! Zhang Side reminded everyone.

As you go deeper and deeper into Jiuqu Mountain, the difficulty and danger gradually increase.

Not only do they have to deal with steep cliffs, winding mountain streams, but they also have to deal with unknown creatures and dangerous traps hidden in the dark.

Beware! There is a trap! Li Siming shouted violently, and quickly jumped to avoid a stone tablet on the flat ground.

Behind the stele, a bottomless trap appeared before their eyes.

The generals' hearts were shocked, and they felt the cruelty and danger of the trial in Jiuqu Mountain.

We must move forward cautiously and give the other party enough respect and vigilance!" Zhang Side said in a deep voice.

The generals cautiously continued to walk, cautiously searching for a way to escape in the area full of traps.

In the test of Jiuqu Mountain, they were on the verge of life and death every time, and they faced unpredictable dangers at any time.

But they never gave up, and the hope in their hearts drove them to continue to move forward bravely.

The generals struggled to climb the steep mountain walls and resist the wind with great difficulty.


Suddenly, a rock on the mountain wall loosened and rolled down towards the generals.

Get out of the way!" Wang Ziming hurriedly shouted, and they all looked for a place to take refuge.

The rocks crashed, creating a cacophony of dust and rubble.

The generals' eyes froze, carefully dodging the power brought by the rolling stones, and did not dare to slack off.

And in front of them, the trials of Jiuqu Mountain are becoming more and more difficult, and every step requires great effort and determination.

As the altitude increases, the temperature plummets, making it chilling.

We continue to insist that as long as we pass through this cold, we will be able to gain stronger strength! Zhang Side encouraged everyone.

The generals supported each other, gritted their teeth, and fearlessly climbed to the top of the higher peak.

The cold wind blew bitterly, making a shuddering sound, as if there were countless chilly whispers.

They resisted the cold, strengthened their determination to move forward, and constantly stepped on new peaks.

They faced all kinds of trials and traps in the Jiuqu Mountain, sometimes encountering strange-shaped monsters, sometimes encountering mysterious illusions.

What kind of place is this? Li Siyuan looked around and saw an ancient village in an illusion.

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