Hidden Corners

Chapter 118: Chapter 118


Li Chengyi thinks his name should not be difficult to write

No wonder he didn't find the other party when he looked around just now. The relationship was written wrong at the beginning?

Carrying the bag, he strode around the fence and walked to the other side.

"Hi, I'm Cheng Yi."

"Hello, hello." The man put down the sign, handed it to a fair-skinned girl beside him, extended his hand and shook Li Chengyi friendly.

"My name is Levi, I'm happy to sleep with you."

"Shall we use translation software?" The fair-skinned girl beside her rolled her eyes and said.

She spoke Baixing language, but Li Chengyi still felt that Baixing language was more convenient than the black man's half-baked Yiguo dialect which was full of mistakes.

Taking out his mobile phone, he was about to open the translation software.

"Using translation software here is very slow. The database is not easy to use, and there are many slang words. Also, there is no satellite service here. If your mobile phone has no signal, you can only buy a local data card to go online. But the base station often fails, and sometimes even It will still be bombed, so it happens intermittently." The white-skinned woman explained.

She took out a small black box, and the voice came from inside.

That voice happened to be extremely standard Yi Guoyu.

"My name is Elf, and he's Li Wei. We're here at Light Star Travel Agency. We've already planned your specific itinerary for you, Mr. Cheng. The visa is also done, and we're going to Mukesa Over there, the road may be a bit difficult." The fair-skinned girl said rightly.

"so what?"

"So we flew over." The girl Elf replied.

Twenty minutes later.

Three black dots floated in mid-air, and flew towards the direction of a piece of yellow sand in the distance.

Looking closely, each of the three black dots is a person.

A fully armed living person with a huge propeller rotating above his head and a large fan on his back.

Li Chengyi was among them.

There was a violent sound of wind in my ears, and the sound of the propeller rotating above my head that made my teeth tingle and my whole body itched.

He glanced down, and the height of hundreds of meters made his legs weak.

This is not the two or three floors he usually likes to jump. It's a real 100-meter altitude.

once fell

"I said, how long are we going to arrive?!" He asked loudly.

"It's just ahead. Ten minutes at most." The girl Elf replied.

"There's no one down here!"

"Yeah, the place you go to is no one, that is, we dare to take it. There are not many people who can take this job!" Elf replied loudly.

"Then I have to thank you all." Li Chengyi replied.

"No, if you encounter someone with a gun on the road, don't make a sound, just take out the money and hold it high, then nod and smile, and we will handle the rest!" Elf reminded.


Li Chengyi nodded and made a good gesture.

Before they set off, the two told them many times not to talk when they encountered trouble, they would deal with it.

It can be seen that Skittle Candy must have paid them a lot, otherwise they would not be so responsible.

"Speaking of which, why is there no satellite service here?" he asked again.

"It used to be, but it was destroyed later, so it's gone." Elf replied. "The base station only transfers the service from Baixing, and the fee is very expensive."

"How expensive?" Li Chengyi still wanted to ask.

But Elf raised her hand, motioning to look at the ground.

Li Chengyi looked in the direction of her finger.

The ground is yellow and sandy, and between two sand dunes stands a small town that has been clearly deserted.

There are scattered gray-green plants in the town, and the buildings with a maximum of two or three floors are like building blocks, with simple and rough structures.

The three of them slowly landed on the folded solo flying device.

"This is the town of Mukesha you are coming to." Elf pointed to the uninhabited town in front of him.

"This was the address of the Jilkini people many years ago, and then they disappeared, so we can only send you here. How do we get there?" she asked.

"Go in and take a look." Li Chengyi looked at the village and town in front of him. If he was close to the prototype of the dead end, he might be able to enter the memory flash.

As long as the memory flash is close to the prototype address, it may appear, so go in and have a look first.

He picked up his luggage and took the lead in striding towards the deserted village.

"Stop!" A loud shout suddenly came from behind.

Someone called them back in Baixing language.

The three turned around quickly, and saw four black men in yellow military uniforms, holding submachine guns, approaching them quickly from a short distance.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" The tall, thin black soldier who took the lead asked coldly, speaking his unproficient Baixing language with a fierce look.

"We have reported in advance, Starlight Travel Agency." Black Levi stepped forward to negotiate.

"I know you have reported it, but you are not allowed to enter this place." The black soldier said stiffly.

"How many big brothers? We paid the money, and handed it over to Blue Deer's logistics office? How about calling and asking?" Elf raised her hand to signal Li Chengyi to stop talking, and walked forward to accompany him with a smile.

The three looked at each other, and one of them took out a walkie-talkie, pressed it a few times, and put it to his ear.

After listening for a while, his face softened.

"Okay, you can enter, but you are only allowed to stay in Mukesa, and the time cannot exceed one hour. You are not allowed to go out of this range! Do you know?"

"I know." Elf nodded quickly with a smile.

The three soldiers glanced at Li Chengyi, who was holding up the money with a blank expression on his face. Knowing that he was a tourist, he didn't understand the language, and he didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he turned and walked away with his gun.

