Hidden Corners

Chapter 122: Chapter 122

"Damn! I'm dead again! Who of you picked up my equipment! I'll fuck you if I don't have a gun!!" ——Longmen Crane.

"Don't worry, I'll pull you when I break through! I have a resurrection bag, it's useless for you to get up anyway, you can pull it anytime." —— Skittles.

"I died thirteen times in half an hour! What's the matter!? This game has no sense of experience!" - Longmen Crane.

Li Chengyi was speechless, silently deleted the words he wanted to call, and then scrolled up to view the historical chat records.

For a long time, this group of people was playing a battle shooting game.

"You guys, are you all right?" - Cheng Yi.

He sent a query.

"Brother Cheng! Brother Cheng is still alive! I thought he was dead!" - Longmen Crane.

This guy can't speak at all and wants to beat him.

Li Chengyi's face twitched.

"Xiao Tang, how is your investigation?" - Cheng Yi.

"I'm quitting, I'm going to report to Brother Cheng first." Rainbow Candy sent a group chat and quickly replied to Li Chengyi.

"My side is okay. One leg is temporarily lame. When it flashed, it was touched by the black hand and a large piece of meat was missing. Fortunately, I moved quickly. I remember what you said, brother Cheng. I cut it off with a knife. Half of the meat, the rest is fine, everything is normal."

She posted a photo of her beautiful legs, all white.

Well, a large part of the calf of the right leg was missing, and it was tightly bound by a white bandage.

"Thank you for your hard work. I will remember this time." - Cheng Yi.

He also didn't expect that this group of blind people would do this for a newly formed team.

"Anyway, we may not have this at any time. It's just a small injury. Daxiong's family has tissue culture filling surgery, using their own cells to grow their own meat, and it will be repaired in a few days." Rainbow Candy dislikes slow typing, so she simply applied directly by voice .

Li Chengyi clicked on the connection, and as soon as he connected it, there were bursts of moans that made people's blood spurt.

"Damn, my voice is tuned wrong! Wait a minute." There was a crackling noise on the Skittle Candy side.

Soon the voice quieted down.

"Ah, okay, okay, brother Cheng, just pretend you didn't hear." Rainbow Candy laughed dryly. "We step on the tightrope every day now, maybe in a few days there will be no more people, and our hobbies will become a little more unrestrained."

"Just as long as you're happy." Li Chengyi was speechless. "How about the information over there?"

"I didn't have much time to collect after I went in, but Cucumber helped me find some."

Skittles Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua sent over a bunch of graphic materials.

"In addition, I didn't meet the Iseline you mentioned, Brother Cheng. I was the only one in the bedroom I went in, and there was no one else. The layout of the room was also different from what you described."

Li Chengyi clicked on the information.

It is all about the verification of various customs and traditions of the Gilkini people.

Especially the collection of substitutes is particularly comprehensive.

"In addition, I was in a blind spot over there and found that not all the people in the previous fire died. The boy who killed his whole family missed a neighbor's child who was hiding under the bed and came to their house as a guest .” Skittles said solemnly.

"Coincidentally, the child is a girl, and her name is"


Li Chengyi shivered slightly.

"Is it a coincidence that they have the same name?"

"It should be, is this one of the reasons for the fusion of the two dead ends?" Skittle Candy is not sure.

"How did she survive?" Li Chengyi asked.

"Hiding under the bed for more than half an hour, until the fire was extinguished by firefighters, she was rescued in a semi-conscious state. She suffered burns in many places all over her body, but she was still alive."

"So now we have a preliminary discussion and feel that the way to escape is probably to hide under the bed and wait for at least half an hour." Rainbow Candy replied.

"You can try. My side." Li Chengyi began to describe the situation on his side in detail.

While speaking, he also began to click on the information and read it carefully.

‘The Gilkini believe in an ultra-ancient behemoth named Asraduni. They believe that all the real cognitions of human beings are just dreams created unintentionally by Asla Duni while he was asleep. '

‘In the belief of the Gilkinians, only they themselves are the real thing, and they are like living on an island surrounded by countless fakes, surrounded by an ocean of illusory dreams. '

A picture is attached below.