Elf turned around and conveyed the request to Li Chengyi.

You can only watch it for one hour, and you are not allowed to go beyond the village and town of Mukesa.

Li Chengyi naturally agreed.

"Okay, let's go in then."

The black Levi took the lead and walked in the front.

"Who were those just now?" Li Chengyi asked.

"People from the nearby armed organization Blue Antlers, this place is under their control now. Anyway, don't worry about it, just go and come out." Elf said quickly. "It's really weird. There has been no one in this ghost place for decades, and there are still people watching."

Li Chengyi nodded, looking at the deserted villages and towns in front of him, and at the dazzlingly hot sun in the sky.

He lifted his foot forward and was the first to enter the village.


The sand boots just crossed the yellow earth wall around Mukesa.

A vague sense of dizziness suddenly swept over.

'Is it too hot? Heatstroke? '

Li Chengyi tried his best to stabilize his body, and looked forward again.

Those khaki-colored small buildings, with black holes all over the body, seem to be unable to let in any light under the sun.

Looking in from the outside, you can't see anything, and you can't see anything clearly.

He quickened his pace, looked back at the two guides Elf and Li Wei, and made sure they were still there. Then move on.

Walk into the earth buildings.

The tall buildings cast gray shadows, enveloping him.

The heat wave also swept across the buildings, making him feel hot all over, and his vision was blurred.

He took out the water bottle and took a sip. The ice water that had been poured just before departure was now warm.

He quickened his pace, took out his mobile phone and looked at the email information just sent by Skittle Candy. The signal here is not good, and it took a long time to transmit the data after applying for a local card, and the transmission is only now completed.

'The original prototype of the Lonely Doll, according to multiple investigations, was determined to come from the town of Sutan Mukesa, the Gilkini people who existed 30 years ago. '

'The Gilkini people have a custom for a long time. They believe that children will be attacked by many invisible things when they are young. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of their children, they will find various ways to make a substitute A surrogate for her own child, and let the surrogate sleep on the bed, while her own child hides under the bed.

Because it is dark and quiet under the bed, it is the easiest place to hide and keep safe. '

'Later, after the Jilkini were massacred and disappeared, the legend of the Lonely Doll suddenly spread for some reason. Many people believe that the dead children of the Gilkini people always like to hide under the bed, and when people are not paying attention, they stretch out their hands and pull people down.

In the tracing of the original prototype, I found in the data that the Gilkini people have not completely disappeared, and there are still a few of them who have successfully escaped.

It's just that these people didn't appear anywhere in Su Tan, they seemed to have disappeared.

Maybe it's because she changed her appearance incognito, but no one can tell.

But among these clansmen, there was a girl.’

The writing of Skittle Candy stopped here.

'You must be no stranger to this girl. '

Continue with a new line below.

Li Chengyi narrowed his eyes and continued to read.

‘Her name is Etherine Elsa. '


In an instant, Li Chengyi stopped under his feet.

An inexplicable feeling came to him.

He turned back to the front and looked at the year of this document.

'Thirty years ago. '

'Is it the same name? ’ he guessed. Read on.

'Here is a picture of Etherine once. '

Swish it.

An old color photo came into his eyes.

It was a little blond girl in a white nightgown.

Her face is calm, standing in the middle of the picture, her eyes are hollow and dark. Behind it is a quiet and uninhabited khaki-colored building.

It seems that it was taken in the town of Mukesa.

The moment Li Chengyi saw the photo, his hand shook slightly.

'Exactly the same! '

He recalled the Estherine he met in the blind corner, the two were basically exactly the same!


At this moment, there was a crisp sound from the left.

Li Chengyi quickly looked up to the left window.

On the barren, dusty window sill, a black hand was pulling at the edge, and then shrinking inward little by little.

"Who's there?" Li Chengyi asked quickly in Bai Xingyu.

no answer.

The hand was completely retracted, retracting into the dark window.

He was standing in the middle of a narrow building with a width of just over one meter.

There are earth walls on both sides, and every few meters in front and back, there will be dark door openings and window openings.

Under the surging heat wave, everything seemed to be twisting and floating.

Li Chengyi put away his mobile phone, looked at the location of the door opening, took a stride, accelerated, and rushed towards the entrance of the building on the left.


As soon as he entered, he saw a blond girl in a white nightgown standing at the corner of the stairs in the dark living room on the first floor.

She looked here from a distance, then turned and went up to the second floor.

‘This ghostly place has been deserted for thirty years. How could there be a little girl here alone? '

No need to think about it, Li Chengyi understood that this is probably the prototype of the dead end!

He didn't rush over quickly.

The danger of the blind spot of Clenching Hands is far more dangerous than the rest. Just touch it and it might disappear.

So keeping the reaction distance is the most important thing.

He moved forward step by step, slowly walking towards the stairs.

What's strange is that the surrounding area is obviously sunny, but the inside of the building is extremely dark, as if no light from outside can penetrate at all.

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