On the black and white oil painting, there is a pitch black sea with a white eye in the middle.

If you take a closer look, you will find that there are many white villains standing on the eyes.

They seem to represent the Gilkinians.

'So, in order to seek the protection of Asla Duni, in order to avoid the strange and dangerous invasion in the infinite black sea around.

They spread the method of substitution.

Use a few sacrifices to attract the attention of weird and dangerous people, and then hide yourself and smear your face with white flour to pretend that you are also a member of the Black Sea and avoid danger. '

Below is a photo of applying white face powder on the face.

'In addition, due to the serious patriarchal thinking, the Gilkini people usually choose girls as victims and make them into substitutes. Boys are the preserves. '

When Li Chengyi saw this text, everything was connected in his mind instantly.

The room hidden deep in the basement was full of traces of boys, while the bedroom upstairs was full of traces of girls.

'Could it be that Estherine is a substitute for her brother! ? '

This guess flashed through his mind.

It's very possible.

"Because the Gilkini people believe that all the reality of the world is a dream of the great beast Asla Duni, so they believe that the bed that can produce dreams is protected by the great beast.

In the dark ocean, the safest thing is the bed you sleep on. They compared the bed to a boat, which can swim freely in the black sea without being discovered by those weird dangers. "

‘In the belief of the Gilkini people, the bed has the function of communicating the real Black Sea and the illusory reality, which is a very wonderful thing. Because of the opposite cognition of reality and illusion, many of them seek to take hallucinogenic herbs to keep themselves in a psychedelic state for a long time, and explain that everything they see in this psychedelic state is the real reality.

According to records, before the massacre thirty years ago, the total population of Gilkinis had been declining year by year. Before the massacre, according to the Census Bureau, their total number was only 3,672. '

"A bunch of pathetic lunatics." Li Chengyi commented upon seeing this.

"That's right. At first I thought they were using other things to make substitutes, but I didn't expect to use living people. It's disgusting enough, this nation." Skittle Candy replied.

Patriarchy obviously hit her pain point.

"In other words, the current method of escape is to make a preliminary determination, hide under the bed, and wait for at least half an hour?" Li Chengyi asked.

"It's just a preliminary confirmation, but I don't think it will be that simple." Skittles said.

"This electronic device on my side may contain information, I'll bring it back and restore it first." Li Chengyi said.

"Thirty years ago, things are probably moldy now. It's not easy to restore." Rainbow Candy said.

"Leave it to me, this is my major." Xiao Zong joined the voice group chat and laughed in his half-baked Yiguo dialect.

"As long as the original has not been physically damaged or completely corroded, it will be no problem to restore most of the data." Xiao Zong is very confident.

"Then. I'll be right back." Li Chengyi said in a deep voice.

"Brother Cheng, did Brother Xiao Hao just start?" Skittle Candy asked suddenly.

"What's the matter? I don't know. I've been in the hotel all the time. I just went to take a shower." Li Chengyi replied.

"Su Tan Blue Deer just issued an emergency notice. One of their company's patrol soldiers was attacked by mysterious forces and has been completely wiped out. There seems to be traces of flying instruments at the scene, and the address is in Mukesa Town." Skittle Candy road.

"Then I don't know." Li Chengyi beat him to death and refused to admit it.

"The air ticket has been booked. Brother Cheng, come back immediately, otherwise you may be in danger. Blue Deer's masters have noticed that there may be trouble." Rainbow Candy said in a serious tone.

"It's useless, the plane back to Yiguo from Muen Airport has been blocked, and Blue Deer is so quick! Brother Cheng, I'll book you a ticket to Hill Airport, which is 40 kilometers away! You'd better leave immediately!" Dahei joined The group chat quickly said.

"I can't book a ticket online! How did you book it!?" Rainbow Candy asked in surprise.

"I have some friends over there, Tangmei. Many things can't be done online alone. It's time to go, Brother Cheng. The time is two hours from your side." Dahei said quickly.


Li Chengyi really realized the strength of his team this time.

The boss's company is far behind. In Su Tan's place, I thought I could only rely on myself, but I didn't expect everyone in the small team to gather together, and all aspects were arranged quite properly.

The news is also very well-informed.

Immediately packed up his things, left a message for the two of Elf, and told them to be careful, Li Chengyi took advantage of the local map route given by Dahei to determine the direction.

Then he picked up his luggage and opened the door.


He stopped.

Just stood at the door, did not go forward.

Outside the door, the brightly lit hotel corridor, which was previously covered with carpets, was completely darkened at this time.

The shadows are like thick ink that cannot be melted, constantly flowing and lingering outside the door.

Can't see anything, can't see anything.

It's like there are two spaces inside and outside the door.

"Almost." Li Chengyi took a deep breath, closed the door gently, and turned around.

'Just a little bit.'

He held his breath.

Fortunately, some investigation finally found a feasible solution.

In the room, the lights were still bright, and it was still the hotel room furnishings.

But Li Chengyi knew that everything was different.

He thought for a while, quickly dragged his things, put on the wisteria flower scale clothes form, then hastily packed some food and drink, and quickly got under the bed.

Before there is any danger, he can try to see if the method is feasible!

As soon as he lay down on the ground, he saw Estherine wearing a white nightgown, cowering and hiding under the bed, her big blue eyes looking at him in horror.

But soon, it seemed that she had recognized someone, and the panic in the girl's eyes quickly faded away.

"Ji Li Gu Lu Ji Li Gu Lu!" She opened her mouth in a burst of Su Tan.

Li Chengyi immediately took out his mobile phone to translate.

"You still here?"

"Come in, the outside is about to change again!" Iseline grabbed Li Chengyi's arm and tried to pull it to the bottom of the bed.

"What's changed again? What did you mean when you said three times last time?" Li Chengyi squeezed in and moved to her side.

Because of his size, he could only lie on his stomach instead of curling up like the thin Etherine.

"Three times. Shhh!" Suddenly Estherine raised her finger, as a gesture of silence.

At this time, she was completely healthy and alive, and she couldn't see the miserable appearance outside at all.

Li Chengyi immediately fell silent, and wanted to type and translate for her on his mobile phone.

Suddenly, in the room outside, the bright lights began to dim slowly.

The temperature dropped significantly.

What surprised Li Chengyi even more was that the edge of the bed also changed.

The bed where he slept was covered with black and white checked sheets.

But at this moment, the sheet quickly turned black and hardened, turning into a stone-like texture.

He gently reached out to touch it, and the hard and cold touch came back, even the scaled clothes couldn't block the chill.

"Shh!" Estherine on the side quickly patted him, and made a silent gesture again.

Then, she put her little head on the ground and looked out of the bed sideways.

Li Chengyi followed her example, and also put his head down, stuck it on the ground, and looked out.


At this moment, the scenery outside caused his pupils to shrink, a coldness surged all over his body, and goosebumps appeared on the surface of his skin.

The outside is no longer the furnishings and carpets of the previous hotel.

It is a spacious and empty hall.

A black stone hall with round arched doors and windows everywhere.

It was gray outside the window, and nothing could be seen, shrouded in thick fog.

And in the hall.

A group of men in black cloaks was standing.

Their faces were pale, as if smeared with white flour, and the cloaks on their bodies were also embroidered with various strange and unknown symbols.

The most important thing is not this.

What really made Li Chengyi nervous was the lower body of these cloaked figures.

Their lower bodies should be where their legs should be, and they are all clusters of black tentacles.

Between the tentacles, there are black mist and red light spots flowing and lingering. At first glance, it is definitely not a posture that modern technology can create.


Estherine who was on the side suddenly patted him.

Li Chengyi turned his head and looked at her.

Etherine pointed to the phone, leaned closer, and said in an extremely low volume.

"They are believers! They are friendly and believe in equal value and fair trade. You can exchange things with them."


Thank you for the recommendation of Lao Lang. If you are interested, you can also go and see Han Gaozu, the father of Lao Lang in the history department.

Yesterday's new additions decreased a little, but not much, and Lao Gun was still very pleased.

This means that among the friends who read the old books, the proportion of college entrance examination candidates is very small.

It seems that I didn't affect the study cause of the third party in high school, which is the best. Finally, I wish all candidates and friends that they can get into their favorite university majors.

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